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For basic queries, you can use our WhatsApp services.
Simply send a “Hi” to 95976 52225  and follow the user-friendly on-screen instructions.
Our digital services are easy, fast and secure.
Try them today and enjoy the benefits of being a STAR Health customer.

Star Health and Allied Insurance Co Ltd, being one of the largest standalone Health Insurance Co takes special care in redressing the grievance of our policyholders in a more humane and sophisticated manner. We are always at the forefront in resolving the grievances. For effective and speedy disposal of your grievance, you have the option of choosing any one of the following redressal procedures to register your grievance. All grievances are registered with a reference number and we promise to acknowledge your grievance immediately. For all future communication, the reference number can be submitted to track and correspond.

All your complaints will be resolved within 3 Days from the date of registration of the grievances.