Policy period in Health Insurance

Health Insurance Plans starting at Rs.15/day*

Health Insurance Plans starting at Rs.15/day*

Time plays an important role in insurance policies.If you are planning to buy a policy,it’s important to know what certain terms mean to be aware of your policy’s benefits and its effects.

The policy period is the length of time during which a Health Insurance policy is in effect.The duration could be for one or more years depends on the type of Health Insurance policy. For example, Star Health Insurance provides policy term for one , two and three years based on the choice of the policyholder.

Things to look when choosing a policy period

When choosing a policy period for Health Insurance, there are several factors to consider.

  1. Length of coverage: The policy period determines the length of time for which the insurance will cover you. It is typically offered for a one-year term.
  2. Renewability: Some policies are renewable, which means that you can continue coverage after the initial policy period has expired, while others are non-renewable.
  3. Age and Health: When you are younger, consider a longer policy period as you are more likely to use the insurance.
  4. Budget: Longer policy periods typically have higher premium costs. Consider your budget when choosing a policy period, and select a period that fits your financial situation.
  5. Family needs: If you have dependents or a family, you should also consider their health and insurance needs when choosing a policy period.

Consider the needs and budget of your current situation and the benefits that policy offers you to decide on a suitable policy period.

Renewing your policy

Health Insurance renewals should be carried out on a regular basis once the policy period ends. If you renew your Health Insurance plan on time, you can benefit from continuous coverage even in old age because health policies offer lifelong renewals.You can renew your Health Insurance plan either through online or offline.

You can also renew your policy offline by visiting the insurance company’s  branch offices or through an authorised agent. On the other hand, you could ensure that your policy terms are the same while renewing . Check for any changes in terms and conditions of your policy.


So , if you have been planning to buy a Health Insurance policy make sure to read the terms and conditions carefully and choose the right policy period that serves as a valuable pocket saver! To buy best Health Insurance policies at an affordable premium, visit the official website of star Health Insurance .


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