Kings throughout history had followers and haters. But there is one king with global followers who barely receives hate from anyone. Often referred to as the king of fruits in some parts of the world, mango exists with an excellent taste and a calming colour.
Like a true king, mangoes also have a history.
What past do the mangoes hold?
Peeling the history of mangoes...
Around 4000 years ago, the king of fruits was spotted originating in India. Considered a sacred fruit in the land of cultural diversity, mangoes are spread throughout Asia and later to the rest of the world. Amar Phal is the first name given to mangoes.
Thanks to the importance this fruit holds in the cultural values of India, mangoes are extensively connected to folklore and religious ceremonies.
People from Portugal played a significant role in mango cultivation during the spice trade era.
The large seed located at the centre of the fruit relied on humans for transportation and helped us to cultivate mangoes around the world. Due to the large centre seed, the western half of the world saw mangoes being cultivated in their region around the 1700s.
According to legends, people believed that Lord Buddha was offered a mango grove to rest under the shade.
What are the health benefits of a mango?
Being delicious is the cherry on top of the fruit. Mangoes offer an impressive nutrient profile to the body.
Nutrient content
A cup of fresh mangoes gives the consumer,
- 1 g of protein
- 20+ g of carbs
- 2.5 g of fibre
- 20 g of sugar
- 65% DV of vitamin C
- 20 g of copper
- 15% of folate
- Vitamin B6 - 10% of the daily requirement
- Vitamin K - 10% of the daily requirement
- Vitamin A - 10% of the daily requirement
- Magnesium - 5 % of the daily requirement
Mango also offers plenty of copper, thiamine and riboflavin. This fruit is not just a treat to the tongue. It is also a mineral mine for the body.
Nutrient-rich, calorie deficit
Humans tend to feel happy if we get more goodies for a lower price. Similarly, a mango is a bargain. This fruit offers all the above-mentioned nutrients, has excellent taste, and is low in calories.
One serving or a cup of fresh mangoes contains just over 100 calories. This fruit is also a non-caloric dense food, meaning it has more volume of food and fewer calories in it.
Mangoes are best enjoyed fresh. Dried mangoes contain more calories and added sugar. It can give the blood sugar level in the body a good spike.
Though dried mangoes contain nutrients and antioxidants, it is better to enjoy them in moderation.
Does the king of fruits serve to treat people with Diabetes?
Mangoes are irresistible, thanks to their sweetness. This sweet fruit contains more sugar than most fruits. A serving of 150g of mango can sweet-treat the body with 18g of sugar.
The numbers seem scary. Diabetic people who love the fruit might have their hands on their hearts. However, a true king doesn't leave his people in such a disappointing situation.
No substantial evidence suggests that consuming mangoes will lead to Diabetes or is harmful to people who are already living with this health condition. Doctors may advise people with Diabetes to consume fruits, yet the relationship between Diabetes and mangoes is shady.
But, before anyone gets too excited, mangoes are high in natural sugar. Enjoying the fruit in moderation is better to prevent a huge spike in blood glucose levels at once.
Accommodating plant compounds
Mangoes offer a seat to essential plant compounds like polyphenols that act as antioxidants to protect the body against oxidative stress damage. Free radicals are highly reactive compounds known to harm the body. Antioxidants help the body to fight against free radical cell damage.
Among the various antioxidants in the fruit, there is a superhero antioxidant called mangiferin. This compound is also called a super antioxidant as it is more powerful than other compounds.
Super antioxidant mangiferin is believed to be powerful enough to ward away free radical damage related to Diabetes and cancer. However, human research is required to support the claim.
Immunity-boosting nutrients occupy space in mangoes
Our body requires various essential nutrients to function smoothly. Our soul needs its sweet cravings honoured. Vitamin A is required for a healthy immune system. Vitamin C helps the body to produce disease-fighting cells and makes them function efficiently.
Mangoes contain an adequate number of essential vitamins and nutrients like folate, copper, vitamin E and other minerals to help the body build a strong army of cells for the immune system, fighting for the body and protecting it against foreign agents and toxins.
Mangoes always have a place in our hearts.
