Heart failure is a condition where the heart cannot pump enough blood according to the body’s needs. Heart-related problems or diseases are also called congestive heart failure and require immediate medical attention. If heart failure is left untreated, it can be life-threatening and fatal.
The heart is an important organ for humans as the organ pumps blood. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to other parts of the body. So, blood also plays a crucial role in the process of circulation and heart diseases. If the heart does not pump blood in the correct range, it can lead to various diseases.
When the blood does not reach the other parts like the lungs and brain, it can lead to various complications like shortness of breath, fatigue and severe sweating. Heart diseases can affect the quality of life.
The flow of blood from the heart to other parts of the body and from the body back to the heart takes place in a sequenced way. The blood passes through small tubes called blood vessels, and if there is a blockage in any of the blood vessels, it can cause heart blockage and heart failure.
However, the body follows certain defence mechanisms to bypass the blockage and reach other parts. After a prolonged period of time, the heart disease becomes a medical emergency.
Heart failure can be chronic or acute. The symptoms depend on the severity of the blockage and the underlying disease. The symptoms of heart disease are briefed below.
When the heart does not send enough blood to the stomach, a person may experience symptoms like abdominal pain, diarrhoea, vomiting and nausea. Sometimes, heartburn may also be indicative of a heart attack.
Heart attacks can cause slight discomfort in the chest, and as time passes by, the pain can increase sharply. The pain lasts for a few minutes and then may come again.
During a heart attack, the pain tends to spread from the heart to the arms.
Dizziness is a common symptom of heart failure, and also a person might feel light-headed.
Throat pain or jaw pain can be caused due to heart attack. But the pain will not be directly linked to a heart attack.
When the heart is stressed too much to pump blood, a person may feel exhausted easily. If a person feels exhausted easily, they might require immediate medical attention.
Snoring sounds can indicate any health condition. The sound of snoring can be a sign of certain health conditions.
Sweating is a common symptom of a heart attack. When a person experiences a heart attack, they tend to sweat extremely, accompanied by a stress in their chest.
The heart muscle dysfunctions and there will be a fluid build-up in the lungs which causes cough. This condition is called pulmonary oedema.
Irregular heartbeat or arrhythmia is caused when the heart’s electrical signal and the heartbeat do not coordinate. This faulty signal causes the heart to either beat fast or slow.
When a person has heart-related problems, they might not have the ability to exercise to their full potential. If they strain more than their potential, it can be life-threatening.
When the heart does not pump the blood required for the body, it can cause shortness of breath.
Tiredness and fatigue are common symptoms of heart attacks.
Increased heart rate can be an alarming symptom of a heart attack.
An increase in cardiovascular diseases has caused around 17 million people to lose their lives worldwide. It is essential that you have a cardiac health insurance policy to protect yourselves and your loved ones from the risk of heart disease.
The Star Cardiac Care Insurance policy is a custom-made heart insurance plan that is designed for individuals who have a history of cardiac problems.
Heart failure is a life-threatening disease, and there is no cure for it. Certain lifestyle changes can help with the disease. If there are certain symptoms that reoccur, do not try to treat yourself.
Consult your doctor immediately. Heart diseases can only be treated in a hospital, and first aid may help for a short duration.
There are people who live happily diagnosed with heart diseases. There are certain changes required to live with the complications, and the doctor will advise you about the particular changes.
Never skip your doctor consultations and be on top of the medications. Always be watchful about your symptoms. Always have your medicines handy as there can be an emergency at any time.
<p>We’re Star Health. We offer the coverage that’s designed to help keep you healthy. It's the care that comes to you, and stays with you.</p>
What is the earliest symptom of heart failure?
<p>The earliest symptom of heart failure is chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue and fainting.</p>
What are the beginning stages of congestive heart failure?
<p>The beginning stages of congestive heart failure are severe sweating, sharp pain in the heart and arm pain.</p>
What are at least 3 early warning signs of heart disease?
<p>The warning signs of heart disease are swelling in the legs and arms, shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat</p>
How would I feel if I had heart failure?
<p>When a person experiences heart failure, they might have severe chest pain accompanied by severe sweating, shortness of breath and pain that spreads from the arm.</p>