Cancer is the second top cause of death in the world. When one is diagnosed, their body's cancerous cells grow uncontrollably and expand to exhibit far more serious cancer symptoms.
There are 100 types of cancer, but routine screening, early detection and treatment can save one-third of people from cancer-related deaths.
When the DNA within cells undergo changes or mutations, cancer is caused. Inside each cell, a person’s DNA is composed of a large volume of individual genes. These units further store instructions that control the functioning of a particular cell. Besides regular functioning, the growth and division of cells also depend on this generic matter.
Thus, errors in the set of instructions are the primary cause of real cancer in the body.
So, what are gene mutations responsible for?
A healthy cell can be altered by gene mutation in the following ways:
●The Cells May Experience Rapid Growth
Gene mutations can instruct cells to expand and divide more vigorously. As a result, new cells form with the same mutation traits.
●The Cells Fail to Stop the Growth Process
Healthy cells know when to stop growing, ensuring the body has the right number of each cell type. However, cancerous cells lose this ability due to mutations in tumour suppressor genes. When these genes are altered, the affected cells continue to grow uncontrollably, thereby accumulating in large numbers.
●The Cells are Subject to Making Mistakes When Repairing DNA Errors
DNA repair genes try to identify various DNA errors at cellular levels. Faulty DNA repair, caused by gene mutation, may leave other errors uncorrected, potentially causing cancer symptoms.
To further discuss the cancer's causes, it is essential to understand what leads to gene mutations.
Gene mutations mainly happen due to two main reasons:
1.Mutations That Take Place Before Birth
One may be born with a specific type of genetic mutation that they inherited from one of their parents. This occurrence accounts for a small portion of cancer cases.
1.Mutations Occurring After Birth
Most cancer cases can be categorised under this type. Several external forces and lifestyle choices can start a gene mutation, including smoking, lack of exercise, radiation, viruses, obesity, hormones, and so on.
Gene mutations happen very often during regular cell growth. Nonetheless, cells have a characteristic that acknowledges when mistakes happen and rectifies those mistakes. At times, a mistake might get missed. Later on, these instances can turn a cell cancerous.
How Gene Mutations Interact With Each Other
The gene mutations a person carries from birth combine with those obtained over time to lead to cancer.
Having a genetic mutation that increases your risk of cancer does not guarantee you will develop related diseases. Contrarily, several other gene mutations could be necessary to cause cancer. If you have an inherited gene mutation, your risk of developing cancer may increase when exposed to specific cancer-causing substances.
To date, doctors are yet to find out exactly how many mutations should occur to form cancer symptoms. This number often varies across different cancer types.
As discussed, changes in DNA can lead to early signs of Cancer.There are different types of cancers and varied signs and symptoms. The symptoms are caused by the rapid growth of cancer cells and the invasion of other parts.
Nearly all signs and symptoms are often caused by other problems, such as injury, illness and benign tumours. If these symptoms worsen or are not cured for a long time, you must be diagnosed immediately. In most cases, it is possible to notice the common warning signs of cancer in your body, but some instances may go undetected.
Some typical symptoms of cancer in body are as follows:
Skin Changes - The changes can be increased hair growth, bleeding or squamous lump, formation of a new mole or alteration of an existing mole, dark spots, yellow eyes and jaundice. Skin changes are often associated with skin cancer but may also indicate other types of cancers.
Fatigue - Fatigue is different from tiredness. It is a severe tiredness or excessive lack of energy that doesn't get better with rest. This exhaustion can be physical, mental and emotional.
Bladder Changes - Pain during urination, urge to urinate more often, even when the bladder is full and blood in the urine.
Weight Loss - It is visible and the most common among people with cancer. Losing weight is a response from the body when the cancer cell attacks healthy cells.
Fever - Fever is the most common symptom of illness, but it can also be a symptom of cancer. Not all types of cancerous cells cause fever but many of them do. Some cancers that may cause persistent fever include kidney cancer, liver cancer, ovarian cancer, adrenal gland tumours, etc.
Pain - Continuous pain for unknown reasons may be caused by cancer itself. It happens when the cancer spreads and destroys adjacent cells or tissues. As a tumor grows, the pressure on nearby bones, nerves and organs naturally increase and also the tumor can release chemicals that can cause notable pain.
Mouth Changes - Pain inside the mouth, swallowing struggles, bleeding, numbness and soreness inside mouth can indicate early cancer symptoms. Additionally, if you see unusual lip colour or redness or white patches in your inner cheeks, it is recommended to visit doctor immediately.
Cough - A lasting cough gets worse. The cough has remained for more than three weeks. Recurring chest infections, not-stop breathlessness and pain when coughing or breathing.
Night Sweats - When a person sweats excessively during their sleep, it is called night sweats. It can occur day and night despite its name, night, sweats. It can be an early sign of liver cancer, leukaemia, mesothelioma, bone cancer, etc.
Breast Change - Change is the shape or size of one or two breasts, a lump or swelling in your armpits, skin changes and pain.
Other Signs & Symptoms
Cancer can develop without prior signs, and symptoms go undetected. Carcinoid cancer usually grows very slowly, making early detection and diagnosis difficult.
A person's overall health and medical reports are crucial factors in detecting the cause of cancer. The following cancers are subtle and show vague symptoms; hence, treating them at the early stage of development becomes difficult.
Asymptomatic cancer shows no symptoms when it develops in the body. The following are a few asymptomatic cancers.
Currently, there is no solution for curing cancer in any form. While recent advancements have brought new and effective treatments to curb cancer symptoms, it has still not reached the cure point.
Even after complete remission (signs of cancer have reduced), cancer cells can last in the body. Full-scale defence is the viable option that is preventing ourselves from cancer rather than curing it.
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How long can you have cancer without knowing?
<p>Cancer may go undetected for years and even decades. A few types of cancers won't show signs or symptoms at their early stages. For example, colon cancer, kidney cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, pancreatic cancer, cervical cancer and testicular cancer are common cancers that show no or little symptoms.</p>
List the 20 signs of cancer
<p>Skin changes<br>Fatigue<br>Bladder changes<br>Weight loss<br>Fever<br>Pain<br>Mouth changes<br>Cough<br>Night sweats<br>Breast changes<br>Loss of Appetite<br>Indigestion or heartburn<br>Bowel habit changes<br>Pelvic pain<br>Changes in bathroom habits<br>Bloating<br>Chronic headache<br>Nausea<br>Unusual lumps<br>Post-menopausal bleeding</p>
What are the signs you don't have cancer?
<p>Pains, coughs and aches that remain in your body for a long time without change in intensity are not likely to be cancer because cancer worsens with time and shows multiple symptoms at every stage.</p>
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