Star Group Health Insurance

Customise your healthcare protection for your employees

*By providing my details, I consent to receive assistance from Star Health regarding my purchases and services through any valid communication channel.

What is Group Medical Cover (GMC)?


A group medical insurance is a policy that covers a defined group of people, usually members of a professional association, or a society or employees of a company. Group medical insurance policy will cover health and medical expenses.


What is a Group?


According to IRDAI, a group means a group of members who assemble together with a purpose of engaging in a common economic activity and not formed with the main purpose of availing insurance cover.


A group can be majorly divided into two:


Non-employer- employee groups


They may include members of registered welfare associations, holders of credit cards issued by a specific company/ banks, customers of a particular business where insurance is offered as an add on benefit.


Employer- employee groups


They may include employees of any specific registered organisation.


Star Health and Allied Insurance Company Limited is the health insurance specialist in issuing group mediclaim policies for existing groups. Eg. Employers- employees


Who is a group administrator/proposer?


Group Administrator / Proposer means the person/organization who has signed in the proposal form/declaration form and is named in the Policy Schedule. The person may or may not be insured under the policy.


Star Health’s Group health plans for corporate


  • Group Arogya Sanjeevani Policy, Star Health and Allied Insurance Co Ltd
  • Star Group Health Insurance


PLANGroup Arogya Sanjeevani Policy, Star Health and Allied Insurance Co Ltd (SHAHLGP22041V022122)STAR GROUP HEALTH INSURANCE (SHAHLGP23021V032223)
Type of CoverIndividual /FamilyIndividual /Family
Sum insured Options in lakhs₹100000 to ₹10 lakhsUp to ₹1 crore
Room Rent, Boarding, Nursing Expenses2% of the sum insured subject to maximum of ₹5000/- per dayCustomise the limits of cover
Pre Hospitalisation30 days prior to the date of hospitalisation.Customise the limits of cover
Post Hospitalisation60 days after discharge from the hospitalCustomise the limits of cover
Emergency ambulanceUp to ₹2000 per hospitalisationCustomise the limits of cover
AYUSH TreatmentCovered up to sum insuredup to 25% of the sum insured subject to a maximum of ₹25,000/- per policy period
Daycare treatmentsCoveredCovered
Modern Treatmentsup to 50% of the sum Insured.Customise the limits of cover
Cataract surgeryup to 25% of the sum insured or ₹40000 whichever is lesser, per eye in a policy year.Customise the limits of cover
Waiting PeriodPre-Existing Diseases36 months of continuous coverage after inception of 1st PolicyWith or without waiting period(Waiver of waiting period is available)
Certain Specific illness24 months of continuous coverage after inception of 1st PolicyWith or without waiting period(Waiver of waiting period is available)
Certain Specific illness36 months of continuous coverage after inception of 1st PolicyWith or without waiting period(Waiver of waiting period is available)
Any illness other than accidents1st 30 days after inception of 1st PolicyWith or without waiting period(Waiver of waiting period is available)
Migration (Provision by the Insurance Regulator)Subject to underwriting: Individual members, including the family members covered under an indemnity-based group health insurance policy shall have the right to migrate from such a group policy to an individual health insurance policy or a family floater policy within the same company
Risk CoveredIn-patient hospitalization for 24 hours due to illness/ accidents and daycare treatments or Procedures
Addition & Deletion
  • Any new joiner can be added along with dependants
  • New born child & Newly married spouse can be added
  • Any person leaving the organization will be deleted from the cover on Pro-rata Premium subject no claim under that insured person /


Note:  The above information is only indicative. For complete details of the Terms & Conditions kindly read the policy clause before concluding a sale.


Star Group Health Insurance


Star Group Health Insurance is offered after customising the product to the requirement of the proposer. The following benefits are covered under this policy subject to the sub-limits as stipulated in the policy schedule.


In-patient hospitalisation expenses: All expenses pertaining to in-patient hospitalisation such as Room/boarding expenses inclusive of Medical Practitioners fees, Nursing Expenses, Surgical fees, ICU charges, Anesthetist, Anesthesia, Blood, Oxygen, operation theatre charges etc. incurred during hospitalisation for a minimum period of 24 consecutive hours.


Pre and Post hospitalisation Expenses: Pre and post hospitalisation medical expenses up to the limits mentioned in the schedule.


