Appendix Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Appendix Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

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Appendix Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

What is an Appendix?  

The appendix is a small worm-shaped tube attached to the end of the large intestine in your body. The appendix sits on the lower right side of your abdomen, where the large and small intestines connect. The function of the appendix is quite unclear; however, it has a little significant role to play in your body, at times, it is removed to avoid the risk of developing complications due to infection.

What is Appendicitis?

Appendicitis is a condition where your appendix is inflamed, infected or blocked due to any infection. Appendicitis is often characterised by pain (that can range from mild to severe) in your lower right abdomen.

In the chronic conditions of the appendix, the infection gets multiplied inside your appendix. Leading to the formation of pus and swelling. In the worst condition, it may burst (rupture), causing sudden and severe pain in your lower right abdomen. The rupture can spread the infection throughout the body. That's why appendicitis is treated as a medical emergency, and immediate surgery is required.

What are the symptoms of appendicitis?  

In the condition of appendicitis, you may feel pain in the right lower side of your abdomen. It starts in your stomach and spreads as a lower abdominal pain in a short span of time.

The following are the symptoms of the appendix:

  • Sudden and severe pain
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Poor appetite
  • Abdomen pain gets worse if you cough or walk
  • The rise in body temperature (fever)
  • Bloated abdomen
  • Constipation or diarrhoea
  • Flatulence

The pain and symptoms may vary, depending on the age and the severity of your appendicitis.

What causes Appendicitis?  

Appendicitis is caused when your appendix is blocked or infected, causing inflammation of your appendix. All age groups can be affected by appendicitis. However, the acute cause of appendicitis is quite unclear. The possible causes are as follows:

  • Enlarged lymph tissue in the wall of your appendix
  • Hard stool
  • Any abnormal that can block the opening of your appendix
  • Digestive tract injury or Abdomen injury

Risk factors of Appendicitis  


Appendicitis is common in people aged between 10 and 30 years, but it can occur at any age.

Family history 

A retrospective study states that a family history of appendicitis increases the likelihood of diagnosing the disease in children.


Males are more prone to Appendicitis than females, especially in children.

Other diseases

Chronic inflammatory diseases like Ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease increase the risk of appendicitis.

How is Appendicitis diagnosed?  

Consult a doctor if you find yourself with appendicitis symptoms or suffer from abdomen pain more often. Your doctor will ask for your signs and symptoms.

On physical examination, your doctor will gently apply pressure on the surface of your abdomen to check if your appendix is inflamed.

A blood test gives access to view the count of your white blood cells, the immune system. The count of white blood cells can indicate the infection.

Urine test to check if your abdomen pain is caused by urinary tract infection or kidney stones.

An imagery test (CT, MRI or X-ray), allows you to see the inflammation of your appendix or find out the other cause of your abdomen pain.

Pelvic examination is performed in women to check for the abnormality and severity of your pain and appendicitis.

Appendicitis is common in children. Then symptoms get different in young children. They experience abdominal pain, vomiting, bloated stomach and poor appetite. Your doctor may use an imagery test to diagnose appendicitis in your children.

What are the treatments for appendicitis?  

Appendicitis is treated with antibiotics or medications. If the infection is mild, this happens only in rare conditions. In most of the conditions, your doctor will remove your appendix through surgery.

  • Laparoscopic surgery: The surgery is performed with an instrument laparoscope (a thin tube with a camera and light). Your doctor will insert the laparoscope into your abdomen. The camera and light allow your doctor to monitor your abdomen and perform small incisions to remove your appendix with minimal blood loss. Compared to open surgery, recovery is faster in laparoscopic surgery involving small incisions.
  • Open surgery: In a critical situation, open surgery is performed. When your appendix ruptures and starts to spread infection, open surgery is required to remove the appendix and clean the infection. It usually takes between 2 to 4 weeks to resume your normal activities, but you should wait for 5 to 6 weeks to gain full recovery.

What are the complications of appendicitis?

The major complication is when your appendicitis rupture. The rupture spreads infection all over your abdominal cavity, causing severe illness, or it may even lead to the cause of death.

Other complications are as follows:

  • Sepsis, the condition when the rupture infection or bacteria travels through your bloodstream. Sepsis can spread the infection from one part to another. Sepsis can cause death in one out of three people.
  • Abscess, the condition where the rupture of appendicitis lead to the formation of pus. The abscess should be removed. It takes time to remove it. You will be asked to take medication to fight against the infection until then. Once your abscess is drained, your appendicitis will be removed by surgery.
  • Abdominal infection, the sudden rupture of the appendix, spreads the infection all over the abdominal cavity, including the peritoneum (the lining tissue or membrane of your abdominal cavity). The affected peritoneum is called peritonitis.

