Vitamin E and its Benefits

Vitamin E and its Benefits

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Vitamin E and its Benefits

Vitamins are responsible for improving vision and blood, brain and skin health. Abundantly found in certain foods and also taken as supplements, this nutrient is vital for the body.  

Explaining Vitamin E

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning that it can dissolve in fat. It is eminently found in naturally occurring food like vegetable oil, meat, poultry, eggs, fruits and cereals.

Vitamin E is an essential nutrient required for the body to function properly. Many organs need it in the body to ensure smooth functioning.  

What are the benefits of vitamin E?

Vitamin E is a group of eight fat-soluble compounds with potent antioxidant effects. Vitamin E offers various essential roles in the body and is best known for its antioxidant effect.  

Antioxidant effects will help the body protect the cells from oxidative stress damage by utilising harmful substances called free radicals.  

Some benefits of vitamin E are as follows:

Reduce oxidative stress

Oxidative stress is caused by an imbalance in the body’s antioxidant defences leading to cellular damage.  

As vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant, studies show that having enough doses of vitamin E can reduce oxidative stress markers and boost antioxidant defences in the morning.  

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease involves various health conditions that can cause the accumulation of fat in the liver. This can happen to people who drink no or very little alcohol.  

According to research, vitamin E supplements can improve people’s health with non-alcoholic fatty liver. Studies conducted on people revealed that supplements in the body with vitamin E reduce the level of liver enzymes and blood lipid levels, improving health in people with their health conditions.

Heart diseases

Elevated blood pressure or a high level of blood lipids like bad cholesterol, also known as LDL cholesterol, can increase the chances of developing heart diseases.  

Vitamin E helps reduce heart disease risk when combined with those who make these supplements that fight against LDL levels and triglyceride levels in people.  

This property of vitamin E can reduce various conditions like high blood fat levels that can increase the chances of heart strokes and other health conditions.


Dysmenorrhoea is a health condition characterised by frequent and intense menstrual pain. It involves cramps and pelvic pain.

Vitamin E is believed to reduce pain in women with this health condition. Vitamin E can also help with PMS symptoms.

Skin health

Vitamin E is a popular ingredient in the cosmetic industry. Vitamin E supplements can be helpful for people with certain skin conditions like eczema.  

However, research that supports the statement is limited.  

Cognitive health

Having enough vitamin E in the body can help protect against cognitive falls. However, why vitamin E helps against cognitive decline is still unclear and if the supplements benefit people with cognitive conditions is a mystery.

Help old people

Vitamin E plays a significant role in fighting against information and improving immune function.  

The body has a natural way of fighting against foreign agents. This is known as the immune system. Vitamin E enhances or strengthens immunity.  

Immunity is required for older people to ward off various diseases.  

Lung health

Various studies have shown that supplements can reduce certain asthma symptoms in young people.  

How much vitamin E can be consumed?

Vitamin E deficiency is rare. Usually, people get enough vitamin E through diet, and having a deficit is uncommon. In rare cases, vitamin E supplements are suggested by a doctor.

An average healthy adult male or female about age 14 years and more requires 15 mg every day.  

What happens if there is too much vitamin E in the body?  

Overdosing on vitamin E naturally based on the food is unlikely. It is possible that a person can consume too many vitamin E supplements and can overdose.  

High doses of vitamin E in the body can lead to negative side effects and hamper a person’s health.  

Excessing vitamin E in the body increases the chances of a person and prostate cancer.

Overdose of vitamin E can also increase the risk of bleeding.  

Vitamin E overdose may cause  

  • Nausea  
  • Diarrhoea  
  • Cramps  
  • Fatty  
  • Weakness  
  • Headache  
  • Vision disturbances and other harmful symptoms while a person consumes supplements.  

The doses found in vitamin E supplements vary depending on the manufacturer. It can offer more vitamin doses than a person requires per day.  

Vitamin E interactions with medicines

It can also interact with various medications. It is crucial to consult healthcare professionals about the supplements before consuming them.  

Vitamin E can interact with

  • Anticoagulant medications  
  • Antiplatelet medications  
  • Chemotherapy and radiotherapy medications

Maintaining an optimal level of vitamin E in the body is essential. Depleting the body of vitamin E can lead to deficiency, causing various side effects.  

Vitamin E deficiency

Vitamin E deficiency is rare. Most people get adequate vitamin E through the diet. Consuming a very low-fat diet can complicate the body, as fats help the body absorb vitamin E.

Vitamin E deficiency can also occur due to an underlying health condition. Many conditions can restrict the body from properly absorbing vitamin E. Some of them are:

  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Chronic pancreatitis
  • Short bowel syndrome.