Daycare treatments/procedures: All daycare treatments pertaining to medical treatment and/or surgical procedure which is undertaken in less than 24 hours because of technological advancement are covered. Treatments taken as an out-patient will be excluded under the scope of cover of daycare treatments/procedures.


Maternity Benefits: This optional cover provides coverage for medical expenses incurred for delivery either as c-section or normal delivery (inclusive of pre and post natal expenses), lawful medical termination of pregnancy during the Policy Period. The cover also extends to provide child birth related expenses from day 1 up to a specified limit as specifically stated in the Policy schedule. This coverage may be offered with or without any waiting period. The provision to waive off 9 months waiting period can also be opted under the policy.


New born cover: The new born baby can get the cover for medical expenses incurred as in-patient in hospital up to the floater sum insured or certain percentage of mother’s sum insured as stated in the policy schedule. This is also an optional cover.


Ayush Treatment: This cover provides coverage for medical expenses for alternate methods of treatment such as homeopathy, Ayurveda, Siddha, Unani treatment provided that such treatment is administered by medical practitioner. (NABH)


What waiting periods are waived off?


Waiver of 30 days waiting periodAny illness in the first 30 days from the date of policy inception will be covered
Waiver of first year exclusionSpecified illness which is mentioned in the policy clause from the date of policy inception will be covered. eg. Gall bladder stones, Kidney stones, pancreatic stones, prostrate, hernia, hydrocele etc.
Waiver of first two-year exclusionSpecified illness which is mentioned in the policy clause from the date of policy inception will be covered. Eg Cataract, ENT diseases, prolapse of inter vertebral, problems related female genital organs etc.
Waiver of Pre-existing disease exclusionExpenses related to the treatment of a pre-existing Disease (PED) and its direct complications shall be covered from the date of inception of the policy


Features of Star Group Health Insurance at a glance


Star Group health insurance is offered by the employer to its employees.


  • Employees with group medical insurance can choose to include their family members like spouse, dependent children, parents, and parent in-laws.
  • Star Group Health Insurance can be issued with or without co-pay for covering elderly parents and in-laws.
  • The  group medical insurance policy would provide a floater/individual sum insured to cover the medical expenses of 24 hour in-patient hospitalisation due to an illness or an accident and daycare procedures.
  • The employee can opt an additional top-up cover to suit his requirements.


Features of the Star Group Health Insurance


Floater Benefit: The insured can avail a floater cover and get family covered (spouse, dependent children, parents and in-laws) for the same sum insured by paying one premium amount.


Cashless and reimbursement facility: The insured can avail cashless facility at network hospitals and also can get reimbursement of expenses on submission of standard required documents.


Cover Period: 1 year


Eligibility:Up to any age can enter this policy


Group size: If your company offers the insurance, you will be eligible for it. The size of the company can be as small as 7 members including family members.


Waiting Period: One of the biggest advantages of taking the Star Group Health Insurance cover is the waiver of the waiting periods/time bound exclusions. Usually, in a Group Arogya Sanjeevani Policy, waiting periods are applied ranging from 30 days to 3 years and delivery expenses are not covered. However, Star Group Health Insurance allows the employees to enjoy all the waivers of time bound exclusions and certain additional benefits like delivery expenses.


No pre-insurance Medical Screening: In a Group Arogya Sanjeevani Policy, pre-insurance screening is compulsory unlike group insurance policies can be issued without pre-insurance screening. Thereby, an aged person with pre-existing diseases can also be covered under a group insurance cover.


Premium: The premium charged under the policy depends upon the sum insured opted, additional covers (if opted by the Insured) and other factors like age, risk factor, city contingency, Morbidity etc.


Type of policy: The types of policies available are the same as those offered to regular consumers, however, the level of coverage provided may depend on the policy opted by your employer.


Addition/Deletion: In a Group Arogya Sanjeevani Policy, mid-term inclusion is not possible whereas a Star Group Health Insurance can allow the new joiner and their family members even during the mid of the policy on marriage and or new born baby.


What we don’t pay for?


We don’t pay for permanent exclusions mentioned in the policy schedule.


  • Walkers and wheelchairs, vitamins and tonics
  • Dental Implants
  • Congenital External Anomaly
  • Non-payables/consumables etc.


What is corporate buffer?


