Dragon Fruit Nutrition and Health Benefits

Dragon Fruit Nutrition and Health Benefits

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Dragon Fruit Nutrition and Health Benefits

Fruits are the delightful foods blessed on earth. The majority of the fruits that we enjoy are seasonal. Look how clever nature is to give us the right benefits according to the seasons in the form of fruits. So, let’s enjoy the season.

Be like dragon fruit, be bright and colourful.

Dragon Fruit and its Origin

Dragon fruit (Hylocereus cacti) is a tropical fruit; which traces back to Central and South America. Also commonly grown in Asia, Mexico and Israel. Now it has come to India.

In India, dragon fruit is slowly gaining the name of popular cultivated fruit across India. Part of India like Tamil Nadu, Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Gujarat, Odisha, Andhra Pradesh, West Bengal and so on, is now cultivating the dragon fruit.

The dragon fruit takes its name from its appearance; the leathery skin and the spike on the exterior of the fruit appear like dragon skin. Pitaya, Pitahaya and strawberry pear are the other familiar names for dragon fruit.  

Taste of Dragon Fruit

Dragon fruit has gained the market in recent times. The fruit grows on the Hylocereus cactus plant. It has got an interesting name, ‘Honolulu queen’, because the flower of this plant opens only at night. The following brings up the common variety of dragon fruit.

White dragon fruit; that has red skin with a green scalp on the exterior; has white flesh with black-spotted seeds. Most of the variety has white pulp with back seeds; it is rare to see dragon fruit with red pulp and black spotted seeds.

The other variety has yellow skin, but the pulp is white with spotted black seeds. The exotic fruit is mild in sweet; people compare the taste with the combination of kiwi and pear.

Benefits of Dragon Fruit

Every fruit has a unique benefit, such as the dragon fruit. Dragon fruit is rich in nutrition and fat-free.

Dragon fruit provides low calories but is rich in vitamins and minerals. Dragon fruit is widely hailed as a super-food because of the surplus benefits offered by the fruit. Let’s take a look at the health benefits of dragon fruit.  

Gut Health

First, a gut is the part of the digestive system or passage that starts from the mouth and leads to the anus. Overall health and well-being involve the healthy function of the gut.

The primary function of the gut is digestion, nutrition absorption and excretion of waste. The gut is the storehouse for microorganisms. Dragon fruit contains probiotics that possibly increase the growth of good bacteria in the gut.

The probiotics in the fruit particularly increases two families of good bacteria such as lactobacilli and bifidobacteria. Thus, killing the disease-causing virus and bacteria. 


Without a doubt, dragon fruit aids in digestion because of its high fibre content. Fibre promotes bowel movement and helps to increase the production of bile juice, which takes forward the digestion process in the body.

The fruit is a rich source of a carbohydrate named oligosaccharides. This carbohydrate enhances healthy digestion. The dragon fruit promotes peristaltic movements (wavelike muscle contractions) that help prevent the food from moving through the digestive tract.

The role of fibre extends in excreting waste from the body in time. Thus, it prevents various digestive tract-related problems such as constipation, etc.

Boost your Immune system

The immune system is the defence of our body. The low or falling level of the immune system develops the risk of various health problems. The white blood cells are the disease-fighters, but the free radicals often damage them.

The presence of vitamin C; in dragon fruit is beneficial in improving the immune system and making it effective in fighting against foreign invaders such as bacteria, viruses, etc. As we all know, vitamin C is one of the most powerful antioxidants that neutralise free radicals, consequently boosting immune power.

Prevents and fights Cancer

As mentioned earlier, dragon fruit is rich in vitamin C. The vitamin is well known to prevent the risk of Cancer. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that fights against free radicals and helps in preventing oxidative damage to the cells.

Research shows that dragon fruit also has a plant pigment named beta-carotene, which gives the vibrant colour of the food. Research believes that beta-carotene has powerful antioxidant and anti-cancer properties.

The body converts beta-carotene into vitamin A. It also prevents certain diseases, promotes heart health and treats disorders like Alzheimer’s.

Stabilise blood sugar

Dragon fruit defeats Diabetes because of the abundant antioxidants present in the fruit. Surprisingly, dragon fruit falls under the type of low-glycemic fruit. Low glycemic fruits help in weight loss and regulate blood sugar.

Low glycemic fruits prevent Diabetes (controls type 2 Diabetes). Apart from the antioxidant properties, the fibre in dragon fruit also helps to regulate blood sugar. As fibre does not require insulin to break down and digest, it does not cause blood sugar spikes.  

Healthy heart

The heart is the vital organ of the body. Good heart care is important to make it stay healthy. Dragon fruit is good for cardiovascular health as the fruit serves as a good source of monounsaturated fats that lowers the risk of heart disease.