Genetic conditions like ataxia can cause vitamin E deficiency for a few people. Ataxia is a neurologically based health condition that affects muscle coordination and control.  

The body exhibits specific symptoms if a person is deficient in vitamin E.  

Symptoms of vitamin E deficiency are as follows:

  • Weak muscles
  • Feeling of numbness
  • Difficulty in walking
  • Nerve damage
  • Vision problems
  • General sickness

When left untreated, it may result in further health complications.  

How to treat Vitamin E deficiency?

Correcting vitamin E deficiency should be done only under medical supervision. Usually, a doctor may suggest dietary changes and supplements. These supplements must be consumed under a doctor’s eye as they can react to other medications.  

Consuming foods rich in vitamin E helps tackle the deficiency.

Vitamin E-rich diet

Vitamin E Rich Diet

Vitamin E is available in a lot of foods. Some of the eatables rich in Vitamin E are as follows:

  • Eggs
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts  
  • Seeds
  • Vegetable oil
  • Fortified cereals
  • Mangoes and  
  • Kiwis

Vitamin E supplements

Supplementation is a common way to boost the dose of vitamins in the body. As these supplements can react differently from other medications, a person must be cautious during consumption.  

Even if the supplement is purchased from a commendable brand, it will react with medications. Most manufacturers produce supplements in different doses. Mostly these supplements are not regulated.  

Sometimes the supplement may contain only one type of vitamin E. Our body requires other kinds that can be obtained through natural sources. Therefore, it is best to get the necessary amount of vitamin E through a diet rather than supplements.

What are the risks of vitamin E supplements?

Vitamin E supplements pose a risk of:

  • Heart failure for people with diabetes
  • Increase bleeding during and after surgery
  • Worsen the existing bleeding disorders
  • Increased chances of cancer reoccurring in people.
  • Increasing the chances of death after a heart stroke or a heart attack.

Once a doctor diagnoses the deficiency, they can help develop a treatment plan that suits individual needs. By doing so, it replenishes the body with deficient vitamins. After the treatment, the symptoms subside, and the overall health can improve.

To sum up

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble nutrient and a powerful antioxidant needed by the body to improve immune health and fight oxidative damage. Vitamin E also helps with cellular signalling in the body.

Many foods contain vitamin E. It is best to acquire vitamin E from these sources. Supplements under a doctor’s supervision can help a person immensely. These supplements can benefit people with Non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases and diabetic nephropathy.  

It is also crucial not to overdose on vitamin E as it can cause harmful side effects to the body when it interacts with other medications.  

Talking to a health care professional can help a person understand specific needs and optimally utilise vitamin E supplements to improve their overall health and lead a more productive life.


What is vitamin E good for?

Vitamin E helps the body to maintain healthy eyes, hair, and skin. It also strengthens the immune system to fight against various diseases.

What foods have high vitamin E?

Foods like  
1· Vegetable oil
2· Nuts
3· Seeds  
4· Eggs
5· Green leafy vegetables
6· Fortified cereals
7· Kiwis and  
8· Mangoes contain a good amount of vitamin E in them.

Is it ok to take vitamin E every day?

Vitamin E is safe for people when acquired through diet. People can consume food rich in vitamin E every day. However, consuming supplements daily may not be good as the body can get overdosed.  However, vitamin e daily requirement is about 15 milligrams in an adult and 1 unit per kilogram through mouth for children. Medical supervision is mandatory for supplements.

When should I take vitamin E?

Usually, vitamin E supplements are consumed during meals. Food that is rich in vitamin E can be included in the diet.

Does vitamin E cause weight gain?

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble compound. It means that it can dissolve in fat, and high doses of vitamin E can build up in the fat deposits and cause health complications.

What are the symptoms of vitamin E deficiency?

When the body is deficient in vitamin E, which is usually rare, it exhibits symptoms like:
1· Nerve damage
2· Muscle damage
3· Feeling numb
4· No feeling in the arms or legs
5· Vision problems and  
6· Weak immune system.

Which fruit has more vitamin E?

Fruits like mango and kiwi offer a good amount of vitamin E.

What is the best form of vitamin E to take? 

Vitamin E can be taken through dietary sources and as supplements. Obtaining vitamin E from natural sources through diet is a safe way to meet the body’s requirements.

When should I take vitamin E, morning or night?

Vitamin E can be taken with meals. As vitamin E has neuroprotective effects, it is best if consumed in the evening or at night. If such supplements are consumed with meals, the body absorbs them better.

What are the side effects of vitamin E capsules?

Some of the potential side effects of vitamin E capsules are:
1· Nausea
2· Vomiting
3· Diarrhoea
4· Fatigue  
5· Body weakness and  
6. Cramps


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