The brain is a complex organ which controls all the operations of the body, from thinking and sensation to physical action. Only 3 pounds in weight, it contains 100 billion neurons with 100 trillion connections.
Neurons are messengers that use electrical and chemical impulses to carry information around the central nervous system.
The brain processes information that it receives through its neuron network and sends signals to every part of the body to control bodily functions and respond to stimuli.
History of Left Brain Vs Right Brain
So, is one side of your brain really responsible for certain behaviours or skills? Are people either "left-brained" or "right-brained"?
As with most pop psychology myths, this one began partly with real science and was then taken well beyond known fact. The left-brain-right-brain theory was initially brought to attention in the work by Roger W. Sperry, who won a Nobel Prize in 1981.
He researched brain functioning in patients whose corpus callosum, a structure joining the two hemispheres of the brain, had been surgically severed in a last-resort effort to control severe, intractable epilepsy.
However, these patients also manifested some other symptoms once the communication passage between the left and right hemispheres of the brain was severed. For example, most split-brain patients could not name any object that was processed by the right half of the brain, but they could name an object if it was processed by the left half of the brain. From such knowledge, Sperry theorized the left hemisphere of the brain mediated language control.
Based on this theory, the left-brained person would largely be more predisposed to being
Whereas right-brain functional people are:
The popular understanding says that the left hemisphere of the brain controls many language and logical aspects, whereas the right hemisphere concerns spatial information and visual understanding.
Updated Research on Left Brain Vs Right Brain
A team of neuroscientists came together and tried to test a hypothesis of left brain vs. right brain.
In a 2013 review, they had found no evidence that the theory was correct. Magnetic resonance imaging of 1,000 people showed the human brain is not biased towards either of the sides, neither any networks are more defined on one side as compared to the other.
The two halves are linked by bands of nerve fibres that create an information superhighway. The two sides, while they may be very different, are not independent of one another. You cannot just use one side of your brain at a time.
A review in 2023 now indicates that the right hemisphere supports the left with spatial competence in complex calculations. It seems that the right hemisphere also has the capability for non-verbal number representation and grasping the numbers involving zero.
Likewise, according to humans, language processing is solely an ability of the left brain. However, the makers of this 2020 review prove that the right brain contributes most to grasping the context and understanding non-literal language, use of metaphors, and irony. The researchers have further commented that spatial awareness of the right brain has helped us in the comprehension and visualization language.
General personality traits, individual preferences, or learning styles don't translate to the supposition that you're left-brained or right-brained.
Still, focus areas of your brain do exist; how exactly one area is best suited to play a part, however, can differ from person to person.
Tips to Keep the Brain Sharp
In all types of thinking, both sides of your brain are involved, anyway. While the real truth behind the right-brain, left-brain theory may be an illusion, it does not undermine the importance of knowing your strengths. You can also take steps to protect the health of your brain by getting regular exercise, sleeping well, staying social, and putting your mind to use.
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What is left-brain weakness?
<p>Brain damage happening in the left hemisphere can cause difficulty in reading, writing, changes in speech, organization and planning difficulty, and memory dysfunction in using language as well as weakness or paralysis on the right side of the body.<br> </p>