Men’s Health – All you need to know

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Health Insurance Plans starting at Rs.15/day*


The masculine urge to avoid visiting the doctors is present globally. Compared to women, men usually ignore various health issue symptoms and have lesser visits to the doctor.

Health is non-negotiable in life. Everyone needs to take utmost care of their health.

Taking care of your health is important at any age. Many of us lack proper knowledge on how to take care of our health.

Making small lifestyle changes would have beneficial long-term effects on our health.

Prioritizing health would make us live longer.

How can we do so?

Having scheduled visits to the doctor

Scheduling a yearly checkup with the doctor and regularly getting checked can help a person monitor his body closely. This is the best way to keep an eye on the body weight, BP and the level of cholesterol in the body.

These are some of the factors which may trigger various health risks. A doctor studies our body and would recommend a few lifestyle changes or other treatments and help us lead a healthy life.

The changes suggested by a doctor would mostly involve dietary changes and he would advise us to perform regular exercise.

Diet for boosting men’s health

Food is the most important part of people’s life. The quality of food and the choice of food determines an individual‘s health. If a person has poor choices on what he consumes then it will lead to several health problems.

Consuming natural whole foods and eliminating packaged or processed food is the basic formula to keep ourselves healthy.

Consuming more of

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Fiber-rich food
  • Whole grains
  • Dark chocolate
  • Lean meat
  • Seafood would promote health.

Lean meat especially red meat is good for men as it is packed with protein which is an excellent source of amino acids which would build muscle.

Various fruits and berries contain antioxidant which is used to fight free radical cell damage. Antioxidants are essential for a person as it would fight inflammation.

Consuming dark chocolate would contain the level of LDL or the bad cholesterol in the blood. If there is a high level of LDL cholesterol it may increase the chances of various cardiovascular diseases.

Consuming seafood would provide various health benefits. For example, shellfish is a type of seafood that is rich in zinc.

Zinc is important for the muscles and also the reproductive system. A low level of zinc would lead to male infertility.

Zinc is also found in other lean meats like beef and chicken. Nuts also provide zinc. Man-made supplements are a popular choice for zinc.

Fatty fish like salmon, sardines, and other kinds of seafood are excellent sources of healthy fat. They are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which fight against heart diseases.

Consuming a meal, a balanced meal, is very important. Good fats are essential to the body. Fruits like avocado are high in fat, the good fat. Good food helps fight bad cholesterol. Olive oil is also an excellent source of good fat.

People believe that they can get their required vitamins and minerals from eating well. Vitamins and minerals are natural compounds that would help lower the risk of certain diseases and are also useful in various activities the body performs.

Consuming the right amount of carbohydrates proteins fats vitamins and minerals are important to lead a healthy life.

Therefore, whenever we hit the grocery store to buy food, we need to consider eliminating the food which is processed and high in sugar or sodium.

Sometimes people may also have specific diets fabricated in order to help them lose weight. Having a few extra pounds around the waist would also increase the chances of increasing health problems.

People who look to lose weight should also avoid foods that are high in sugar as they are packed with empty calories.

They should focus on eating more lean protein two servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Eating too little would also lead to other related health issues.

Therefore people should be mindful of what they consume.

Exercise and its importance

Regular exercise is mandatory to improve overall health. Even though food plays a major role in improving a person’s health, exercise is part to play.

Getting at least 160 minutes of moderate to intense exercise every week is recommended. Performing exercise regularly would prevent heart diseases and keep the heart healthy.

Few exercises or activities like gymming, rock climbing and yoga can help develop strength. Building strength is important as it would prevent injuries.

We need to concentrate on various muscles like the chest, arms, shoulders, back, core and legs to build a solid foundation.

A professional trainer would fabricate a personalized plan for an individual to strengthen their bodies.

Having a regular exercise routine and maintaining a proper diet would reduce the size of the waist.

If the main objective of a man is to turn heads on the beach then having a chiseled body is mandatory. A pumped physique would need a proper diet, workout and recovery.

Living better

Quitting unhealthy habits is required to maintain a healthy life. Smoking hampers health and degrades it second to none.

Secondhand smoke is also very dangerous, many people die because of secondhand smoke.

