The Best 10 Places to Visit in Djibouti

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Health Insurance Plans starting at Rs.15/day*

Djibouti is small in size but mighty in impact. It is located comfortably in the Horn of Africa. The country offers beautiful scenery, a rich culture, and mysterious encounters. Often overlooked in favour of its more famous neighbours. Djibouti is an undiscovered gem that lies in wait to be discovered. Whatever your interests—be they nature lovers, adventurers, or history buffs—Djibouti offers a wealth of experiences to satisfy all cravings. Together, let’s take a mental journey to discover the ten most important places in Djibouti that you should see.

Lake Assal:

Lake Assal in Djibouti

We begin our journey by travelling to Lake Assal. It is the lowest point on the African continent and a natural phenomenon. Situated 509 feet below sea level. The lake’s crystal-clear waters and dreamy scenery combine to create an otherworldly atmosphere. Dive into its briny, salt-filled depths. It is which are said to have healing properties, or just gaze in wonder at the salt-crusted structures that line its edge. Never forget to use your trusty camera. Lake Assal’s dazzling beauty is a photographer’s dream come true.

Ardoukoba Volcano:


Ardoukoba Volcano calls to the daring individuals who are looking for an exhilarating adventure. This sleeping behemoth provides a strenuous but rewarding climb to the top. It is where a view of Djibouti’s untamed face unfolds in breathtaking detail. Explore the maze-like paths made of volcanic rock. The lunar-like scenery of the landscape gives witness to the unadulterated force of the earth and leaves a lasting impression on the spirit.

Goda Mountains:

The peace of the Goda Mountains will comfort nature’s devotees. The mountain is located in the hinterlands of Djibouti. These majestic peaks are a haven for the region’s fauna and outdoor enthusiasts. Set out on a journey through lush valleys and hidden waterfalls. Here’s where you’ll come across native plants and animals. The Goda Mountains provide an opportunity to escape the noise of city life and connect with nature in its purest state.

Day Forest National Park:

At Day Forest National Park, enter an emerald oasis amid the dry grip of Djibouti. This protected area is home to an abundance of plant and animal species. This National Park provides a window into the vast biodiversity of the country. Follow meandering trails protected by guardians of the acacia. It is where you’ll come across unusual birds and possibly even a brief sighting of the elusive Djibouti francolin, a symbol of the park’s conservation philosophy.

Moucha Island:

Take a look at Moucha Island. It is a paradise hidden in the Gulf of Tadjoura, for a sun, sea, and sand get-together. Moucha Island, is reachable by boat from Djibouti City. It has crystal-clear seas brimming with an array of marine life. This allures the enticing snorkelers and divers to participate in its underwater ballet. Take lazy days lounging on white sands. Or else you can opt for enjoying the abundance of the ocean, and soaking up the laid-back vibe of the island.


Experience the rich cultural legacy of Djibouti by spending time with the country’s revered matriarch, Tadjoura. Encrusted with grandeur from the Ottoman Empire and teeming marketplaces. Tadjoura’s winding lanes are a testament to centuries of history. Discover the sacred grounds of the Grand Mosque. It is carved out of coral stone. You can also take part in the vibrant spectacle of regional celebrations and rituals.

Djibouti City:

A trip to Djibouti wouldn’t be considered complete without a stop in the bustling capital. Djibouti City is a melting pot of cultures. It is where modern goals and French colonial buildings coexist harmoniously. Stroll along the lively waterfront promenade. Indulge in the gastronomic abacus of Djiboutian cuisine, and browse colorful bazaars filled with handcrafted goods and souvenirs.

Khor Ambado Beach:

Take a break from the hustle and bustle of the city. Relax on the immaculate Khor Ambado Beach. Located somewhat outside of Djibouti City. This beautiful stretch of beach has calm seas perfect for lazy swims and sun-kissed dreams. See fisherman at work, bringing in the catch of the day. You can opt to take a boat excursion to find undiscovered coves and islets drifting over the blue sea.

Goubet al-Kharab:

Explore off the beaten track to find Goubet al-Kharab. A bizarre Salt Lake nestled between towering cliffs. Called the “Devil’s Cauldron”. This dreamy scene, bathed in vivid colors and otherworldly beauty, is a true phantasmagoria for the astute photographer. Experience a fully immersive contact with the sublime by trekking along its rugged shores. You can also opt for taking leisurely boat trips across its brackish depths.