Corporate Buffer means additional sum insured available for the whole group. This can be availed in case of any medical emergency falling under specific diseases/illnesses after exhaustion of individual employee’s coverage. Under the family floater cover, this benefit can be extended to the employee, spouse and children in consent with the employer.


In house claim settlement:

Cashless claim procedures:


Star Health Claims Services is a hassle-free and customer-friendly process that ensures all settlements are processed in a timely manner. As your health insurance specialist, we make cashless claims available across all our network hospitals in India.


  • The Star Health website contains a list of network hospitals, including agreed network hospitals.
  • Search from the network list from our website and locate the nearest network hospital to your residence.
  • For planned surgery, approach the hospital prior to the date of admission who will send the completed pre-authorization form.
  • In the pre-authorization form, you are required to furnish your contact number.
  • If details are not complete, approval of the authorization request may get delayed.


Approach the insurance desk at a network hospital. Intimation can be given either through contacting us at 044 4674 5800 or e-mail us at


  • Inform the Operator to obtain Claim No.
  • Customer ID / Policy No
  • Cause of Hospitalization
  • Hospital Name
  • Insured/Patient Name


Planned Hospitalisation can be intimated between 7 to 10 days in advance and intimate for Emergency Hospitalization is within 24 hours of hospitalisation.


  • Register claim.
  • Reach insurance desk and submit documents at the network hospital.
  • Documents sent to Star Claims Team.
  • Documents verified by our Claim Processing Team.
  • If approved, the claim is settled as per the policy conditions.
  • Payment will reach the network hospital.
  • Pay the difference and get discharged.


Reimbursement claim procedures:


In case of planned treatments, the insured gives prior intimation about the treatment to the insurer and obtains the claim number. In case of an emergency admission, the insured can avail claim number within 24 hours of hospitalisation. The insured can call the helpline 044-4674 5800 to obtain his claim number providing the required information like hospital name and patient’s name etc. The insured can claim for a reimbursement of those expenses within 15 days from the date of discharge on submission of the necessary documents.


Documents to be submitted for Reimbursement claims:


  • Duly completed claim form
  • Pre-admission investigations and treatment papers
  • Cash receipts from the hospital and chemists
  • Cash receipts and reports for tests done
  • Receipts from doctors, surgeons and anaesthetist
  • Certificate from the attending doctor regarding the diagnosis
  • Copy of PAN card, cancelled cheque or NEFT details


You may also reach out to our 24/7 customer care to get your queries cleared.

Co-payment is a cost sharing requirement under a health insurance policy where the insured should bear a specified percentage of the admissible claims amount. This co-payment feature will reduce the cost of the group insurance.


Whom do we recommend to buy Star Group Health Insurance?


Employees are invaluable assets of any company, and employers are undertaking several initiatives to promote a healthy workforce ensuring their excellent mental and physical health that sets them up to perform well. In the current scenario, there is a growing trend among organisations considering Health insurance as an employee benefit.


Health Insurance is the key factor in recognising and rewarding the employees. Health insurance can also be used a retention tool where the employees are obliged to work with company for a longer period. When the needs of the employee are taken care like the hospitalisation for his aged parents, therefore it brings satisfaction to give his best to the employer.


We understand that you have those common questions in your mind that every HR manager or CEO of a company has. Does Group Health Insurance plan require a minimum number of employees? What is the minimum number of employees I need for Group Health Insurance plan?


We are a small company with less than 20 employees, are we still eligible for group health insurance policy?

Well, we want to address all of these questions.


SME’s and start-ups:


Group health insurance for startups with a small team size consisting of minimum 7 members can be provided with a group medical policy. For instance, you are a new company with a count of 7 members, you could still sign up for a group health insurance plan. Employers can take advantage of investing in group health insurance policy on two fronts. Not only can they provide benefits to your employees but, can also help in your tax exemption under Section 37(1) of Income Tax Act.


Large organisations:


Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to behave ethically and contribute to the welfare of the employees and their families and contribute to the welfare of the local community and society by and large.


How to choose the best health Insurance for your employees?


A Star Group Health Insurance helps you attract and retain the best talent. So, it’s a matter of utmost importance to select the right benefits and maximise the utility of the insurance with value added services.


In light of these, it becomes important for employers to offer a comprehensive health insurance plan that’s relevant for their team. The right group health insurance plan is the one that is customisable to extend the best possible benefits to the employers budget.


