Paneer is one of the most widely used ingredients in Indian cuisine. It is a different type of cheese that is made from whole milk and then curdled with an acidic substance, usually vinegar or lemon juice.
An excellent source of calcium and protein, paneer helps to build strong bones and can be an essential part of a balanced diet. It is even available as vegan-friendly paneer substitutes like tofu. However, consuming too much paneer can lead to excessive acidity due to the increased intake of lactose.
Wondering what are the major disadvantages of eating paneer daily? Keep reading to find out.
What are the Potential Risks of Consuming Excessive Paneer?
Paneer is often gentle on the stomach and gets digested easily. However, eating it in large quantities or uncooked can cause indigestion and bloating. According to Ayurveda research, uncooked paneer takes a long time to break down completely and is harder to digest.
Therefore, it is always recommended to cook paneer with spices such as cardamom, turmeric, or ginger to make it easier to digest. Also, the lactose in the paneer will not be digested properly in case you consume an excessive amount.
This can increase hydrogen gas levels and even cause digestive issues, which can further result in crampy abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and diarrhoea.
Major Disadvantages of Eating Paneer Daily
While paneer is undoubtedly a delicious source of proteins, there are some major disadvantages of eating paneer daily that are explained below:
● High Cholesterol
The British Heart Foundation (BHF) has declared that paneer is high in saturated salt and fat. Hence, consuming excessive paneer can cause cholesterol levels to rise. This will lead to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and high blood pressure.
● Weight Gain
Although paneer is relatively low in fat and calories, overconsumption can add up to a lot of calories. It can even lead to weight gain if you don’t balance this with exercise.
● Sodium Concerns
Numerous store-bought paneer options generally contain added salt, which can increase your sodium intake. According to BHF, high sodium levels generally contribute to high blood pressure and other health-related problems.
Additionally, the National Kidney Foundation (NKF) also mentions that consuming too much sodium can even cause calcium to leak into your urine, which may increase the risk of kidney stones.
● Kidney Stones
As we know, paneer is highly rich in calcium and is generally beneficial for bone health. However, consuming excessive calcium usually contributes to the formation of kidney stones in susceptible people.
Additionally, the NKF recommends that a person should not consume more than 1200 mg of calcium every day to avoid kidney stones.
● Effects on Bones
Eating too much paneer can also lead to an imbalance in phosphorus and calcium levels, which can even affect an individual’s bone health.
In addition, a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition shows that paneer can reduce the potassium and calcium content of milk by 50% and can adversely affect bone health.
● Lower Nutrient Diversity
You might even miss out on nutrients from other food groups in case you eat too much paneer regularly. A diet with optimum variety generally helps to ensure that you get all the essential minerals and vitamins. That’s why healthcare professionals always recommend having a balanced meal instead of focusing on one specific food.
How Much Paneer Per Day Can a Person Eat?
Many researchers have found that those who eat an excessive amount of paneer daily can suffer from intestinal gas. This is due to the lactose present in paneer being poorly digested by those with the problem of lactose intolerance.
So, for anyone wondering how much paneer per day a person can consume, the recommended amount is not more than 50 grams. This limit should be stringently followed, especially if you have lactose intolerance or a history of gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Is It Safe to Eat Paneer During Pregnancy?
Many women wonder whether to include paneer in pregnancy or not! Well, the simple answer is —that you can add paneer to your pregnancy diet in case you are not a lactose-intolerant individual. Paneer is a rich source of first-class protein and calcium and thus should meet the daily recommended dosage during pregnancy.
However, it is also recommended to only eat the cooked version of paneer which makes it far easier to digest.
How Much Paneer Can a Woman Eat During Pregnancy?
Now, that you are all clear that you can include paneer in your pregnancy diet, the next question that may pop up in your mind is how much paneer in pregnancy can be consumed.
Well, it is required to eat paneer in moderation during pregnancy. In general, 50-100 grams of paneer is appropriate for a woman to eat during her pregnancy.
As you now have a clear idea of the disadvantages of eating paneer daily, you can make the necessary changes to your diet accordingly. If you are a vegetarian who relies solely on paneer for protein, consider switching up with other protein-rich vegetarian items like soybeans, beans, legumes, oats, quinoa, etc.
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Can I eat raw paneer during pregnancy?
<p>If paneer is one of your favorite foods then you may be tempted for any form of paneer during your pregnancy period. However, raw paneer is highly prone to bacteria, and consuming it, especially the one you brought from the store, may lead to health issues. </p>
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