Lump Sum for Accidental DeathThis policy provides 100% of the Sum Insured as stated in the policy in the event of unfortunate death of the insured person within 12 calendar month from the date of accident. |
Permanent Total disablementThis policy provides 100% of the Sum Insured as stated in the policy in the event of permanent total disablement of the insured person within 12 calendar months from the date of accident. |
Premium Rate (Irrespective of Family Size up to 2Adults + 3Children)The premium for 1 Year policy is Rs.75/- per lakh (excluding GST) and 2-Year policy is Rs.145/- per lakh (excluding GST) |
Life Long RenewalThis policy offers life long renewal option. |
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What is a Family Accident Care Insurance Policy?
Family accident care insurance Policy refers to a policy that offers financial support to the insured and their family during an accident. This policy can offer coverage to the accidental injuries, death, and disabilities.
Star Health Family Accident Care Insurance Policy
Star Health Family Accident Care Insurance Policy is a policy that offers coverage to all accident-related eventualities of the insured and acts as the best protection against the odd slips, twists and turns of life.
Why is Star Health Family Accident Care Insurance needed?
Just like that of a personal accident or an injury, Family Accident could result you and your finances to drain. So, just save yourself and your family members with the STAR Health's Family Accident Care Insurance Policy.
Features of Family Accident Care Insurance
Family Accident Care Insurance benefits during any time during the period of insurance when the insured Person sustains any bodily injury solely and directly from an accident due to the violent, external and visible means and if such accident causes.
1. The Insurance company will pay out compensation 100% of the Sum Insured mentioned in the Schedule, upon the death of the Insured Person within 12 Calendar months from the accident date.
2. Also, the insurance company will pay compensation, 100% of the Sum Insured mentioned in the Schedule, for the permanent total disablement of the insured Person within 12 months(calendar months) from the date of the accident, given that the disability is confirmed and claimed before 60 days from the disablement occurrence.
Family Accident Care Insurance Policy Exclusions
Though the Family Accident Care Insurance Policy has many features, there are some exclusions of the Family Accident Care Insurance Plan. Let's see some of the Family Accident Care Insurance Policy Exclusions here.
1. The Company shall not be liable to make any payments in respect of any Claims relating to occurrences happening outside the Period of Insurance.
2. The coverage for any claim occurring out of an accident of the Insured Person from other causes is not included in this Family Accident Care Insurance Policy.
3. The expenses of treatment shall be excluded for the insured Persons engaging in Air Travel until he/she flies as a fare-paying passenger on an aircraft properly licensed to carry passengers. Here, the meaning of Air Travel is in or on or boarding an aircraft for the objective of flying therein or alighting therefrom.
4. This excludes the expenses for treatment that occur due to accidents because of war and warlike happenings or invasion, acts of foreign enemies, civil war, hostilities, rebellion, insurrection, civil commotion considering the amounting to or proportions of seizure capture arrest restraints detainments of all kings princes and individuals of whatever country, an uprising, military or usurped power, condition or quality whatsoever.
5. The expenses for the participation in riots, confiscation or, nationalization or destruction of or damage to property by or below the order of any government or local authority shall be excluded.
6. Expenses for any consequential loss directly or indirectly caused by ionizing radiation, or any nuclear waste, nuclear weapons material, nuclear, chemical and biological terrorism, the toxic, radioactive, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof, will be excluded.
7. The claim for the sporting activities or for the training or participation in competitions of professional or semi-professional sportspersons will not be included.
Expenses for participation in hazardous sports or hazardous activities will be excluded.
8. The expenses for the persons who are physically challenged, until particularly agreed and endorsed in the policy are excluded.
9. Any of the losses due to the Insured Person's actual or attempted commission of or any violation or attempted violation of the law or willful participation in an illegal act shall not be provided coverage.
You can download the family accident care insurance policy brochure from the official website for your future reference.