Policy TypeThis policy can be availed either on an Individual or Floater basis. |
Policy TermThis policy can be availed for a term of one, two or three years. |
Pre-Medical ExaminationNo pre-acceptance medical screening is required to avail this policy. However, pregnant women need to submit their scan reports taken at Star Health specified scan centres during the 12th and 20th week of their pregnancy. The incurred costs of such a scan need to be borne by the insured. |
Individual Entry AgeOnly female individuals aged between 18 and 75 years can avail this policy as Individual Sum Insured. |
Floater Entry AgeTo avail the Floater Sum Insured there should be at least one female adult in the family aged between 18 and 75 years. This policy covers a maximum of up to three dependent children from 91 days to 25 years. Under this policy, the insured's daughter can continue to be covered max up to 30 years of age, if she is unmarried and/or unemployed. |
Sum InsuredThe Sum Insured options under this policy are Rs.5,00,000/-, Rs.10,00,000/-, Rs.15,00,000/-, Rs.20,00,000/- , Rs.25,00,000/-, Rs.50,00,000/- and Rs.1,00,00,000/-. |
In-Patient HospitalisationHospitalisation expenses incurred for a period of more than 24 hours on account of illness, injury or accidents are covered. |
Pre-HospitalisationIn addition to in-patient hospitalisation, the medical expenses incurred up to 60 days before the date of admission to the hospital are also covered. |
Post-HospitalisationPost-hospitalisation medical expenses up to 90 days from the date of discharge from the hospital are covered. |
Room RentRoom, boarding and nursing expenses incurred during in-patient hospitalisation are covered up to 1% of the Sum Insured per day for Rs. 5 lakh Sum Insured; any room (except suite or above category) for Rs. 10/15/20/25 lakh Sum Insured options, and any room for Rs. 50/100/ lakh Sum Insured options. |
Road AmbulanceThis policy covers ambulance charges for admission in hospital, for shifting from one hospitals to another for better medical treatment and from hospital to residence. |
Air AmbulanceAir ambulance expenses are covered up to 10% of the Sum Insured for the entire policy period. |
Modern TreatmentExpenses incurred for modern treatments such as Oral Chemotherapy, Intra Vitreal injections, Robotic Surgeries, etc. are covered up to the limits mentioned in the policy clause. |
AYUSH TreatmentIn patient hospitalisation expenses incurred for the treatment under Ayurveda, Unani, Sidha and Homeopathy systems of medicines in AYUSH hospitals are covered up to the Sum Insured. |
Day Care ProceduresMedical treatments and surgical procedures that require less than 24 hours of hospitalisation due to technological advancements are covered. |
Star Mother CoverCovers the expenses of a Single Private A/c Room for the stay of the mother in the hospital if the insured person is a child of age less than 12 years, provided the child is treated in ICU and there is an admissible claim for hospitalisation. |
Shared AccommodationExpenses incurred on occupying a shared accommodation by the insured person are covered up to the limits mentioned in the policy clause. |
Rehabilitation & Pain ManagementExpenses incurred for Rehabilitation and Pain Management are covered up to the specified sub-limit or maximum up to 10% of the Sum Insured whichever is less, per policy year. |
Organ Donor ExpensesIn-patient hospitalisation expenses incurred for organ transplantation from the Donor to the recipient insured person are payable provided the claim for transplantation is payable. In addition, the expenses incurred by the Donor, (if any) for the complications that necessitate a Redo Surgery / ICU admission will be covered.
In Utero Fetal Surgery / RepairExpenses incurred for In Utero Fetal surgeries and procedures mentioned in this policy are covered with a waiting period. However, the waiting period will not apply for treatment related to congenital disease/defects for the new born. |
Voluntary Sterilisation ExpensesExpenses incurred for Voluntary Sterilisation (Tubectomy / Vasectomy) are covered after a waiting period, provided if the insured person is married and he/she is 22 years and above. |
Miscarriage due to AccidentLump Sum is provided for miscarriage arising due to an accident as per the limits of the policy, subject to a waiting period. |
Coverage for Non-medical ItemsIf there is an admissible claim under the policy, then non-medical items specified in this policy will become payable. |
Outpatient ConsultationsExpenses incurred on medical consultations as an outpatient are covered up to the limits as mentioned in the policy. |
Preventive Health Check UpHealth check-up expenses incurred for the tests mentioned in the policy document are covered for every policy year up to the specified limits. |
Automatic Restoration of Sum InsuredOn partial or full utilisation of the Sum Insured during the policy period, 100% of the Sum Insured will be restored once in the same policy year that can be utilised for all claims and subsequent hospitalisation. |
Cumulative BonusCumulative bonus is provided at 20% of the Sum Insured for each claim-free year subject to a maximum of 100% of the Sum Insured. |
Star Wellness ProgramWellness program designed to motivate and encourage the healthy lifestyle of the insured person through various wellness activities. In addition, the earned wellness bonus points can be utilised for availing renewal discounts. |
Long-Term discountAvail 10% discount on 2nd year premium and 11.25% on 2nd and 3rd year premium. |
Instalment OptionsThe policy premium can be paid on a quarterly or half-yearly basis. It can also be paid on an annual, biennial (once in 2 years) and triennial (once in 3 years) basis. |
Surrogacy CoverThe company will indemnify the inpatient hospitalization expenses covering post-partum delivery complications for a period of 36 months incurred for the Surrogate mother up to the sub-limits specified under “Assisted Reproduction Treatment”. The cover will commence from the date of initiation of the treatment/procedure.
