Amazing Health Benefits of Lychee

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Health Insurance Plans starting at Rs.15/day*

Lychee, also called “Lichi” or “Litchi”, is a perennial tree that belongs to the soapberry family. Indigenous to Southeast Asia, this tree is famous for its delicious fruits, which have been adored by the Cantonese people since ancient times.

These fruits are normally oval to round in shape, with a vibrant strawberry red hue, calculating 25 mm in diameter. Inclosed within a brittle outer shell is a translucent white fleshy aril together with a single large seed.

Nutrition Facts

Lychees are primarily composed of water and carbs, which make up 82% and 16.5% of the fruit, respectively.

A 100-gram serving of fresh lychees provides the following nutrients:

  • Fibre: 1.3 grams
  • Calories: 66
  • Sugar: 15.2 grams
  • Protein: 0.8 grams
  • Carbs: 16.5 grams
  • Fat: 0.4 grams

Properties of Lychee

Multiple lab studies have highlighted these properties of lychee:

  • It may assist in lowering blood sugar
  • It may exhibit antioxidant properties
  • It may be liver-protective
  • It may assist in lowering blood pressure
  • It may assist in lowering lipid levels in the blood
  • It may assist in managing weight
  • It may exhibit anticancer property
  • It may help safeguard the brain
  • It may regulate the immune system

Health Benefits of Lychee

Assists Digestion: Lychee fruits are beneficial for those who have digestion problems. Drinking one glass of lychee juice can lower the symptoms of discomfort. The fibre content of lychee adds volume to the stool, which assists in smooth bowel movement. Hence preventing constipation. Furthermore, it activates the production of enzymes, assuring more efficient absorption of nutrients.

Improve Bone Strength: Consuming lychee strengthens the bone. The rationale behind this is lychee is filled with copper, ironcalcium, magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, etc. These minerals raises calcium absorption and increase bone strength. Thus lowering bone fragility.

Assists in Weight Loss: Lychee is a good source of fibre, which assists in weight management. Furthermore, lychee is high in water content with minimal fat and calories. It makes it a suitable fruit to include in a weight loss journey.

Skincare Benefits: Consuming Lychee can fight free radicals that harm the skin, resulting in the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, blemishes and other signs of ageing. Plus, the Vitamin E present in lychee helps in sunburns which may cause pain, irritation and skin damage. Thereupon keeping the skin healthy and skin glowing.

Checks Blood Pressure: Lychee fruit manages high blood pressure. It has a considerable amount of potassium and low sodium, which regulates the body fluid, which is crucial for metabolic function and hypertension. It also maintains cardiovascular stress, which assists in easy blood flow via the arteries.

Increases Immunity: The Vitamin C content present in the lychees makes it an ideal fruit for maintaining immunity. A glass of lychee fulfills 100% of the vitamin C needs. Hence, it protects the body from  any exotic materials.

Enhances Blood Circulation: Copper present in the lychee is as crucial as iron in the human body. Consuming lychee increases RBC production because of its copper content. It is very beneficial for older people, as it assists in correct blood circulation.

Health Ageing: Consuming Lychee slows down ageing. The Vitamin C present in lychee safeguards the adverse effects of free radicals. Hence, it neutralises the premature signs of ageing and delays the ageing process.

Good for Diabetes: Lychee is a great source of polyphenols, and it helps in managing diabetes. Also, the polyphenols in lychee seed extract may improve symptoms like extreme thirst, frequent urination, and constant hunger.

Thus, the advantages of eating lychee are that it can reduce insulin resistance and may have a positive impact on diabetes. However, it is always recommended to see a doctor before including any fruits or vegetables in the diet.

Increases Liver Health: The polyphenols in lychee may reduce the liver damage and may also prevent alcholic fatty liver disease in which consuming excessive alcohol can result in the collection of fats in the liver.

