Syphilis, a sexually transmitted infection (STI), is still a worldwide health issue that affects almost 1.11% of the population despite progress in prevention and treatment. Thus, it is essential to know the syphilis symptoms, along with its possible complications and treatments, in order to manage the disease effectively.
Keep reading!
Table of Contents
What is Syphilis?
Symptoms of Syphilis
Complications of Syphilis
Symptoms of Syphilis in Females
Syphilis Symptoms in Men
Congenital Syphilis Symptoms
Diagnosis of Syphilis
Treatment of Syphilis
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Syphilis?
Syphilis is an infection caused by the bacterium Treponema pallidum. It is primarily spread through sexual contact, such as vaginal, anal, and oral sex, if there is direct contact with an infected sore or lesion. It can also be transmitted from a pregnant woman to her unborn child during pregnancy and can lead to congenital syphilis.
This STI has been known historically as the "great imitator" because it causes a range of symptoms that mimic those of other diseases, making it difficult to diagnose.
What are the Symptoms of Syphilis?
Syphilis symptoms vary depending on the disease stage: primary, secondary, latent, and tertiary. It is important to note that in some stages, syphilis has no symptoms, and hence, one may be a carrier and spreader of the disease without knowing.
1.Primary Stage (Chancre)
The first stage of syphilis usually appears three weeks after exposure, though the symptoms can be visible between ten and ninety days after infection with the bacteria. In this stage, the characteristic symptom is the development of a chancre, which is a painless, small sore or ulcer at the point of infection, typically on the genitalia, anus, or mouth.
Primary Syphilis Symptoms:
●Chancre Appearance: The chancre is painless, firm, and rounded and usually has a clean, raised border. It can persist for three to six weeks and, in some cases, heals spontaneously, even if left untreated.
●Lymph Node Swelling: Swollen lymph nodes can also occur at the site of the chancre, usually in the groin, armpits, or neck. These nodes are generally painless.
●Contagious Stage: Syphilis is very contagious in its first stage and can be passed to another individual through direct contact with the chancre during sex.
2.Secondary Stage (Rash and Systemic Symptoms)
Untreated syphilis later progresses to its secondary stage, typically occurring within a period of 6 weeks to 6 months after the chancre appears. During this stage, the body undergoes more extensive impacts of the infection brought about by the bacteria, which spread all over the body.
Secondary Syphilis Symptoms:
●Skin Rash: The most common symptom is a coarse, red, or scaly skin rash on the palms of the hands or the soles of the feet.
●Mucous Patches and Condyloma Lata: Bleeding grey or white ulcers, also known as mucous patches, appear in the mouth, throat, or genital tract. Wart-like growths, called condyloma lata, are also present in the genital or anal region.
●Flu-like Symptoms: The person can have fever, sore throat, swollen lymph glands, and fatigue.
●Hair Loss: Patchy baldness may occur on the scalp in some people.
If the symptoms of secondary syphilis are not treated, they may disappear by themselves. Nevertheless, the infection remains active in the body and can progress to the latent stage.
3.Latent Stage (Dormant Infection)
The latent stage occurs when there are no symptoms, yet the bacteria remain in the body. This phase can last for years. During this time, the patient is not contagious unless the infection re-emerges and advances to the secondary stage.
Latent Stage Symptoms:
●Asymptomatic Phase: During this period, most individuals do not experience symptoms. However, the bacteria remain in the body.
●Reactivation: The infection may reactivate and develop into secondary syphilis, particularly within the first year of infection but also afterwards.
4.Tertiary Stage (Late Syphilis)
If syphilis is left untreated, it can progress to the tertiary phase even 10 to 30 years after the initial infection. This is the most advanced stage and can cause permanent damage to many organs, such as the heart, blood vessels, liver, bones, and the nervous system.
Tertiary Syphilis Symptoms:
●Gummas: Soft, rubbery, benign growths that can occur in the skin, bones, or organs.
●Cardiovascular Syphilis: Extensive damage to blood vessels and the heart, such as aortic aneurysm, which can lead to rupture.
●Neurosyphilis: Involves the nervous system, and symptoms can include headaches, coordination problems, paralysis, numbness, and dementia. Meningitis, i.e. inflammation of the brain and spinal cord coverings, is also a risk.
What are the Complications of Syphilis?
If not treated, syphilis disease can cause severe health problems:
●Infertility: Syphilis can damage the reproductive system, causing infertility in both men and women.
●Neurological Damage: Neurosyphilis can result in permanent nerve damage, affecting memory and motor skills.
●Risk of HIV Transmission: Syphilis sores increase the risk of getting or passing the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV).
●Stillbirth and Premature Birth: Women with untreated syphilis can cause congenital syphilis, leading to stillbirth, premature birth, or developmental complications for the infant.
What are the Symptoms of Syphilis in Females?
The signs of syphilis in women are typically identical to those of men but less apparent. This makes the risk of undiagnosed or untreated syphilis even higher. The symptoms of syphilis in females can occur in various stages:
Primary Syphilis Symptoms
●Chancre: A painless sore or ulcer at the point of infection, often on the genital, anal, or oral mucosa.