The company will pay lump sum amount in case of “Miscarriage due to Accident” for surrogate mother as specified under the coverage “Miscarriage due to Accident” and waiting period mentioned under this cover is not applicable. |
Oocyte Donor coverThe company will indemnify the inpatient hospitalization expenses for the complications arising out of Assisted Reproductive Treatment Procedures, for the Oocyte donor up to the sub-limits specified under “Assisted Reproduction Treatment” for a period of 12 months. The cover will commence from the date of initiation of the treatment/procedure. |
As a Health Insurance specialist, we extend our services from offering tailor-made products to fast in-house claim settlements. With our growing network of hospitals, we ensure easy access to fulfill your medical needs.
We are committed to saving you time, saving you money, and getting rid of the hassles that make health insurance so hard to navigate.
Get your future secured with us.
Though all have to be treated equally in terms of healthcare, women still need extra care for their health. This is because many women potentially manage their families as well as their work without taking time to care about their health. On a Ministry of Labour and Employment page, it was stated that during 2022–23, the participation of women in the labour force increased to 37.0%, amended from time to time.
Numerous women are affected by significant health conditions like ovarian cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer. Women need to be aware of these illnesses to take the necessary steps for their safety, such as choosing a critical illness insurance policy.
However, many women feel caring for their health might lower their bank savings rather than spending for their family needs. So to take care of the health of female members in your family, it is great to select an appropriate insurance policy.
Annual health checkup
One essential characteristic is the annual health checkup, which allows a woman to keep track of her health status and receive prompt medical attention.
Financial independence
Women are achieving success in every sector today. Their boldness and confidence have helped them achieve financial independence. However, when a woman is unable to work because of a medical problem, things may become difficult.
Women’s health insurance can offer total financial independence in such a circumstance. Health insurance might cover the cost of treatment, ensuring a smooth and successful recovery.
Tax benefits
Under section 80D of the Income Tax Act of 1961, purchasing a health insurance plan may be eligible for tax benefits. You may deduct up to Rs. 25,000 from the cost of health insurance for you, your spouse, your parents, or your kids. When advanced-age parents pay their health insurance premiums, it might rise to Rs. 50,000.
Critical illness
A women’s health insurance plan will cover a variety of vital conditions. Breast cancer, fallopian tube cancer, uterine/cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, vaginal cancer, persistent limb paralysis, multiple trauma, burns, etc., are uncommon diseases that affect women.
Your health insurance plan might cover the total cost of treatment and, depending on the policy opted for, a lumpsum payment once a critical disease is diagnosed.
Try to consider these factors before buying health insurance plans for women.
Buy a health insurance plan early, as many girls between the ages of 15 and 16 are reported to have diseases like thyroid or hormonal imbalance. At the same time, there is a 3 years waiting period for most pre-existing conditions. Hence, it is advised that you get a health insurance plan at an early age.
Consider your family history and lifestyle
If you already have a family history with certain diseases, such as heart disease, you must choose the right policy with a wider range of coverage.
Maternal cover
There are numerous health insurance plans that include maternity coverage for women if you want to grow your family. Despite the fact that just a few insurance companies offer maternity coverage, it also has a waiting period. It is advisable that you select an insurance plan that just covers pregnancy.
Star Health Insurance offers the Star Women Care Insurance Policy was uniquely designed to meet the expenses for the women healthcare. This women health insurance offers two coverage options for the adult aged between 18 to 75 years and girl child between 91 days to 25 years.
This health insurance for women serves as a reasonable approach to their important healthcare expenses like health coverage for all day care procedures, non-medical items expenses, air ambulance charges, new born coverage, coverage for miscarriage due to accident, Ante-Natal Care expenses, AYUSH Treatment inpatient expenses, bariatric surgery hospitalization expenses, Rehabilitation and pain management charges etc.