Before getting into the practical pointers that may help you frame the right insurance policy for your employees, it is essential to know your team well.


Here are few pointers:


  • Waiting Periods - Star Group Health Insurance

Time bound exclusions/waiting periods are generally of 4 types.

Time bound exclusions under a Star Group Health Insurance are as follows

Pre-existing diseases- 3 years.

Certain specified diseases – diseases related to eye, ENT, female genital diseases etc is 2 years

Certain specified diseases - diseases related to Hernia, Piles, stone formation etc. is 1 year.

Any disease acquired or contracted during the first 30 days of the policy

The above time bound exclusions can be waived under a Star Group Health Insurance


  • Waiting periods - Group Arogya Sanjeevani Policy, Star Health and Allied Insurance Co Ltd


  1. Pre-existing diseases- 3 years
  2. Certain specified diseases – 2 years few examples are stated below
    • Cataract and age related eye ailments
    • Benign ENT disorders
    • Hysterectomy
    • Hernia of all types
  3. Certain Specified diseases - 3 years few examples are stated below
    • Treatment for joint replacement unless arising from accident
    • Age-related Osteoarthritis & Osteoporosis
  4. Any disease acquired or contracted during the first 30 days of the policy


  • Maternity coverage


The Star Group Health Insurance provides for delivery and new born baby cover as add-on benefits. It is a good choice to offer these benefits and show your support for your employees at the time of having a baby.


  • Family coverage:


Employees will appreciate it much when you cover their family with comprehensive health insurance. It is the best benefit you can offer to show how much you value them. Of course, this gesture does come at a cost but you can always choose to customise an insurance plan to suit your employee’s needs. Just like maternity add-ons, it makes sense to assess your team by their age group and make a well-calculated decision. For example, a group in their 20s may not require family coverage as much as a team in their mid- 30s with ageing parents and kids. Your efforts will be useless if your employees cannot use their health insurance properly in an emergency.


Benefits for employees from a Star Group Health Insurance?


Today, employees look for attractive companies, those that offer more than just a paycheck. One such meaningful compensation is a Star Group Health Insurance, which has gained precedence in the current pandemic. Considering the notification issued by the Ministry of Home Affairs, to provide mandatory group health insurance plan for employees in light of the Covid- 19, corporate health insurance can offer a range of benefits for both the employer and the employee.


Healthier employees make a more productive workforce. Especially in the event when a family member is hospitalised, employees are under a lot of stress. Let’s take a closer look at several advantages of having Star Group Health Insurance from your employer to cover your medical needs.


As an employee,


The benefits of a Star Group Health Insurance go further than that depending on the premium paid.


  • More than just insurance. Cover for the family. Depending on the policy, your family may be eligible to be insured as well.


As an Employer,


With a Star Group Health Insurance, you can provide your employees with the benefits they need to remain productive.


  • A reduction in absenteeism
  • Boosted productivity
  • Improved employee retention
  • Increased business productivity

For small and large businesses, Star Health and Allied Insurance Company Limited offers flexible and customised corporate health insurance solutions to meet your employees’ healthcare needs and help you control costs. Here is what our Star Group Health Insurance can do for your company:


Cuts the cost of sick days


Every employer, in every company has a challenge of reducing the number of sick leave taken by their employees. The working days are lost on sick leaves, which considerably impacts the bottom line of businesses. While you can’t control when your employees get sick, Star Group Health Insurance can provide your employees with fast access to quality healthcare, helping them return to work sooner.


Helps you hire and retain staff


When recruiting talent, offering company medical insurance as part of your benefits package can be the reason why a candidate chooses you over other companies. At the same time, your current employees are less likely to look elsewhere for employment because offering company private medical insurance can make them feel more valued and looked after.


Increases job satisfaction


Company medical insurance is one of the most wanted employee perks. When people know their employer is interested in their health and well-being by giving them access to quality private healthcare through a corporate health insurance scheme, they can experience a boost in motivation and productivity and be enticed to stay with your company for longer.


Take care of your employees with Star Health


When you take care of your employees, anything is possible
Our group insurance policy are carefully designed to make sure the health and wellness of your employees is taken care of so they can focus on what matters.


