Boost your immunity

Intake Vitamin C rich foods to increase your immunity.

Drink clean and  boiled water

Monsoon gives birth to various water-borne diseases, so drinking boiled or filtered water is essential. 

Consume more probiotics 

People are prone to affect by various stomach infections. Increase the consumption of probiotic foods like curds, yoghurt, buttermilk etc. 

Say no to street foods 

The food items sold on the road are exposed to the open air, and they may transmit viral infections. 

Get rid of  stagnant water

Remove the visible source of stagnant water as it is the hub of disease-spreading insects. 

Maintain Social Distance

Maintain a safe distance from sick people, so that you don’t come in contact with the infected droplets. 

Prevent  mosquito bites

Use mosquito repellents and mosquito nets to prevent mosquito bites. 

Keep your  hands clean 

Maintaining hand hygiene is important as germs in the hand multiply more quickly during cold weather. Wash your hands regularly. 

Avoid getting drenched in rains

Carry an umbrella or raincoat if you are heading out. Avoid commuting during heavy rains.

Get adequate sleep 

Unhealthy sleeping patterns disrupt your immunity and make you prone to contracting diseases like flu and cold during monsoons. Sleep for 6 to 8 hours everyday to stay healthy. 

Exercise regularly

Exercising is the most beneficial physical activity that can be performed indoors. It not only helps you to lose weight but also boosts your immunity.