Health Insurance for Tuberculosis Patients in India

Health Insurance Plans starting at Rs.15/day*

Health Insurance Plans starting at Rs.15/day*

What is Tuberculosis (TB)?

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by an infection in the lungs. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), Tuberculosis is one of the top 10 causes of death worldwide. 

Tuberculosis is airborne and contagious. When an infected person coughs, sneezes, talks or sings, they release tiny droplets into the air, which spreads from one person to another. Even though it starts in the lungs, it can spread to other organs like the brain, liver, spine, ovaries, and kidneys.

Infectious diseases like TB and other illnesses have risen sharply around the world. So, in addition to taking good care of your health, it is wise to invest in a good Health Insurance. 

TB – An overview

TB initially affects the functioning of the lungs. It can then infect other organs such as the brain, kidney, liver and spleen. Symptoms vary from patient to patient.

Common symptoms of TB

  • Fatigue
  • Persistent cough
  • Appetite loss
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Night sweats
  • Weight loss

People who experience any of these symptoms are said to have active TB. On the other hand, some people have laent TB which does not show any symptoms. Latent TB can become active TB if left untreated.

Diagnosis Of Tuberculosis

You should consult a doctor if you experience any of the above-mentioned TB symptoms, especially if you have been coughing continuously for a few weeks. 

Diagnostic tests 

  • Blood Test 
  • AFB (Acid-Fast Bacillus) Smear and Culture
  • Chest X-Ray 
  • Tuberculin Skin Testing 
  • Tuberculosis Screening

If these tests are inconclusive, your doctor might recommend taking a chest CT or Lung Biopsy. Even though these tests are expensive, you should always have them done because delaying diagnosis and treatment may be life-threatening. 

Treatment for Tuberculosis

Treatment for Tuberculosis often takes 6 to 9 months. Anyone who has been diagnosed with Tuberculosis needs to take antibiotics for a long time for both cure and to prevent relapse. If the person is still found to have TB after six months, the treatment will continue.

Over time,  TB bacterium may develop resistance to some drugs. The course of treatment in such a situation may go up to a year or more. To improve the prognosis of the condition, additional diagnostic tests, including MRIs and CT scans, must be performed.

Overall, treating TB is expensive, and having a Health Insurance policy can help mitigate these costs. 

Health Insurance for Tuberculosis

According to the National Tuberculosis Institute, more than 40% of Indians have the TB bacterium in their bodies, but they may not have active disease. An individual with TB bacteria has a 10% probability of developing TB disease.

If you happen to contract TB, a Health Insurance policy like Star Comprehensive Health Insurance policy can help tackle the treatment costs. 

1. Cashless Hospitalisation

Cashless hospitalisation might be a huge blessing when you need to be admitted during  an emergency. Instead of spending out of pocket, it facilitates cashless treatments in Network Hospitals. So you do not have to worry about the treatment costs as the Insurance Company will take care of such expenses.

2. Pre- and Post- Hospitalisation

In addition to handling the financial aspect of your care while you are hospitalised, your medical insurance plan also covers pre-hospitalisation (up to 60 days before admission to the hospital ) and post-hospitalisation (up to 90 days after discharge from the hospital) expenses. 

3. Ambulance charges

The policy covers road ambulance expenses upto actualsroad ambulance expenses upto actuals and air ambulance expenses up to the limits mentioned in the policy. 

4. Second medical opinion

If you are confused and looking for another doctor’s opinion, the Star Comprehensive Insurance policy offers an option to get a second medical opinion. 

5. Midterm inclusion

Newly married/ wedded spouse and newborn babies can be added midterm to this policy with an additional premium thus ensuring your whole family is covered and protected. 


Despite being a severe condition, TB is curable with the proper treatment and diagnosis. Therefore, if you or your loved one exhibits disease symptoms, get medical help immediately. A Health Insurance policy will protect you and your family from unanticipated medical costs. 

Star Health Insurance provides specific Health Insurance policies that give significant coverage for medical treatment. Make sure you read through the policy document and make an informed decision while purchasing a policy. 


The Information including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this blog are intended for education and awareness only. No material on this blog is intended to be a substitute for professional medical help including diagnosis or treatment. It is always advisable to consult medical professional before relying on the content. Neither the Author nor Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd accepts any responsibility for any potential risk to any visitor/reader.

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