Health Benefits of Blackberries

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Blackberries offer excellent health benefits and are a superfood packed with vitamins, fibre, and antioxidants. Blackberries are often confused with raspberries but they are from the Rubus species. One can differentiate blackberry and raspberry by their stem. That is, when blackberries are picked, the stem remains in the fruit and with raspberries the stem remains with the plant.

Berries have been a delicacy for humans since thousands of years. In today’s world, there are more varieties, such as domesticated and wild versions. There are also varieties known as semi-erect, erect and trailing. There are also hybrids blackberries like loganberry. Eventhough they may taste different from each other, they commonly have a good amount of antioxidants and vitamins.

Nutritional Value of Blackberries

A one-cup serving of raw blackberries contains:

  • Carbohydrates: 14 grams
  • Fiber: 8 grams
  • Protein: 2 grams
  • Fat: Less than 1 gram
  • Sugar: 7 grams
  • Calories: 62

Health Benefits of Blackberries

1. Vitamin K

Vitamin K plays a major role in a person’s well-being; when a person cuts themselves, it is because of Vitamin K that they don’t bleed to death. It helps the blood clot, and it is also very important for bone metabolism. Deficiency of this will lead to bone fractures and thinning, blood in urine or stool, bruising and heavy menstrual bleeding. Having just one cup of blackberries will be sufficient to provide one-third of the daily recommended intake of vitamin K.

2. Cancer Prevention

Anthocyanins are a major component in berries that may stop or slow down cancer in many ways. There is research still going on to further study about the effectiveness of it. So far it has been found that anthocyanins slow the growth or destroy the cancer cells, may prevent tumours from developing into cancerous, block the mutation or DNA changes that cause cancer and increase the effect of chemotherapy.

3. Vitamin C

One cup of blackberries contain 30.2 mg of Vitamin C, which covers almost half of the daily recommended intake of it. Vitamin C helps in the collagen formation in connective tissues, blood vessels and bones. It also contributes in healing wounds, reducing free radicals in the body, prevents scurvy, heals wounds, absorbs iron, regenerate the skin and shorten common cold.

4. Prevents Cardiovascular Disease

Any diseases that affects the blood vessels and the and cardiovascular diseases might improve by eating blackberries because of the anthocyanins in them. High blood pressure, inflammation and high cholesterol are the reasons for the formation of plaque.

5. Manganese

Even though manganese is not as famous as other minerals, it is important for the immune system and bone development. It also supports the body in metabolizing amino acids, cholesterol and carbs. Manganese plays a very important part in the formation of collagen. It also helps in the healing of wounds, manages blood sugar, reduces epileptic seizures, and might help prevent osteoporosis. One cup of blackberries contains almost half of the daily recommended consumption value. It is important to also know that too much manganese is toxic.

6. Reduces Inflammation

Blackberry is filled with strong antioxidants called polyphenols.  Anti-oxidants assist you in fighting stress by eliminating unstable molecules known as free radicals before they can harm your cells.

Also, blackberry is filled with a polyphenol called anthocyanin, which may assist in treating inflammation. Inflammation is the body’s natural response to attacks by unnatural forces.

7. Fibre

Most people don’t have enough fibre. This can lead to digestive disorders such as constipation, stomach pain, and bloating. Low fibre content can also increase the risk of heart disease. Blackberries are high in fibre and can help with all the above issues.

8. Improves Brain Functions

The presence of anthocyanins in blackberries has its benefit on inflammation related to the brain. Anthocyanins in blackberries may also help in increasing the blood flow in the parts of brain that control the memory, attention and speech. It might also mildly improve memory and speech in people with mild to moderate dementia.


Blackberries are not only low in carbs, fat and calories but also high in minerals, beneficial vitamins, antioxidants and fibre. They can be added to the diet easily and are also versatile. Furthermore, research shows that the effectiveness of blackberries for cancer treatment has shown positive progress.

Hence, enjoy this fruit in a yoghurt, smoothie or salad and reap amazing benefits!


Which berry is the healthiest?

Black raspberries are high in antioxidants and fibre, they also little natural sugar. So they might be the healthy berry.


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