Comparison Between Health Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance

Health Insurance Plans starting at Rs.15/day*

Health Insurance Plans starting at Rs.15/day*


With the rising cost of healthcare in India, it has become essential to have some form of financial protection against unexpected medical expenses. Health insurance and personal accident insurance are two such financial instruments that offer coverage against healthcare costs.

While both these policies aim to protect policyholders financially, they differ in terms of coverage, premium, and benefits. This blog will compare health insurance and personal accident insurance policies in the Indian market.

Health Insurance:

Health insurance is a type of insurance that provides coverage against medical expenses incurred due to illness, accidents and disease in hospitalisation. Health insurance policies can be purchased for individuals or families and offer benefits such as cashless hospitalisation, reimbursement of medical expenses, and coverage for pre-existing conditions.

Personal Accident Insurance:

As the name suggests, personal accident insurance provides coverage against accidental death or permanent total disability due to accident. This policy offers compensation if the policyholder suffers an accident resulting in permanent or temporary disability or death.

Personal accident insurance policies can be purchased for individuals or groups and offer benefits such as accidental death cover, disability cover and accidental hospitalisation cover.

Comparison of Health Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance


Health insurance policies cover medical expenses incurred due to illness, accidents or hospitalisation. They also cover pre-existing conditions, including chronic diseases, subject to the policy terms and conditions. On the other hand, personal accident insurance policies provide lumpsum payment against accidental death or disability resulting from an accident.


The premium for health insurance policies is generally higher as they provide comprehensive coverage against medical expenses. On the other hand, personal accident insurance policies have lower premiums as they offer coverage against accidental death or disability only.


Health insurance policies offer a range of benefits, including cashless hospitalisation, reimbursement of medical expenses and coverage for pre-existing conditions. Personal accident insurance policies provide benefits such as accidental death cover, disability cover and accidental hospitalisation cover.

Tax Benefits:

Health insurance policies offer tax benefits under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act 1961. Policyholders can claim a tax deduction of up to INR 25,000 for individual health insurance policies and INR 50,000 for senior citizen health insurance policies.

Claim Settlement:

The claim settlement process for health insurance policies can be more complicated than for personal accident insurance policies. This is because health insurance policies cover a range of medical expenses, and the insurer needs to verify the claim before settling it.

In contrast, the claim settlement process for personal accident insurance policies is simpler as they cover only accidental death or disability.

What to choose between Health Insurance and Personal Accident Insurance?

Choosing between health insurance and personal accident insurance depends on an individual’s specific needs and requirements. A person looking for comprehensive coverage against medical expenses should opt for health insurance policies.

However, if they want coverage against accidental death or disability resulting from an accident, they should opt for personal accident insurance policies. It is recommended that individuals review the policy terms and conditions, coverage limits and claim settlement processes before making a decision.

Consulting with an insurance advisor can also provide additional insights and guidance in choosing the right policy.


In conclusion, both health insurance and personal accident insurance policies offer financial protection against unexpected healthcare costs.

While health insurance policies provide comprehensive coverage against medical expenses, personal accident insurance policies provide coverage against accidental death or disability.

Policyholders should evaluate their needs and requirements before purchasing either policy. Additionally, policyholders should review the policy terms and conditions, coverage limits, and claim settlement processes to make an informed decision.


What is the difference between health insurance and personal accident insurance policies?

Health insurance policies provide coverage against medical expenses incurred due to illness, accidents or hospitalisation. Personal accident insurance policies provide coverage against accidental death or disability resulting from an accident.

Can I claim tax benefits for both health insurance and personal accident insurance policies?

 Policyholders can claim tax benefits only from health insurance  policies under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, of 1961.

 Which is better – health insurance or personal accident insurance?

The answer depends on the policyholder’s needs and requirements. They should opt for health insurance policies if they want comprehensive coverage against medical expenses. If they want coverage against accidental death or disability, they should opt for personal accident insurance policies.

Can personal accident insurance policies be purchased along with health insurance policies?

Yes, personal accident insurance policies can be purchased along with health insurance policies. This can provide additional financial protection against accidental death or disability, especially if the policyholder has a high-risk occupation or lifestyle.

Is there a waiting period for coverage in health insurance and personal accident insurance policies?

Waiting period is applicable only for Health insurance plans. There is no waiting period for Personal Accident plan.


The Information including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this blog are intended for education and awareness only. No material on this blog is intended to be a substitute for professional medical help including diagnosis or treatment. It is always advisable to consult medical professional before relying on the content. Neither the Author nor Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd accepts any responsibility for any potential risk to any visitor/reader.

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