Arta Beach:

Finish your journey by visiting Arta Beach. It is where turquoise waves mix with sun-kissed sands against a backdrop of craggy rocks. This idyllic retreat provides a place to relax and recover. Thus making it perfect for playing in the surf and snorkelling in a variety of colourful marine environments. The beach also provides peaceful places to enjoy meals with loved ones. And when the sun sets, bask in the warm glow of twilight and think back on all the memories you’ve made in this magical part of the world.

Document Required for Djibouti Visa Process:

Navigating the documents required of Djibouti’s visa requirements can feel like venturing into a maze of bureaucratic intricacies. With various visa types such as tourist, business, transit, etc. The journey begins with unravelling the right one for your purpose.

For most travellers, the coveted tourist visa beckons. Djibouti thankfully embraces modernity with its e-Visa system, a digital lifeline simplifying the visa application process, sparing us from drowning in a sea of paperwork.

The Passport: The holy grail of travel documents. Ensure its lifespan extends at least six months beyond your Djibouti sojourn and that it boasts a pristine blank page, eagerly awaiting the inked seal of approval.

Visa Application Form: A ritualistic dance of penmanship awaits. Pour over the form, ensuring every stroke aligns with the gospel of your passport and supporting scriptures.

Passport-Sized Photographs: Capture your essence in a snapshot, complying with Djibouti’s stringent standards – no hats, no sunglasses, just your unadorned visage against a clinical white backdrop.

Flight Itinerary: Your script for departure and return, a narrative of your temporal dalliance with Djibouti. Ensure its coherence lest your entry be questioned.

Hotel Reservation: Secure your sanctuary amidst Djibouti’s embrace. A confirmation of lodging is your talisman against the vagaries of accommodation disputes.

Proof of Sufficient Funds: A ledger of solvency, a testament to your financial fortitude in Djibouti’s fiscal amphitheatre. Bank statements, credit card manifestos, or the patronage of a fiscal deity – present your evidence of sustenance.

Travel Insurance: A shield against the slings and arrows of outrageous misfortune. Secure thyself with the armour of comprehensive travel insurance, lest the fates conspire against your expedition.

Additional Documents: The accoutrements of your purpose. Letters of invitation, employment missives, or tokens of onward passage – arm yourself as dictated by your narrative.

Significance of International Travel Insurance: 

Travelling across national boundaries opens up a world of experiences, a rainbow of tastes, customs, and landscapes. However, the shadow of uncertainty looms in this thrilling turmoil, serving as a reminder of the unexpected turns that travel can take. It enfolds tourists in its comforting embrace, acting as a kind of cloak of safety. The benefits of travel insurance are ready to fend off any unanticipated disaster that could try to ruin the trip.

An unexpected illness, a broken connection, or possibly an unfortunate turn of events can all be considered disasters. International travel insurance steps in to save the day during these chaotic situations, acting as the unsung hero. It’s a safety net made of the softest assurance strands, enabling tourists to travel the world in comfort, confident that they are protected from life’s unexpected turns. Therefore, don’t forget to bring along your reliable travel companion—international travel insurance—the next time you go out on an adventure into the unknown.


Despite its small size, Djibouti is a giant among vacation destinations. It offers an abundance of natural beauty, cultural wonders, and unforgettable experiences. From the vivid tapestry of Tadjoura to the dreamy views of Lake Assal, every location reveals a different aspect of Djibouti’s complex charm. So, gather your belongings, set out on a spiritual journey, and allow Djibouti’s mysterious charms to enchant you like never before.


Which Djiboutian attractions are a must-see?

See the natural wonders of Lake Assal, Lac Abbe, and the medieval village of Tadjoura. Discover the vibrant marketplaces of Djibouti City. This makes you relish snorkelling at the immaculate beaches of Moucha Island.

What kinds of cultural encounters are possible in Djibouti?

Explore the Ethnographic Museum. You can go on a traditional nomadic lifestyle in the hinterlands. Or else take part in local celebrations such as the Afar camel market to gain a deeper understanding of Djiboutian culture.

Is obtaining travel insurance a must when visiting Djibouti?

It is highly advised that you get travel insurance for your trip to Djibouti. It guarantees a worry-free trip. Travel insurance offers coverage for medical emergencies, trip cancellations, missing luggage, and other unforeseen events.


The Information including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this blog are intended for education and awareness only. No material on this blog is intended to be a substitute for professional medical help including diagnosis or treatment. It is always advisable to consult medical professional before relying on the content. Neither the Author nor Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd accepts any responsibility for any potential risk to any visitor/reader.

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