Mangoes can keep the heart happy and healthy. The magnesium and potassium in the fruit ensure smooth blood flow, lowering the pressure in the blood vessels.
The super antioxidant mangiferin steals our hearts by protecting it. The antioxidant plays a vital role in improving the heart's overall health by protecting it against inflammation, stress damage and cell death.
We need to thank mangoes heartily as they also aid in reducing the bad cholesterol in the blood. If the bad or LDL cholesterol accumulates in the arteries, it can cause a stroke or heart attack. Though the belief that mangoes reduce cholesterol levels in the body is promising, more human research is required to determine its effectiveness.
Mangoes go easy
Mangoes have several qualities to be appreciated. One of the prized possessions of mangoes is the digestive enzyme amylases. The digestive enzymes break down the food entering the body into smaller molecules to assist the body with digestion.
Amylases are responsible for breaking down complex carbohydrates into sugars. Ever wondered why ripe mangoes are sweeter? This amylase is more active in ripe mangoes, giving them a sweet taste.
Mangoes also contain water and dietary fibre. The fibre will help the body from diarrhoea or constipation by regulating bowel movement.
Always keep an eye on the mangoes
Mangoes contain antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin that are beneficial for eye health.
These nutrients are concentrated in the centre of the retina. The retina is a vital part of the eye that converts light into signals for the brain to interpret what a person is looking at.
The antioxidants in mangoes act as sunblock and protect the eyes from harmful light, specifically blue light.
The richness of vitamin A present in mangoes can help with eye health. When the body is deficient in vitamin A, it will lead to dry eyes or night blindness.
Mangoes can curtail cancer
The polyphenols in mango contain anti-cancer properties that protect the body against a harmful process called oxidative stress, which can increase various types of cancer.
As mentioned above, mangoes contain super antioxidants that can help inflammation and protect against cancer.
Animal studies show a promising result in reducing the chances of developing cancer; however, more human tests are required to better understand the anti-cancer properties of mangoes.
These are probably a few reasons why you need to buy a dozen more mangoes. They are tasty and nutritious.
What are the potential benefits mango holds for the skin?
Brimming with healthful substances like mangiferin, vitamin E, vitamin A and vitamin C, mangoes can offer impressive skin benefits.
Sun damage protection
Summer in India is filled with memories of scorching heat, vacations, games, nimbu pani (lemon water) and delicious mangoes.
Nature has a way of gifting us what we need at every moment. Consuming mangoes during summer can help a person reduce the effects of sun damage.
The naturally occurring antioxidants in the fruit can potentially reduce the symptoms of sun damage by reducing the oxidative damage caused by sun rays to the skin cells.
Experiments with lab rats show that mango extract had helped dwindle sun damage symptoms.
Mangoes benefit the body with collagen support
The vitamin residents of mango help the body with the production of collagen. The body requires Vitamin C to produce a protein called collagen, which gives the skin its structure.
People with vitamin C deficiency can develop a condition known as scurvy. Scurvy can make a person's healing process more difficult and make the skin appear scaly.
This health condition is caused by reduced collagen production in the body.
Vitamin C in mangoes can help the body with collagen production and reduce the chances of developing such health conditions.
Reduce acne
When the body is deficient in vitamin A, it increases acne. This can happen because when the body is deprived of them produces a protein called keratin.
Overproduction of keratin will clog hair follicles or sweat glands that can develop acne.
The vitamin A content in mangoes can help a person avoid acne.
Centuries-old but can reduce signs of ageing.
Environmental damage can take a toll on the skin. Vitamin E and vitamin C in mangoes fight together to protect the skin from environmental damage.
The body stores these two vitamins in the cells in the skin. These vitamins are reduced when the skin is exposed to pollution or sunlight. Reduced vitamins in the skin can cause skin damage and lead to premature ageing.
As vitamin C helps the body with collagen production, mangoes help reduce symptoms of age loss. Collagen is essential to hold the structure of the skin.
Due to the enormous content of vitamin A, mangoes have photoprotective effects. The photoprotective effect happens when the body is fighting against sun damage and its symptoms.
Mangoes help to speculate skin cancer
Polyphenols, synthesized by plants naturally, are chemicals that mango contains.