Smoking is excessively harmful to the lungs and may cause lung cancer.

Another addictive and health-damaging behaviour includes alcohol consumption.

Consuming alcohol in moderation is less likely to affect health but if people consume more it could trigger various health-related diseases and damage the liver.

Practicing habits and changing lifestyles for betterment is required. Eliminating the above-mentioned bad habits and including some of the habits like

  • Smiling and practicing gratitude
  • Finding your passion and following it
  • Dressing sharply for confidence
  • Having time for mental health would improve the quality of life a person lives.

Keeping up to health as we grow older

Age is not just a number when it comes to health. As people grow older a simple cold can progress and lead to other health complications.

Older adults would need to follow healthy lifestyle choices in order to strengthen their immune system and reduce illness.

Some of the ways older adults can stay on top of their game are by:

  • Having proper diet
  • Remaining active
  • Managing stress and anger
  • Multivitamin supplements if necessary
  • Regular checkups
  • Adequate rest and having
  • Infection preventive measures

As we grow older, we need to realize the importance of mental health.

What is the importance of mental health?

We need to understand that when we take good care of our mental health then every aspect of life can become better.

Having good mental health would creep into everything we do.

Nurturing mental health would not only improve our daily functionality but also has a direct relation with physical health.

Some of the perks of mental healthcare include:

  • Reduce anxiety
  • Reduce stress
  • Improve the mood
  • Helps us think more clearly
  • Improve inter-and intra-personal relationship
  • Provides inner peace
  • Have a productive life
  • Help achieve goals with full potential
  • Stay motivated and active.

Apart from all these, mental health has a great impact on the physiological, social and emotional well-being of a person. This is the reason why there is a need for mental health awareness.

How can we improve mental health?

Some of the activities that can help improve mental health care:

  • Exercise
  • Adequate sleep
  • Acts of kindness or gratitude
  • Breathing exercises
  • Yoga
  • Petting a dog
  • Learning new skills
  • Socializing with other people and
  • Having proper food.

By practicing all the above-mentioned activities, we can reduce stress and improve overall physical and mental well-being.

Feeling good inside and looking good outside

As we focused on the health aspect it is equally important to look good on the outside.

Grooming plays a vital role.

Grooming is the activity done by a person to maintain personal hygiene. It keeps our bodies healthy and fresh.

Grooming involves cleaning, trimming, and oral hygiene.

Washing the body with a good body wash or a soap to prevent the accumulation of germs is very important. For some people, a soap may cause reactions and hence a doctor would recommend a body wash.

Trimming the extra-grown hair in the ears nose and other parts of the body is a healthy practice.

Brushing the teeth, rinsing the mouth with mouthwash, flossing, and gargling would help maintain overall oral hygiene. It would prevent the accumulation of food particles which may cause various gum infections.

Grooming also involves

  • Washing the hair regularly
  • Getting rid of ear wax
  • Keeping the body cool
  • Keeping the skin healthy
  • Dressing sharply
  • Smelling nice and
  • Having a proper skincare routine.

Grooming plays an important role in boosting appearance. It keeps us clean and fresh. Having a personal stylist would be helpful and they would guide you with proper knowledge on grooming.

Consulting a doctor for skin-related issues is recommended.

To sum up

Health is a very broad term. Maintaining health requires few lifestyle changes.

It is never late to start developing healthy habits.

Men of all ages should think about their health. For a few people, the health-related risk would increase with age but the choices we make throughout life can contribute to a healthier version of them in the future.

It is important to remember that we need not visit a doctor only when we are sick it is important to make a habit of scheduling a yearly wellness examination which ensures that we stay in good health.

In order to keep our body and mind healthy. It is important to adopt a few healthy lifestyle changes recommended by a doctor.

Slow and steady changes would lead to bigger results in the long run. Men need to focus on the bigger picture and improve their overall health.

This will enable them to have a productive life eliminating or minimizing the risks of developing various unwanted diseases.


The Information including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this blog are intended for education and awareness only. No material on this blog is intended to be a substitute for professional medical help including diagnosis or treatment. It is always advisable to consult medical professional before relying on the content. Neither the Author nor Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd accepts any responsibility for any potential risk to any visitor/reader.

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