While obtaining term insurance, the first thing an insurer will evaluate is your health. To do so, they will ask you to appear for several tests. It helps them assess your risk profile, which enables them to determine the premium rate and eligible coverage.
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1.General Health Check-up
A simple health check-up is usually the first step. It involves:
●Physical Examination: The doctor will note your general health and record your blood pressure, height, and weight.
●Review of Medical History: All the diseases that a patient may already have, past surgeries, and family background will be reviewed.
2.Blood Tests
Blood tests are another core part of medical underwriting for term insurance. They offer valuable data about several aspects of your health:
●Complete Blood Count (CBC): Diverse constituents within your blood, namely, red and white blood cells, are measured. It might help detect anemia and/or infection.
●Lipid Profile: Cholesterol (HDL, LDL, and triglycerides). These are all important risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
●Blood Sugar Test: This checks for diabetes or prediabetes. Elevated blood sugar levels can be an indicator of insulin resistance or uncontrolled diabetes.
●Liver and Kidney Function Tests: These tests assess the health of your liver and kidneys, which are vital organs that regulate several body functions.
3.Urine Test
Urinalysis could provide early evidence for the onset of kidney diseases, diabetes, or urinary tract infections. It also offers some information about the level of hydration and some metabolic disorders.
●Protein and Glucose Levels: The presence of protein or glucose in urine might indicate kidney disease or out-of-control diabetes.
●Creatinine Test: This is a test for kidney function. If the levels are abnormal, it can indicate kidney damage.
4.Electrocardiogram (ECG or EKG)
An ECG measures electrical heart activity. You usually will get this checked if you are older than 40 or if you have a history of heart problems.
●Heart Rhythm: Any irregular rhythms in the heartbeat (arrhythmias) that will influence the chances of being covered under insurance are noted.
●Symptoms of Heart Condition: Even signs that occur due to the narrowing of channels and some dysfunctional aspects of heart rhythm may also be picked out using an ECG.
5.Chest X-Ray
A chest X-ray would be recommended if you are of a certain age or suffering from a chronic respiratory or cardiac condition. It can help identify conditions like:
●Respiratory Disease: Pneumonia, Tuberculosis, and COPD, etc.
●Enlargement of the Heart: It monitors the heart’s size and condition to predict serious risk factors, like heart failure.
6.Treadmill Test (TMT)
This test evaluates how your heart functions under physical stress. It is performed on a treadmill while monitoring your heartbeat, blood pressure, and electrocardiographic activity to detect:
●Possible Cardiovascular Threat: The exam can identify existing heart disease or arrhythmia that could indicate a high cardiovascular risk.
7.Other Optional Tests
Depending on the situation, other tests may be required:
●Lung Function Test: A spirometry test measuring lung capacity and function may be required for patients with a smoking history or lung disease.
●Echocardiogram (ECHO): A more detailed heart test using ultrasound to examine the heart's structure and function is requested for those with pre-existing heart conditions.
Similar to term plans, health insurance policies also require medical tests to assess your health stats before providing coverage. In this regard, Star Health provides several plans that do not require pre-medical check-ups. However, if you have an adverse medical history, the insurer will recommend the necessary tests to assess your health and ensure you get optimum coverage.
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