The seeds of dragon fruit are loaded with omega-3 fatty acids and a type of polyunsaturated fat. Fatty acid becomes essential to build up brain cells and promotes heart health.

Furthermore, omega-3 acids are good at reducing triglycerides (a type of fat cell in the body), decreasing the risk of developing arrhythmias (irregular heartbeat), minimising plaque deposit and lowering blood pressure. Thus, omega-3 rich dragon fruit improves heart health.  

Healthy for skin

The vitamin B3 supplement of the fruit treats sunburn and relieves inflammation, itchiness and redness. The phytofluene in dragon fruit acts as a shield that protects the skin from UV rays.

The skin benefit of dragon fruit draws attention to ‌the powerful antioxidant vitamin C. The goodness of dragon fruit to the skin is as follows, hydrates the skin, treats acne, prevents radical damage, fights premature ageing, acts as a natural moisturiser and improves the skin tone and texture.

The antioxidant in the fruits keeps the skin tight and young. Dragon fruit goes well with honey for a homemade face mask.

Boosts iron level

With all the amazing fruit, only a few are rich in iron. Luckily dragon fruit is one among them. Every vitamin is important for body function in that way; iron plays a vital role in the growth and development of the body.

Red blood cells are made of iron, and the body needs to produce haemoglobin which carries blood throughout the body. Furthermore, iron treats Anaemia, brings down fatigue, boosts immunity and improves concentration.

So, dragon fruit falls under the best option to increase the iron level in the body.

Supports healthy bone

When ‌bone health comes in, calcium and magnesium are the key benefits that come to the page. The high level of calcium and magnesium in dragon fruit drives it as a good source to support healthy bones. Calcium also benefits the teeth.

Calcium helps to improve bone density, ‌increasing the strength of the bones. Magnesium is a supporting agent that aids in calcium absorption, so magnesium is vital for preventing bone-related problems and enriching bone density.

Researchers believe that regular consumption of dragon fruit brings down the risk of osteoporosis (bone loss) caused by the falling level of calcium.


The vibrant red fruit has surplus antioxidant properties. The antioxidant reduces or cuts down the cell damage to cells caused by free radicals. Dragon fruit contains antioxidant betacyanins and betaxanthins.

The free radicals cause cell damage, and antioxidants stabilize the free radicals. According to the studies, the antioxidant properties also prevent inflammation in the body.

The antioxidant in dragon fruit also acts as a detoxification agent. So, it gets rid of the body waste and refines the body. Dragon fruit beholds the power of antioxidants, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties.


It is a well-known fact that colour plays an important role in enhancing appetite. With the race of colour, dragon fruit has got the most vibrant colour. Betalains are phytonutrients (a plant pigment) that cause the colour of the fruit.

The betalains give the dragon fruit antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxify properties. Reports of studies support that betalains reduce cancer risk and prevent cancerous growth.

Regular consumption can improve antioxidant properties and eliminate free radicals.


Hydroxycinnamates are aromatic acids, and dragon fruit is rich in hydroxycinnamates. Hydroxycinnamates show some anti-cancer properties and minimise the risk of developing type 2 Diabetes.


Along with flavonoids, the fruit has phenolic acid and betacyanin. Flavonoids are the essential pigment that offers bright colour and are widely known for antioxidant activities. Antioxidants play a vital role in reducing inflammation, and blood pressure, improving cardiovascular health and preventing cancerous growth.


Dragon fruit offers 18% of magnesium in one cup. So this makes the fruit an ample source of magnesium. Magnesium is present all over our body, almost every cell contains magnesium, and it drives the functions of cells.

The magnesium aids in converting the food into energy, creates protein from the amino acid, aids in stabilising the mood, improves PMS symptoms, etc.

Storehouse Vitamin B

Apart from vitamin C, dragon fruit acts as a storehouse for powerful vitamins, such as vitamin B1, B2 and B3. This promotes the fruit as high resistance to infection.

Each of these vitamins has a vital role to play in the effective function of the body. In total, the vitamin B complex (B1, B2 and B3) enhances cell growth, enriches energy levels, improves eyesight, aids in healthy brain function, promotes nerve function, regulates the hormone and cholesterol production and increases testosterone levels in men.


The presence of vitamins A and E in dragon fruit aids hair growth. Like watermelon, dragon fruit has high water content, which prevents the hair from dryness and brittle.

Vitamin A hydrates the hair, vitamin B and C repairs the damaged hair and stops hair damage. So, the antioxidants and fibre strengthen the hair follicles and prevent them from external damage.

Eyes care

The fruit is found to be rich in eye health vitamins such as vitamin A, C and carotene. There are well-known vitamins to promote eye health and protect the cornea. Carotene aids the eye membrane in creating a barrier to protect the eyes from harmful bacteria and viruses.

