Tendinitis of wrist-causes-symptoms-risk-factors-and-more

Tendinitis of wrist-causes-symptoms-risk-factors-and-more

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Tendinitis of wrist-causes-symptoms-risk-factors-and-more


Tendons are flexible and strong tissues in our body that prevent muscle injuries while performing high-intensity movements or workouts. They are pretty much close to a rope. When this rope becomes overused, it leads to tendinitis. 

The tendons or ropes of the wrist are -

  • Flexor carpis radialis
  • Flexor carpi ulnaris
  • Palmaris longus tendon
  • Extensor carpi radialis brevis
  • Extensor carpi radialis longus
  • Extensor carpi ulnaris

Each of them have a certain activity assigned.


  • Throbbing pain while moving the wrist
  • Sense of grating or grinding in the wrist.
  • Wrist looks swollen due to fluid accumulation


  • Frequent exhaustive movements of the wrist while performing

any sport such as tennis, gymnastics, basketball or badminton.

  • New mothers and childcare nannies get them due to holding their children for long durations.
  • Occupational causes where repetitive wrist movements are essential such as hairstylist and typewriting jobs.
  • Previous wrist injuries that are not healed adequately
  • Smoking
  • Doing intense workout involving the wrist without a proper warm-up that includes stretching.


  • Firstly, always consult a doctor before starting any medications and applying splints as they will be customised according to the patient.
  • At home, for first aid, you can follow the RICE technique

Rest, Ice, Compress and Elevate to reduce the symptoms of inflammation such as swelling, redness and pain.

  • Physical therapy will be offered further and must be practised after learning from a professional physiotherapist.


  • Avoid sudden, repetitive movements of the wrist without prior warm-up.
  • In case of any wrist injury, follow your doctor's orders and do not strain the wrist.
  • Avoid smoking.
  • Wear the wrist splints as prescribed by your doctor to prevent further aggravation.


Wrist tendonitis is a preventable condition and can be managed well by an orthopaedician. All you have to do is follow the above-mentioned tips.


How do you treat tendonitis of the wrist?

To follow the RICE technique (Rest, ice, compression, elevation) till you can consult an orthopaedic specialist.

What are the symptoms of Wrist Tendonitis?

Pain on movement, swelling, redness.

Can you move your wrist with Tendonitis?

It is strictly recommended to rest your affected wrist till it heals. The movement will only aggravate the tendonitis.

Is Wrist Tendonitis curable?

 Yes, by following your doctor's and physiotherapist’s advice.


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