The risk of heart disease in women is frequently overlooked due to the mistaken belief that they are naturally safeguarded against cardiovascular conditions. However, several studies today have disproved this notion. When the flow of blood to the heart is greatly reduced or blocked by a condition called Myocardial infarction or Heart attack.
This makes it important to be aware of the symptoms and treatment surrounding the condition. Read this article to learn about symptoms of heart attack in women and more.
There are a lot of environmental, genetic and lifestyle factors which cause a person to have a heart attack. The following are the causes and risk factors of Heart attacks and the symptoms of heart attack in women.
There are a few common symptoms which indicate a person having a heart attack. It is really important to be aware of them so that efficient measures can be taken when faced with them. A few symptoms of Heart attack in women are:
People with heart failure are more prone to getting a heart attack, so it is essential to know the symptoms of heart failure. These include
Lifestyle management is the key to managing Heart attacks in women. Here are a few practices to incorporate in your daily life to prevent heart attacks:
Treatment options for Heart attack are
Heart Checkups are really important and help monitor any changes in them. By getting regular heart checkups, one can easily detect abnormalities and take preventive measures or even opt for necessary treatment beforehand.
Tests Conducted During Heart Checkups
A heart checkup is a required preventive care procedure that also prevents any significant damage to the overall health of a person. Here is a list of tests that get conducted during such an exam:
●Review of Medical History
First off, the doctor reviews your medical history. They also ask about the health history of your family as well. This is important as having a family history of heart disease increases your risk of getting a heart attack even more.
●Physical Exams
Then, the doctor conducts physical exams by taking, for instance, blood pressure and pulse readings. Another important factor that gets assessed is your weight as well. After all, weight that is classified as "obesity" or "overweight" is a positive contributing factor towards getting heart disease and attacks.
●Other Tests
A few other examples of tests that might be conducted to gauge symptoms of heart attack in women are ECG (electrocardiogram), stress test, blood test, coronary angiogram, etc.
While there is absolutely no way to stop a heart attack after it has already started, you can practise these measures to bring it under control.
● Call Your Local Emergency Number
The first thing to do is call your local emergency number when experiencing a heart attack. Never ignore the symptoms of one. If it happens that you cannot get an ambulance, make someone else drive you to the nearest hospital.
If you have no other option left, then only drive by yourself. But again, this is generally unsafe and not recommended.
● Take Aspirin If Prescribed
This is to be followed only if you have Aspirin prescribed to you by a medical professional. Taking Aspirin reduces damage to the heart.
Only after calling the emergency services can you (if prescribed) take an Aspirin to reduce female heart attack symptoms.
Inactive routines, stress-ridden sleep cycles, and unhealthy habits are some of the prominent reasons for the increase in cardiovascular diseases in India. So, if you invest in the best cardiac health insurance policy, you will be assured of the benefits of financial security and peace of mind when things don’t go right!
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Heart diseases are preventable. Women are more likely to experience Heart attack symptoms like shortness of breath, back or jaw pain and nausea. Heart attack requires prompt medical attention. Appropriate, balanced food, adequate sleep and stress-free, lifestyle modifications like regular exercise & walking will help to reduce the incidences of Heart attacks. By indulging in healthy habits, one can genuinely and actively reduce symptoms of heart attack in women.
<p>We’re Star Health. We offer the coverage that’s designed to help keep you healthy. It's the care that comes to you, and stays with you.</p>
What is a Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction)?
<p>When the blood flow to the heart is severely reduced or blocked, it results in Myocardial infarction or Heart Attack as we know it. This generally occurs when a blood clot gets formed within a coronary artery that is caused by a buildup of plaque.</p>
What are the symptoms & causes of MI?
<p>Chest discomfort, palpitations and profuse sweating are the most common symptoms of MI.<br>High cholesterol, high BP, uncontrolled Diabetes, smoking, obesity, inadequate sleep and stress are the most common causes of MI.</p>
What is lifetime management & prevention?
<p>Quitting smoking, regular exercise, walking, adequate sleep & balanced diet are the preventive lifestyle management for MI. (Myocardial Infarction).Taking these kind of approaches prevents problems from occurring in the first place. Additionally, there is also a need for regularly assessing the situation of an individual and adjusting measures throughout one's life to maintain the health of the heart.</p>
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