Mango seeds, peels and kernels contain a higher concentration of mangiferin. These antioxidants can lower the risk of certain types of cancer like skin cancer, colon cancer, breast cancer and cervical cancer.
More human research is required to completely understand mangoes' anti-cancer effects on people.
Relishing mangoes is an experience a person can adapt regularly to improve their skin health.
Along with consuming fresh mangoes, it can directly be applied to the skin as mango butter or other products.
Mango is a popular fruit in the cosmetic industry for the benefits it has to offer.
How does Mango butter benefit the skin?
Mango butter is just what its name accurately suggests. It is made from mango seeds and contains a high concentration of fatty acids in the fruit.
Mango butter can be applied directly to the skin just like any other moisturiser or cocoa butter.
Mango butter's relationship with dry skin
Limited research shows the benefits of applying mango butter on dry skin. A generous amount of mango butter on the skin has the potential to form a protective layer that can help retain the moisture on the skin.
Mango butter for acne
Many people claim that mango butter can help a person manage acne. However, there is no evidence to support the claim.
At times mango butter can be loaded with a fat content that can clog the pores and worsen acne. It is best recommended to visit a dermatologist to know more about the products to be used on the skin for acne.
Mango oil and mango extract
This fancy-sounding oil or extract is derived from the kernel, leaves or skin of the fruit.
Mango oil or extract is used in cosmetics or sunscreen because they possess a high concentration of zinc, copper, antioxidants and selenium.
The fruit extract contains a concentrated form of super antioxidant that offers the body various skin health benefits.
Do we need a protective umbrella against the king of fruits?
Unless the foolish act of consuming mango products is meant to be used on the skin, the fruit and its products are safe.
Using mangoes on the skin is safe as long as mango products are used the way they are intended to be. It is uncommon that people can experience few allergic reactions when they touch mangoes.
Some people can develop a rash due to chemical substances found in mango skin.
The chemical is similar to that of the chemical found in poison ivy or poison oak.
However, a person should note that consuming mangoes can worsen the symptoms if they have poison ivy or poison oak. It is essential to restrict consuming the fruit completely until the rush is cured.
Over-consuming mangoes can also spike the blood sugar level in the body. Even though the fruit contains natural sugar, it is best to consume them in moderation.
Pregnant women need to consult a doctor before consuming the fruit to know its exact side effects.
How to consume mangoes?
The king of fruit is undoubtedly delicious, versatile, and easy to accommodate in the diet.
Some of the ways a person can enjoy mangoes are to
- Consume them raw and peeled
- Add them to smoothies
- Dice or mix it into salsa
- Consume it as a fruit salad
- Add it to yoghurt or oatmeal
- Grill mangoes to top burgers.
To sum up
The fruit, boasting over centuries of legacy, is truly a delicacy.
Rich in minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants, mangoes are associated with various health benefits that can protect against a few types of cancer and improve immunity and digestive health.
It is also important to remember that with the king of fruits, moderation is the key. If a person keeps their consumption reasonable, mangoes can be a treat for the taste buds and for improving a person's overall health.
Mango and its products can help a person improve their skin health. Next time you spot a store selling this bright and tasty fruit, never forget to buy a dozen more and include them in the diet.
How does mango affect the body?
Mango is rich in vitamins, antioxidants, and minerals that are directly associated with various health benefits like anti-cancer effects, improving skin health and maintaining it, improving digestive health, and enhancing eye health.
Why is mango good for the liver?
Raw mangoes are an excellent detoxifying ingredient and can increase liver and gall bladder function.
Mangoes also contain magnesium and potassium that can help maintain a steady blood flow that can benefit other organs of the body.
Is mango high in sugar?
Mango contains natural sugar more than most fruits. One medium-sized mango includes 46 g of natural sugar. It is best to enjoy the fruit in moderation.
Is mango good for the hair?
Mangoes are rich in vitamin E that can assist with the circulation of blood on the scalp, thus promoting hair growth. Vitamin A in mangoes can help condition the scalp naturally for stronger and shiny hair.
Which nutrient is rich in mango?
Mangoes are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin E, and antioxidants that can help improve a person's overall health.