Carrying too much or too little weight increases the risk of health problems in individuals. BMI indicator in this instance, serves as a useful starting point to gauge such risks. BMI is a straightforward and commonly used method for assessing whether an individual is underweight, of normal weight, overweight, or obese. While it offers useful insights, it is also essential to keep in mind that BMI is not a complete measure of health, as it does not take into account factors such as muscle mass or fat distribution.
In this article, we will discuss the BMI table in detail and how you can read it effectively.
What is Body Mass Index (BMI)?
BMI, or Body Mass Index, is a medical screening tool which measures the ratio of a person's height to weight for estimating their body fat percentage. Healthcare providers often use BMI and other tests and tools for assessing someone's health status.
A BMI score can help you understand your body fat percentage better and there's no better way than using a BMI table for that.
Calculation of BMI for Adults
The BMI of an individual is calculated by using a mathematical formula. You can calculate BMI by using this formula: BMI = Weight (kg) ÷ Height (m²).
A normal BMI score ranges between 18.5 and 24.9. This indicates that a person is within the normal weight range for their height. Here is a BMI index table which shows the different categories of BMI and their relative ranges:
Category Scores
Underweight Less than 18.5
Normal weight 18.5 - 24.9
Overweight 25 - 29.9
Obesity 30 and more
Calculation of BMI for Children
BMI is calculated differently for people who are under the age of 20. The amount of fat in our body changes with age. Growth charts are used for small children and teens. They showcase BMI as a percentile ranking.
You can calculate BMI of children by using these steps:
Step 1: Multiply their weight (in kg) by 703
Step 2: Multiply their height (in metres) by itself
Step 3: Divide the results that you got in both Steps 1 and 2
The body mass index table showcases the percentile range for each unique weight status:
Percentile Range Category
Under 5th Underweight
5th - 85th Normal/Healthy Weight
85th - 95th Overweight
95th and Above Obese
What are BMI Charts?
The calculations discussed earlier in the article were manual methods. You can also make use of BMI table in the form of charts to get your accurate Body Mass Index reading. BMI charts are another simple way of figuring out what your BMI is.
Here's a brief guide on using a BMI chart effectively:
Step 1: In order to effectively use a BMI chart, you are going to need two things - your weight (in kg) and height (in metres) measurements.
Step 2: Next, you need to find your height in the chart. You will get this either at the top or bottom of the BMI table.
Step 3: Now, locate your weight on the left or right side of the chart.
Step 4: Follow your weight and height on the chart until they intersect. The square where they intersect is going to be your BMI number.
What is considered to be a Healthy BMI?
The ideal range according to a BMI table is between 18.5 - 24.9. Anything over 24.9 is considered to be an excess of weight in terms of a person's height. While being towards the opposite end of that spectrum is equally as alarming. If your BMI is under 18.5, then that is considered as being underweight.
Being overweight leads to a range of chronic conditions. This includes:
●Type 2 Diabetes
●Musculoskeletal Problems
●Heart/Blood Vessel Problems
●Cardiovascular Disease
●High Blood Pressure
In the same way, being underweight also leads to a person facing a range of chronic conditions, including:
Tip: An important thing to note is that there are no separate BMI table for men and women. The weight categories are the same for both men and women.
What are the Advantages of Tracking BMI
BMI is an efficient and reliable screening measure for assessing a person's weight relative to their height. BMIs get grouped into categories. There are some BMI table categories that are linked with adverse health risks.
For instance, having a BMI of the 'obesity' category indicates an excess weight in terms of height. Having too much weight can increase the risk of getting high cholesterol, high blood pressure and other forms of chronic conditions.
A routine tracking of BMI over time can be very useful. The tracking can be gauged for detecting weight gain/weight loss. This can be further monitored for any risk of health problems related to an individual's weight.
Limitations of BMI (Body Mass Index)
Along with its usefulness, BMI also has a fair share of disadvantages and drawbacks. Here are a few of them:
●Source of Weight
BMI is a simple mathematical formula, and measures body fat based on the weight and height of a person. For instance, BMI calculations do not consider whether the source of weight is fat or lean tissue.
●Type of Fat
Another disadvantage of BMI is that it does not take into account the type of fat and puts them under the category of being obese.
There are primarily two types of fat - Subcutaneous and Visceral. The former refers to the type of fat which is present under the skin. While the latter only refers to the type of fat which is located deep in the abdomen region that surrounds internal organs.
Final Words
Using a BMI table is beneficial for getting a clearer understanding of where your weight falls on the chart. It helps you determine whether your weight is considered to be healthy or not.
However, with that being said, also note that BMI is not the only tool whose result is taken into account for determining the weight percentage of a person, there are many other factors as well. Thus, it is advised that you do not take this as a sole determiner of your general health.
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Do healthcare providers still use BMI?
<p>BMI (Body Mass Index) while not a perfect measure of health is still a useful tool. It serves as a great starting point for healthcare providers to assess conditions that likely indicate a person to be obese or overweight.</p>
Is being muscular considered to be overweight according to BMI?
<p>BMI is not a perfect measure of obesity or weight. It frequently identifies muscular people as being obese or overweight. This is because muscle is denser than fat and hence weighs more. </p>
What is the BMI against age?
<p>Measurements of BMI (Body Mass Index) do not take into account the age of a person. Hence, based on BMI, it is not possible to suggest the ideal weight according to a person's age. Instead, a person's ideal BMI is based on their height and weight. </p>
From what age can you calculate your BMI?
<p>Starting from when your child is 2, the doctor will determine the BMI during all routine checkups.</p>