With rising healthcare costs, it is merely not possible to get the recommended treatment you need without a proper Health Insurance plan. Some expenses like pre- and post-hospitalisation expenses further add up to the overall medical expenses of an ailment or surgery.
Pre- and post-hospitalisation coverage can shield the insured against his/ her savings from getting drained and makes it easier to settle your medical bills during emergencies. Thus, you can secure your family’s health and financial future.
What are pre-hospitalisation expenses?
The medical expenses incurred before insured get admitted in to the hospital for the ailments or surgery are the pre-hospitalisation expenses. Tests done for investigation purposes as per the doctor’s recommendation and medicinal expenses are covered under the pre-hospitalisation expenses for a specified time limit as per the policy.
Pre hospitalisation expenses include consultation fees, medicines bills and investigation charges. The insured is required to submit the prescriptions and reports along with the original bills while making a claim for pre hospitalisation.
What are post-hospitalisation expenses?
Upon discharge from the hospital, there are still some medical expenses left. For better financial support, you need to ensure that your health plan also covers the post-hospitalisation expenses.
Health Insurance Policy covers the post-hospitalisation expenses, then the insurance company shall compensate such incurred medical expenses related to the admissibility of hospitalisation requiring in-patient care for a certain period from the date of discharge from the hospital.
Post-hospitalisation expenses include the costs of medications after surgery, revisits or follow-up consultations, and tests that are performed after discharge from the hospital. Most Health Insurance plans cover these expenses for the specified number of days for the post-discharge period from the hospital.
Health Insurance safeguards your family in case of unplanned medical emergencies. The skyrocketing medical costs quickly evaporate your savings if you are inadequately covered under a Health Insurance policy. So, before getting a Health Insurance policy, look for extensive coverage for pre- and post-hospitalisation expenses in the policy.
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Information on this disease health insurance page is for knowledge purposes only and not a substitute for medical advice. Consult healthcare professionals and licensed insurance agents for any health or insurance coverage decisions. T & C apply.