Combats Oxidative Stress: The antioxidant in lychee fights the free radicals in the body, which typically results in chronic conditions like atherosclerosis. Lychee has plenty of polysaccharides, and polyphenols have antioxidants that prevent several conditions, such as cancer.

Reduces the Risk of Cancer: Lychee has components such as polyphenols and polysaccharides, which may be responsible for lowering the chances of cancer. Polysaccharides in lychee pulps have the potential to prevent the development of cancerous cells.

Studies have highlighted that lychee extracts can assist with breast cancers. Even though there are multiple benefits around lychee fruit benefits in preventing cancer, a person must always first see a doctor for a correct diagnosis and care.

Lychees’ Side Effects

When consumed in moderation as a part of a healthy diet, lychees do not have any known ill effects. Nevertheless, lychees have been related with brain inflammation in South and Southeast Asia. Also, lychees may create an allergic reaction in rare cases.

Interactions of Lychee with Other Drugs: 

Lychee is well known to reduce blood sugar levels; henceforth, people on drugs meant to reduce blood sugar, like insulin, should be conscious while eating lychee. Consuming lychee with some drugs can elevate the risk of bleeding. These drugs include aspirin, heparin, warfarin, naproxen, clopidogrel and ibuprofen.

Lychee can also interact with drugs, such as:

  • Pain relievers
  • Anticancer agents
  • Anti-inflammatory agents
  • Medications created to treat heart diseases
  • Drugs that lower blood lipid levels
  • Drugs that alter the immune system

If you are taking any kind of medication, it is best to talk to your doctor about the potential interaction of the drug with any medicine or food. This will assist you in making mindful choices and avoid undesirable side effects.

Lychee During Pregnancy

Lychee is a fruit rich in nutrients that are beneficial during pregnancy. It has carbohydrates, vitamin C, fiber, folate, choline, phosphorus, an potassium, which is good for the brain, liver and heart.

It also helps in maintaining blood pressure. It is essential to consume lychees in moderation to maximize their benefits, as excessive consumption may lead to inflammation.

Moreover, due to its high glycemic index, lychee can increase the risk of gestational diabetes by causing a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. Therefore, it is advisable to consult your doctor before including lychee in your pregnancy diet.

In addition to eating nutritious foods, consider banking your baby’s cord blood stem cells at birth to ensure a healthy future for your child.

Interesting Recipes of Lychee

Lychee and rosewater ice cream:

Mix lychees with their raspberries, syrup and rosewater in a food processor and blend until it becomes smooth. Whip cream to soft peaks in a different bowl. Gently turn over in the lychee-raspberry mixture and condensed milk, then quickly flick everything together. Move the mixture into a plastic container and freeze for a minimum of three hours.

Lychee and lime sobert

Boil a few lychee combined with sugar to make a syrup. Cool it down & blend it along with the lime juice to make sorbet. This frozen delight is a popular summer dessert, and it is very simple to prepare.

Lychee and lemon ball drink

Mix 1/2 cup of lychee crush, 1 tbsp. Strawberry crush, 1/4 cup muskmelon balls, 1 tbsp. Lemon juice, 3 cups soda and ten ice cubes together. Pour the blend into glasses and decorate with mint leaves.

Lychee and watermelon slush

In a mixer jar, put four cups of frozen watermelon cubes, 3 tbsp. rose syrup, two cups of frozen lychee juice, and 2 tbsp. lemon juice. Crush them together and pour them into serving glasses.


Lychee has a sweet and flowery flavour and is a great source of vitamin C and multiple beneficial antioxidants. This makes them a first-class inclusion to a healthy diet.


1. How many lychees should I eat a day?

According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, fresh lychee is a great choice, as it includes two cups of fruit per day. One cup of lychee equals to 190 g of fruit.

2. Is lychee a superfood?

Lychees are high in vitamin C, B, polyphenol, potassium, magnesium, and Oligonol. Hence making it an ideal superfood.


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