  • Flexible Cover
    For group insurance policy, we can tailor our Star Group Health Insurance to fit your business’ needs and the level of cover required.
  • Tech-friendly
    Star health will be your tech friendly choice that will make your claim process simple and stress free.
  • Admin Dashboard
    Admin dashboard for managing your group health benefits. Our admin dashboard provides you with all the functionality you need.


Why choose Star Group Health Insurance with Star Health


  • 89.9% cashless claims settled in less than 2 hours.
  • Get cashless facility in over 14,000+ network hospitals across India. 94% of our health claims were processed within 30 days in fiscal 2021
  • In house doctors for claim settlement, without any TPA
  • Industry best claim settlement ratio


What is Group Mediclaim Policy? 

A group mediclaim policy refers to a health insurance plan that offers coverage to a group of people, generally employees and their dependents. A group mediclaim insurance policy offers coverage for medical expenses such as illnesses and injuries.   



  • Group mediclaim policy offers coverage for hospitalization charges, room rent, doctor's fees, and pre and post-hospitalization expenses. 
  • It can offer coverage for the dependents of the insured group members. 
  • In general, when compared to individual health insurance policies, it has a lower premium.   
  • This plan is offered as a part of an employee benefits package. 
  • Group mediclaim policy can also be used to cover other groups, like corporate bodies, associations, and institutions.


Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy for Employees

A Group Mediclaim Insurance Policy for employees provides many benefits. They are :

1. Cost-effective premiums

Understanding risk across a group of employees, a group mediclaim policies provide lower premium options when compared to individual plans. It could provide lower premiums because of a larger risk pool.

2.  Easy Claims Process

Companies with group policies have a streamlined claims process with very quick approvals and cashless hospitalization choices. 

3. No Pre-medical Check-up

Most of the group mediclaim policies do not need individual medical examinations, which could be better for employees with pre-existing conditions.  

4. Broader Coverages

Group mediclaim policy for employees can offer broader coverages for various medical expenses, like surgeries, hospitalization, and sometimes even outpatient treatments.   

5. Tax Benefits

Employers can claim tax deductions on the paid premiums for group health insurance.  

6. Employees Retention 

Offering a group mediclaim policy could be a better option, as it would help to retain talent. 

7. Peaceful Mind

Employees can have a peaceful mind knowing they have access to better medical care during medical emergencies. 

8. Customizable Coverages

Companies can customize their group mediclaim policy to meet the specific requirements of their employees, like coverage for dependents.  

What is the Significance of the Group Medical Insurance Policy? 

Group medical insurance policy offers coverage for the expenses spent by the insured persons for the hospitalization due to sickness or accident.  Below such group medical insurance for employees in India, the typical expenses like room/boarding expenses as provided by the hospital, nursing expenses, medical practitioner fee, consultant fee, surgeon’s fee, anaesthetist’s fee,  surgical appliance, medicines, and medical drugs, specialist fees, anaesthesia, blood, oxygen, operation theatre charges, diagnostic material and x-ray, dialysis, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, cost of the pacemaker, artificial limbs, and similar admissible expenses may be included. The policy offers coverage for the expenses incurred on room rent, medicines, surgery, etc. The expenses for hospitalization are payable only if a 24-hour hospitalization has been made. (Except for named day-care procedures, which do not require a 24-hour hospitalization).   


Group Medical Insurance Policy for Employees

A group medical insurance policy for employees refers to a health insurance plan that offers coverage to a group of people, especially the employees of the same organization. 

Lets discuss the benefits of group medical insurance for employees. 

  • Financial Safety: It gives financial protection for unforeseen medical expenses. 
  • Lower cost: The cost per person is less as the risk is spread across the group. 
  • Wider coverage: It provides coverage for hospitalization, doctor consultations, diagnostic tests, surgical procedures, and other medical expenses. 
  • Family coverage: Spouses, children, and other dependents can be included in the plan at an additional cost.
  • Wellness benefits: The policy includes wellness advantages.  


Features of Group Medical Insurance Policy 

Lets discuss the features of Group Medical Insurance Policy.

  • Pre-existing conditions: It offers quick coverage for pre-existing conditions with no waiting periods. 
  • Cashless features: It offers direct settlements of expenses. It also provides cashless facilities. 
  • Corporate Buffer: This policy provides an extra sum insured available for the entire group during any medical emergency.  

These policies are tailormade as per the individual requirements of the company. The significant factors taken into account while building the policy structure are the employee experience, market benchmarking, long-term strategic alignment with company philosophy and pricing considerations.