Vitamin A and B3 are the key vitamins to improve eye health. The fruit also prevents certain eye problems such as macular degeneration, cataract and colour vision because of its antioxidant properties. The antioxidants prevent cell damage which is the major cause of macular degeneration and cataract.  


Is it safe to consume dragon fruit during pregnancy? Yes, it provides surplus benefits both to the mother and child. The fruit offers endless nutrients that are essential to boost the health of pregnant women and their babies.

The iron in the dragon fruit enhances the haemoglobin, thus reducing the chances of Anaemia in pregnant women. Calcium aids bone development; vitamin B plays the role of preventing congenital disabilities and develops a healthy nervous system.

As blood sugar and blood pressure are normalised, it minimises the risk of pre-eclampsia (caused by hypertension). The fibre in dragon fruit treats constipation. With all the benefits, it is safe to have dragon fruit on the plates of pregnant women.  

Nutrition Chart of Dragon Fruit 

The following data suggests the ideal information about the nutrition chart of dragon fruit.

  • Calories: 136
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Protein: 3 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 29 grams
  • Fibre: 7 grams
  • Vitamin E: 4%
  • Vitamin C: 9%
  • Magnesium: 18%
  • Iron: 8%
  • Calcium: 107

How to consume dragon fruit?

The above question leaves endless possibilities.

  • Dragon fruit can be eaten raw
  • It can be added to smoothies and shake
  • It can be blended into a fruit salad

You can either follow the above way or prepare your recipe. Only the flesh of the dragon fruit is edible, not the skin. The step is easy, just peel off the skin and blend it according to your taste and preference.

Beware of the Side Effects

If overall health is taken into consideration, dragon fruit is said to add ample benefit to health. However, as said, too much of anything is good for nothing. Even though it does not leave any life-threatening side effects, some people are likely to develop an allergic reaction toward dragon fruit.  

Excessive intake may cause diarrhoea because the laxative properties in the fruit also lead to pseudohematuria, a reddish huge discharge in urine or faeces. Stomach issues or problems, hypotension, etc., are the other related side effects of overconsumption of dragon fruit.

Beware of the side effects that tag with the dragon fruit before adding it to your regular diet. Check with a dietitian to gather knowledge about the side effects and to ensure that the addition of fruit to your diet will not induce new health problems or worsen the existing health conditions.

Take away points

Such goodness resides inside the exotic and vibrant fruit. The nutrition and vitamins of the fruit are worth trying. The answer to a healthy lifestyle is readily available in a fruit shop.

If taken in a moderate amount, the dragon fruit makes your lifestyle as vibrant as the colour of the fruit. 



1. How to eat dragon fruit?

In dragon fruit, only the flesh is edible, not the skin. The fruit is amazing as it can blend with your preparations. It can go well with salad, smoothie and yoghurt, or you can make your own recipe.

2. How to cut dragon fruit?

To cut dragon fruit is an easy task, just peel off the skin and slice the fruit into two halves with the knife. Then, the fruit is all ready to eat. If you feel peeling off the skin is a bit of a heavy task, then grab a spoon, slide it between the flesh (white with black seed) and skin (bright colour outer layer of the fruit) and have it.

3. What is the difference between red dragon fruit and white dragon fruit?

The red dragon fruit’s scalp is more curvy, green and thick than the white scalp. The flower tips of the red variety are redder than the white variety. The fragrance of the flowers is the same in both varieties. When the topic comes to the nutrition value of the fruit, it is believed that the red fruit is deeper in nutrition than the white one.

4. Which colour of dragon fruit is best?

The red dragon fruit is the best; this is because dark coloured fruits are filled with more antioxidants. So, the red-coloured dragon fruit is unique and more beneficial than the white one. Despite the deep fact, both the dragon fruit offer surplus health benefits.

5. What is the Hindi name for dragon fruit?

 Pitaya is the Hindi name of dragon fruit.

6. Why is dragon fruit called ‘dragon fruit’? 

The fruit gained its name from its appearance of the fruit. The red leathery skin along with the green scalp makes the fruit’s appearance like dragon skin, so it goes the name dragon fruit.

7. Is dragon fruit good for treating Dengue?

Dragon fruit is beneficial for severe diseases like Dengue. In Dengue, the platelets (WBCs) counts are less; the dragon fruit has antioxidant properties that support the immune system and uplift the count of WBCs in the body. Dragon fruit is also rich in other nutrients which help the body repair damage.

8. Does dragon fruit cause side effects?

Yes, dragon fruit can lead to adverse effects on some people. Despite the health benefits, researchers found dragon fruit has caused allergies in some people. Excess consumption of dragon fruit can cause side effects such as stomach problems, pseudohematuria, hypotension, etc.

9. Is the skin of dragon fruit good to consume?

The skin of dragon fruit is not poisonous; you can eat the flesh and throw it off the skin. Some say the skin is poisonous, but the researchers find ‌dragon fruit skin provides some health benefits.


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