Star Women Care Insurance Policy is a policy created particularly for females to cover diseases like breast cancer, neck tumor, arthritis, ovarian cancer, blood pressure, diabetes, and heart stroke.
Star Women Care Insurance Policy has covered many expected benefits of women health care. The benefits of this women care policy are given below:
What is additionally covered by Star Health Women Care Insurance Policy?
The Star Women Care Insurance Policy covers the following expenses per the policy terms and conditions.
Star mother cover
If a covered child under the age of 12 is admitted to the ICU, the policy will cover the cost of a single private AC room in a hospital for the mother’s stay.
Daycare procedures
It pays for daycare procedures that don’t necessitate a hospital stay for more than 24 hours.
Non-medical items
It covers the price of the non-medical items mentioned and used while a patient is hospitalised, per list 1 under the policy.
Treatment for assisted reproduction
In cases of subfertility, it pays for assisted reproduction therapy once each policy year on completion of the waiting period.
Ante-natal care
Following the confirmation of the pregnancy, it pays for the outpatient medical costs associated with antenatal care.
Costs for road ambulances
It pays for the costs of a road ambulance to transport the covered person to or from the hospital. The coverage is available only if the hospitalisation claim is approved by Star Health & Allied Insurance Company.
Charges for air ambulances
It covers the expense of using emergency air ambulance services in the event of a health condition that poses a risk to one’s life.
Pre-hospitalisation expenses
It pays for medical expenses incurred up to 60 days before hospital admission.
Post-hospitalisation expenses
It covers the medical costs incurred for up to 90 days following hospital discharge.
In Utero Foetal Surgery/Repair
It pays for in-utero foetal operations and treatments, such as open foetal surgery, the EXIT procedure, foetal image-guided surgery and fetendo surgery after a waiting period.
Accident-related miscarriage
If a pregnant insured person miscarries due to an accident, it offers her a lump sum payment. This coverage is only payable once in a lifetime after a waiting period.
Voluntary Sterilisation Expenses
If the insured person is married and at least 22 years old, it will cover the medical costs associated with vasectomy and tubectomy, which are forms of voluntary sterilisation.
OPD Medical Consultations
It pays for the cost of OPD medical consultations received by female policyholders and provides unrestricted access to gynaecologist consultations via the Star telehealth app.
Charges for organ donors
In-patient hospitalisation expenses incurred for Organ transplantation from the Donor to the Recipient insured are payable, provided the claim for transplantation is payable. In addition, the costs incurred by the Donor (if any) for complications that necessitate a Redo surgery/ICU admission will be covered.
AYUSH treatment
It pays for in-patient Ayush treatment care at a hospital, except for Yoga and Naturopathy.
Delivery expenses
For up to two births in the policy’s lifetime, it will cover the costs of giving birth naturally or by caesarean, including prenatal and postnatal expenses up to the specified limits and waiting period.
Treatment for newborn
Congenital internal and external malformations or anomalies of the newborn are covered during the policy year, up to 25% of the sum insured, for in-patient hospitalisation expenses. The policy will pay these costs up to 100% of the insured amount after the applicable newborn premium has been paid. Up to 12 months after birth, the newborn’s vaccination costs are reimbursable.
The company would pay up to INR 3,500 for a single metabolic screening test for newborns. Insurance covers up to four paediatrician consultations per year for children up to the age of 12.
Up to INR 500 is covered for each consultation. The expenses of a newborn are covered if the delivery claim is valid or if you submit scan results from the 12th and 20th weeks of your pregnancy and Star Health Insurance has approved them.
Though our Star Women Care Insurance Policy has many benefits, some expenses are not included under our policy. This health insurance for women excludes the below given expenses :
Women in India face various health challenges and risks at different stages of their lives. Every woman must buy health insurance, which can provide financial protection and peace of mind in medical emergencies or critical illnesses.
Women can choose from various health insurance plans, such as family floater, maternity, or critical illness plans, each tailored to their specific needs and preferences. By comparing and evaluating these options, women can select the best policy that provides plenty of benefits, giving them the reassurance and adaptability they need.
A mediclaim policy for women offers coverage for maternity, critical illnesses, and other health issues.
Critical Illnesses
Maternity Expenses
Other Health Issues
The best mediclaim policy for women will also offer coverages :
Additional advantages include bariatric surgery, loss of job coverage, voluntary sterilization, and e-medical second opinions.
Is mediclaim for pregnant women available?
Yes, maternity coverage is offered in a few mediclaim policies, but not all. It's a kind of health insurance that offers coverage for pregnancy-related expenses.
How is the maternity coverage working for Women?
The maternity coverage is provided as an add-on to a standard health insurance or Mediclaim policy.
Get all your Health Insurance related doubts clarified.