Group medical insurance for family may help manage the claim hassle-free. Many group medical insurance for employees in India involve fast, fair, and transparent claim procedures, third-party administration for claims processing, more seamless cashless support hospitals in the network list, and customer support services.


What are the demerits of Group Medical Insurance? 

In general, group medical insurance for employees offers many benefits, like medical coverage, financial protection, and tax benefits for employers. Apart from the benefits, there are many limitations of a group medical insurance policy. Let's discuss group medical insurance limitations. 

  • Treatment generally taken on an outpatient basis is excluded. 
  • Some conditions, such as bronchitis, asthma, and tonsillitis, are not covered. 
  • The liability of an insurer is limited to the sum insured for the insured person.

Which is the Best Medical Insurance in India? How to Choose It?

There are many medical insurance, but choose the best medical insurance in India that correctly suits your medical needs.  For that, consider some factors while opting for the best medical insurance in India. Those are : 

1. Claim settlement ratio

Choose an insurance company that has the highest claim ratio. A high claim settlement ratio denotes the insurer's efficiency in effectively settling the claims.  

2. Renewability

Select a correct health insurance plan that provides lifetime renewability. This makes sure that you can renew your health insurance plan without any age limit.  

3. Check the co-payment clause

Co-payment is a percentage of money that has to be borne by the policyholder along with the insurance company when any medical emergency arises. So, check if there is any co-payment clause applicable that may affect your claim amount. 

4. Sum insured 

The policy premium will depend on the sum insured. If you select a higher sum insured, your premium amount will increase. 

5. Coverage

Select the right coverage for your healthcare requirements and opt for a plan that provides broader advantages. 

6. Waiting period 

Waiting period refers to a time period when particular coverage is not admissible. Choose a plan that has a lesser waiting period.

7.Pre-existing diseases

Health insurance companies offer insurance coverage for these pre-existing diseases after some waiting period. Know about the waiting period for pre-existing diseases in your selected insurance policy. 

8. Compare multiple health plans

Compare many health insurance plans to determine which is the best one. 

9. Tax benefits

Check that the plan you choose provides you the tax benefits. 

10. Cashless claims

Cashless claims can be made only at a network hospital, but if you avail yourself of treatment at a non-network hospital, you can pay the bills upfront.   

11. Cashless hospitalization

Choose policies that offer cashless hospitalization, permitting you to get treatment without upfront payments at the network. 

12. Network hospitals

Choose a policy that has more hospitals in nearby areas and also good quality hospitals. 

13. Pre and post Hospitalization Coverage

Make sure that your policy offers coverage to the major medical expenses like hospitalization,  treatments, surgeries, and pre and post-hospitalization costs. 

14. Age 

As the age increases , they become susceptible to age-related diseases and medical examinations that are up to the cost of the health insurance plan.  

15. Claim Process

See if the health insurance policies provide an easy claim settlement process, like correct documentation.

16. Coverage for Preventive Health Checkup

Several health insurance plans cover preventive health checkups, and you might also be eligible for tax deductions. 

17. Family floater plans

Best health insurance policies in India often have lower premiums, so they become more affordable for individuals and families. 

18. No claim Bonus

You obtain a cumulative bonus for having claim-free policy years. You can get an advantage from this bonus by increasing your sum insured at the time of renewal of the health insurance policy. 

19. Premiums

The best health insurance plans in India often have lower premiums; thus, they become affordable for individuals and families. 

20. Room rent limit

The health insurance policy gives you the freedom to choose a hospital room, which can be completely private, semi-private or maybe on a sharing basis. It totally all depends upon the type of policy you select and its various sub-limits.  

21. Selecting the right insurance amount 

Don’t forget to choose an insurance amount that is budget-friendly for you. 

22. Add-on covers

See if the policy provides add-on covers like personal accident cover, critical illness cover, etc. 

23. Extra Benefits

See for the extra advantages such as health check-ups, wellness benefits, vaccinations, and discounts on premiums for a healthy lifestyle.


Confused? We’ve got the answers

Get all your Health Insurance related doubts clarified.


The information provided on this page is for general informational purposes only. Availability and terms of health insurance plans may vary based on geographic location and other factors. Consult a licensed insurance agent or professional for specific advice. T&C Apply.