Hormonal Headaches

Hormonal Headaches

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Hormonal Headaches

What are Hormonal Headaches?

Period headaches are a common type of headaches that happen in the time of menstrual cycle and hormonal changes cause these headaches.

A healthcare provider might refer to these headaches as menstrual headaches, hormone headaches, period migraines, and hormone migraines.

Period headaches are caused by changes in estrogen levels, where the levels drop immediately before the start of the menstrual flow. 

Premenstrual migraines occur regularly during or after the time when hormones, estrogens and progesterones drop to the lowest levels, and significant changes to hormones can cause headaches.

Generally, these headaches affect one side of the head, and pain can be commonly felt on the forehead. The pain can also move from one spot to another and is unique for each person.

Symptoms of Hormonal Headaches

The symptoms of hormonal headache include:

  • Light to severe head pain
  • Light, sound and smell sensitivity
  • Tenderness or sore scalp
  • Appetite loss
  • Dizziness
  • Blurred vision
  • Tiredness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Sweating or cold chills

Causes of Menstrual Headaches

  • Menstrual Cycle and Pregnancy: Changes in estrogen and progesterone levels can cause headaches. In pregnant women, headaches might go away during pregnancy, and they might experience migraines during early pregnancy and find relief after the first trimester.
  • Perimenopause and Menopause: Fluctuating hormone levels due to perimenopause (years leading up to menopause) can cause headaches. The symptoms might improve as one moves closer to the menopause stage, and for some, it might actually become worse. 
  • Oral Contraceptives and Hormone Replacement Therapy: Birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy can cause fluctuations in hormones and are typically experienced by women in the last weeks of the cycle if they consume Birth control pills.

Other contributing factors

Genetics are thought to play a crucial role in chronic migraines; in addition to hormones, factors include:

  • Skipping meals
  • Bad sleep cycle
  • Intense lights, sounds or smells
  • Severe weather change
  • Alcohol
  • Stress
  • Processed meats, sausages and smoked fish
  • MSG, aged cheeses and soy products
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Heavy caffeine intake or caffeine withdrawal

Migraine Treatments

Migraine medicines are generally prescribed by the doctor to give relief to the pain. Painkillers can help give relief and can help stop migraines.

Continuous contraceptive pills

Contraceptive pills that are consumed irregularly can cause fluctuations, and a doctor is required to be consulted, where doctors might prescribe you to take the pills regularly to avoid the declining level of estrogen.

Hormone replacement therapy

As one age, the fluctuation in hormonal levels can cause various issues, and HRT can help alleviate these changes and ensure that the hormone levels are stable and thus reduce the occurrence of migraines.

Estrogen therapy

On the occasion of irregular periods, estrogen pills or patches can help keep hormonal levels stable and can be used before one’s periods are due and a few days into the periods. 


Headaches can be caused by multiple factors, including genetics and diet triggers. In women, fluctuating hormone levels are contributing factors to development. Hormone level changes are due to menstrual cycles, pregnancy, and menopause and are affected by oral contraceptives and hormone replacement therapies. Treatments include various medications that relieve the headaches for women who experience hormonal headaches when finding relief during pregnancy or menopause.


1. At what age do hormonal headaches start?

They can start anytime, but generally, they start once the girls reach puberty and the beginning of the menstrual cycle, and the headache levels off again after menopause. A calendar can be kept to ensure the tracking of the condition on the onset of symptoms.

2. Are these headaches dangerous?

These headaches are natural occurrences due to changing hormonal levels and would not cause any long term side effects whatsoever. These headaches are quite cyclic in nature and occur only due to hormonal fluctuations. A healthy diet and good sleep is paramount to ensuring maximum alleviation of the symptoms.

3. How do you stop hormonal headaches?

For stopping hormonal migraine or period headaches, an over-the-counter nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug might be enough. 


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