The Importance of Child Nutrition

The Importance of Child Nutrition

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The Importance of Child Nutrition

The Importance of Child Nutrition

Every human needs a balanced and nutritious diet to lead a healthy life. A healthy diet starts right from infancy. Colostrum is the first milk produced by mammary glands, which boosts immunity in babies. The WHO recommendation is to breastfeed infants for up to 2 years with exclusive breastfeeding for at least six months. This improves immunity and reduces infections in infants and children.

As per the Press Information Bureau (PIB) of India’s report on malnutrition, in the year 2021, 32.1-35.5% of children under five years were malnourished. The report recorded the percentage of stunting and wasting, apart from malnourishment, in children. An improper diet causes poor nutrition in children.

Why is child nutrition important? 

The growth and development of children and their immunity are largely dependent on their nutrition. Breastfeeding and complementary feeding play a significant role in defining an infant’s nutritional status.

According to the NCBI research article titled “Psychological effects of breastfeeding on children and mothers,” there is a link between breastfeeding and cognitive development in children.

In simple, whole grains contains all the three parts like

  • Bran
  • Endosperm
  • Germ

Refined whole grain flour has no bran and germ. Make sure that your kid is consuming enough whole grains. Include whole grains in your child’s diet so that they can get all nutrients.

Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables boost the immune system. Vitamin C, folic acid, etc., and various minerals and other vitamins are present in fruits and vegetables. Including this food in the diet nourishes a child and helps with their development.

Importance of child nutrition 

By consuming the essential nutrients, the children will gain the following benefits.

Strong Bones

Calcium is required for the growth of strong bones and teeth. It is present in cow’s milk, other dairy products, leafy greens, broccoli and soy milk.

Cognitive Health

A healthy diet is associated with brain and cognitive development. Foods like eggs, fish, nuts and seeds, oatmeal, leafy greens, apples and plums will help improve a child’s cognitive health.

Healthy Weight  

A nutritious and balanced diet is important for kids, especially to achieve a healthy weight. Overeating leads to obesity at a young age. So, eating a balanced diet in adequate quantities at frequent intervals is recommended.    

Prevent Chronic Heart Disease

A healthy and balanced diet will keep a person healthy and less prone to chronic diseases like type 2 Diabetes, certain cancers, heart diseases and obesity.

Right from childhood, inculcating the habit of eating healthy and balanced food is helpful.

What are the nutrients required for a healthy diet?  


Vitamins are essential for physical growth and cognitive development in children when consumed in proper proportion through a balanced diet. Vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B12, C and D is vital in a child’s nutrition.

Vitamin A is vital for good vision, healthy skin and proper immune function. Foods such as milk, liver, meat, eggs and carrots are rich in vitamin A. 

Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, and B12 play a major role in a child’s growth. These vitamins help the body to convert food into energy. They are abundant in fish, whole grains, meat, chicken, nuts, seeds and milk.

Vitamin C and D are also needed for the growth of a child. Collagen is produced with the help of vitamin C. It provides strength and structure to the body. Vitamin C can be obtained from citrus fruit, kiwi, capsicums and potatoes.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps the body absorb and release phosphorus and calcium. They are obtained from oily fish, mushrooms, egg yolk and fish liver oil. Vitamin D can also be obtained from sunlight. Exposure to sunlight is the best way to get enough vitamin D.


Calcium, iron, iodine and zinc are needed for the child’s growth, physical development and good health.

Calcium is obtained from dairy products, fish, green leafy vegetables, etc. All these foods will strengthen your child’s bones and teeth.

Iodine is present in seafood, seaweed and iodised salt. Iodine is required for thyroid hormone synthesis, proper growth and tissue development in children.

Iron helps in red blood cell production and carries oxygen to body tissues. Some foods are rich in iron, such as red meat, seafood, beans, egg yolks, etc.

Zinc plays a major role in healing wounds, boosting the immune system and promoting cell growth. This mineral is present in seeds, whole grains, cereals, milk, etc.

Other essential minerals include copper, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese and chromium.


Fibre lowers cholesterol levels, reduces weight, promotes normal bowel function, etc. It is a crucial nutrient in the human diet for a healthy lifestyle. Fibres can help to reduce excess calorie intake in children by keeping the stomach full for longer. So, adding fibre to a child’s diet is highly recommended.  


Folate is essential for cell growth. According to Stanford medical school’s research on child nutrition, a foetus needs folate for healthy cell development. Folate helps to form DNA and RNA and is involved in protein metabolism. Hence it is a part of prenatal supplements. In the case of children, folate helps with brain development and proper digestive and immune system function.


Good health depends on good nutrition and proper hygienic practices while preparing food. When a child is fed with appropriate nutrients, malnutrition in the country will reduce.


What is the importance of child nutrition? 

Nutrition is essential for the proper growth and development of children.

How do we prevent children from getting sick? 

A healthy and balanced diet with proper precautions like washing hands and getting vaccinated at the right time will reduce the chances of infection or illnesses in children.

Why is child nutrition important? 

 Inadequate nutrients in the children’s diet will lead to deficiencies in vital minerals and vitamins. It may weaken the child’s immunity and increases the chance of getting affected by common childhood diseases.

What nutrients are essential during childhood? 

The following list is the essential nutrients required during childhood.
1. Proteins
2. Iron
3. Vitamin D
4. Calcium
5. Omega-3 fatty acids


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