When to see a doctor? 

Abdominal pain or discomfort is a symptom of many illnesses ranging from minor stomach disease to something more severe like appendicitis.

It’s crucial to get medical consultation when stomach pain occurs with no proper aetiology, as it may result in a life-threatening condition.

Appendicitis is characterised by excruciating pain in the lower-right abdomen. It may start in the upper abdomen and move downward. If one encounters this kind of pain, visiting a doctor as soon as possible is recommended.

Acute vs. Chronic Appendicitis

Sometimes confused, acute and chronic appendicitis refer to different inflammation forms affecting the appendix (a small pouch-like organ located at the junction of large and small intestines).

Acute appendicitis is a medical emergency that happens due to sudden inflammation of a ruptured appendix and requires immediate attention. Chronic appendicitis is a less common condition characterized by persistent or recurrent appendiceal inflammation symptoms.

Surgery to Remove Appendix

The surgical removal of the appendix (located in the right lower side of the abdomen) is called appendectomy. It is divided into 2 types:

  1. Open Appendectomy: This is a standard procedure that involves an incision or cut of about 2 to 4 inches on the lower right-hand side of the abdomen or belly, thereby removing the appendix through the incision.
  2. Laparoscopic Appendectomy: It is a minimally-invasive method which involves making multiple small incisions, and a camera, surgical equipment, and a laparoscope (a long, thin tube) are inserted to monitor and remove the appendix. It leads to faster recovery and a less postoperative pain.

Foods that Cause Appendicitis

The appendix can be caused by several factors, such as swelling, infection, blockage, trauma, and inflammation. Certain food choices and dietary habits are also linked with the increased risk of developing this condition, such as:

  • Processed meats and fried foods
  • High-cholesterol foods
  • Sugary and refined carbohydrate snacks
  • High-fat dairy products
  • High-lactose and spicy foods
  • Foods that lead to acidity

How to Check Appendix at Home?

There are different tests that you can try at home; however, proper diagnosis and a physical examination are required to understand the exact cause of abdominal pain.

  1. Hamburger Sign: The pain starts in the belly button and migrates to the right lower quadrant. It becomes sharp and continuous and worsens over time. It is referred to as a Hamburger sign.
  2. Dunphy’s Sign: Any movement of the abdomen, such as coughing, simple walking, or jumping can cause more pain. This is known as Dunphy’s sign.
  3. Rovsing’s Sign: Lie on your back with your face upward. Apply strong pressure on your left lower quadrant, i.e:, the opposite side of the appendix. If you feel worsening pain in your right lower quadrant, it indicates inflammation in the lining of your abdominal cavity, thereby causing early symptoms of the appendix.

Where is Appendix Located?

The appendix is a small, finger-shaped intestinal tissue pouch located between the cecum and colon. When appendix sticks out from the colon on the lower right side of the belly, appendicitis forms and that causes pain in the lower right abdomen.


We can live a healthy life without an appendix. As it serves a minimal function, the absence of an appendix does not affect your health in any way. It is advisable to consult a doctor and go as per your doctor's advice. However, by practising healthy diet and food rich in fibre you can reduce the risk of getting appendicitis.



What should you avoid when you have an Appendicitis? 

Processed, fried, and junk food with high oil content are to be avoided in Appendicitis. Alcohol damages the liver, which can impact the digestion process. Red meat has a lot of fat and is difficult to digest. Cakes, pastries and other sweet foods are also on the list of foods to avoid in Appendicitis.

How many days rest for the Appendicitis? 

After surgery, the majority of patients go home in one to two days. Post-hospitalisation, one can resume regular activities within a few weeks. However, it might take longer for them to regain their normal energy. One should refrain from strenuous exercises for four to six weeks post-surgery.

What drink can cause appendicitis? 

Alcohol exacerbates appendicitis, and it is crucial to avoid excessive consumption of the drink to prevent complications.

How painful is appendicitis? 

The first sign of appendicitis is recurring abdominal pain. Within hours, the lower right side, where the Appendix usually is, begins to experience continual, intense pain. Coughing, walking, or applying pressure to this area may exacerbate the pain.

Is my Appendix bursting? 

If the appendicitis pain temporarily subsides but then returns with extreme intensity, it’s possible that the Appendix has burst, which can result in potentially fatal consequences. Mostly untreated appendicitis makes the Appendix burst or rupture.


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