●The sore is rounded and firm and heals spontaneously within 3 to 6 weeks in most cases.
Secondary Syphilis Symptoms
●Vaginal Ulcers: Painful blisters may occur on the genitals.
●Skin Rash: Rashes usually appear on the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands and are red, rough, or scaly.
●Flu-like Symptoms: There may be symptoms of tiredness, swollen lymph glands, sore throat, and fever.
●Mucous Patches: White or gray patches that occur in the mouth, genitalia, or throat.
Complications (if left untreated)
●Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): Untreated syphilis may lead to PID, resulting in infertility and other reproductive issues.
●Transmission Risk: Risk of infection transmission to sexual partners during active stages of the disease.
What are the Syphilis Symptoms in Men?
Syphilis symptoms in men typically persist similarly to those in women, though they exhibit some different characteristics.
Primary Syphilis Symptoms
●Chancre: Painless, hard sore at the site of infection (genital, anus, or mouth).
●The chancre is spontaneously cured within a short while, but the bacteria stays in the body.
Secondary Syphilis Symptoms
●Skin Rash: Red, rough, or scaly redness usually visible on the palms of hands or the soles of the feet.
●Mucous Patches: Sore throat, sore mouth, or sore genital tract.
●Flu-like Symptoms: Sore throat, fever, swollen lymph glands, and exhaustion.
Complications (If Not Treated)
●Organ Damage: Syphilis, if not treated, can progress to its third stage, with severe damage to organs like the heart, blood vessels, and the nervous system.
What are the Congenital Syphilis Symptoms?
Congenital syphilis happens when a mother passes on the disease to her baby during pregnancy or birth. This can lead to severe health problems for the baby.
Symptoms in Infants
●Skin Rashes: Reddish, patchy rashes on the skin.
●Fever: The infant can develop a high temperature.
●Enlarged Lymph Nodes: The lymph nodes within the baby’s body can become larger.
●Bone and Teeth Issues: Bones and teeth can be disfigured or injured.
Severe Complications
●Stillbirth: The baby can die during birth in severe cases.
●Premature Birth: The infant might be born prematurely and can develop several developmental and health issues.
●Developmental Issues: If not treated, the infant can suffer from permanent physical and mental retardation.
How do Doctors Diagnose Syphilis?
Syphilis is diagnosed through laboratory tests because its signs can also be that of other diseases.
General Diagnostic Methods
●Blood Tests: They can identify antibodies formed in response to Treponema pallidum. The common blood tests include:
❖Rapid Plasma Reagin (RPR)
❖Venereal Disease Research Laboratory (VDRL)
❖Fluorescent Treponemal Antibody-Absorption (FTA-ABS)
❖Treponema Pallidum Particle Agglutination (TP-PA)
●Microscopic Examination: A chancre sample from the initial stage can be viewed under a microscope to trace the bacteria.
●CSF Analysis: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) can be tested for infection if neurosyphilis is suspected.
What are the Treatment Methods for Syphilis?
Syphilis is curable with antibiotics, and the most effective treatment is penicillin:
●Penicillin Injection: The preferred treatment is a single intramuscular dose of penicillin. In more serious cases of syphilis, further doses are needed.
●Penicillin Allergy Alternatives: The patient with a penicillin allergy can be treated with doxycycline or tetracycline.
●Follow-up Testing: Patients are normally followed up with testing to ensure that the infection has been cleared.
If you notice syphilis symptoms in yourself or your loved ones, you should visit a healthcare provider for testing and treatment. Now, given the high healthcare costs, availing syphilis treatment can be an expensive affair.
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Will syphilis clear up by itself?
<p>Although early syphilis might clear up on its own, the bacteria remains in the body and can cause long-term damage. Treatment is essential to prevent serious complications.<br> </p>
What are the early-stage syphilis symptoms?
<p>The early-stage syphilis symptoms include a painless sore (chancre) on the genitals, anus or mouth, along with swollen lymph nodes, non-itchy rash, and flu-like symptoms. <br> </p>
How does syphilis spread?
<p>Syphilis can spread through sexual contact, such as vaginal, anal, and oral sex, in case there is direct contact with an infected sore or lesion. Also, a pregnant woman affected by this STI can transmit it to her unborn child, leading to congenital syphilis. <br> </p>
How long does it take for syphilis symptoms to appear?
<p>Symptoms usually manifest within three weeks after exposure, though sometimes they can take up to 90 days. <br> </p>
Can syphilis be treated?
<p>Yes, syphilis can be treated with antibiotics, usually penicillin. If detected early, complications are typically preventable. <br> </p>
Is syphilis transmitted through oral sex?
<p>Yes, syphilis is transmissible through oral, vaginal, and anal intercourse if you have direct contact with an infected sore or lesion.<br> </p>
Can you get syphilis more than once?
<p>Yes, you can become infected with syphilis more than once. No immunity is acquired after treatment, so there is a risk of re-exposure if you are exposed to the bacteria once again.</p>
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