Guttate Psoriasis Causes, Stages, Diagnosis, and Treatments

Guttate Psoriasis Causes, Stages, Diagnosis, and Treatments

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Guttate Psoriasis Causes, Stages, Diagnosis, and Treatments

Guttate Psoriasis is a type of Psoriasis that shows up on the skin as red, scaly and small spots. Guttate Psoriasis causes scars only in rare cases, and in most cases, Guttate Psoriasis does not exhibit any symptoms.  

This Psoriasis occurs especially in young and older people. However, Guttate Psoriasis is not similar to plaque Psoriasis and has a lot of dissimilarities between them. In general, the cause of Psoriasis is still undetermined, and researchers believe it stems due to genetic, environmental, and other immune system problems.

To be Precise, Guttate Psoriasis is an Auto-immune disease which means the human body attacks its own cells. It occurs only once in a lifetime, and the chances of recurrence are very low in this type of Psoriasis. However, Guttate Psoriasis does not disappear naturally, and treatment is mandatory for recovery.

Guttate Psoriasis is not as thick as Plaque Psoriasis. In rare cases, you may simultaneously have both Guttate Psoriasis and Plaque Psoriasis.

Causes and Triggers of Guttate Psoriasis  

The triggering point of Guttate Psoriasis actually comes from bacterial infections like Strep throat. Tonsillitis and Strep throat are said to be the main cause of Guttate Psoriasis. Typically, it causes spots on the skin. Guttate Psoriasis is also a genetic disease, and if one of your close members is affected by it, then you may also have a higher chance of getting affected by it.  

Other possible reasons for the cause include:

  • Flu
  • Stress
  • Cuts and burns
  • Sinus infections

Stages of Guttate Psoriasis  

There are three different types of Guttate Psoriasis stages :

  • Mild: Few spots cover only 3% of your skin
  • Moderate: Lesions cover about 3 to 10% of your skin
  • Severe: These cover 10% of your entire body

For example, Psoriasis can be considered severe if it affects your face. If Psoriasis gets affected by other parts of the body other than the face, then it would be considered Moderate or Mild guttate psoriasis. In general, Psoriasis comes under “Severe” when it distorts the appearance or livelihood of an individual.  

How is Guttate Psoriasis diagnosed?

Consult with Dermatologists or doctors who are experts in treating skin diseases. Immediate consultation and treatment increase the chances of recovering fast from Guttate Psoriasis. First, your concerned doctor will examine your previous medical history to ensure whether you have already been diagnosed with any type of Psoriasis.  

Your doctor will also look out on your skin to know whether your Psoriasis is Guttate Psoriasis. A strep test is also taken by taking samples of blood and throat.  

Sometimes, the following skin conditions are mistaken for Guttate Psoriasis:

  • Secondary syphilis
  • Scarlet fever Fash
  • Nummular Eczema
  • Tinea Corporis

Skin Biopsy is also performed to rule out skin diseases like Skin lesions.

Guttate Psoriasis Treatment

In general, treatments may vary based on the severity of the condition, and Guttate Psoriasis lasts a maximum of two to four weeks. Guttate Psoriasis cures within a few weeks on its own without any need for treatment. If spotted early, doctors would give appropriate treatments and medications which may eventually cure Guttate Psoriasis in the early stage itself.

Topical Steroid treatments

The most prescribed treatment for Guttate Psoriasis is Topical Corticosteroids. They are made by natural hormones produced by adrenal glands. Topical Corticosteroids are best for reducing inflammation, itching and redness.  

Mild cases of Corticosteroids are prescribed only to people with mild symptoms of Guttate Psoriasis. Topical Corticosteroids can either be used on their own or can be prescribed in addition to medicines. Mostly, this can be applied twice a day.

Topical non-steroidal treatments

If the performance of topical corticosteroids is unsatisfying and fails to recover you from Guttate Psoriasis, then topical non-steroidal treatments become conducive for the patients.

Some of the commonly used medications are:

Vitamin A 

Retinoids are a type of compound that contains vitamin A. Retinoids help in reducing the newly produced cells that may have the chances of causing Psoriasis in the body.  

Synthetic Vitamin D3

This vitamin slows down the growth of skin cells and thereby reduces the side effects of stronger corticosteroids.

OTC topical treatments

There are several OTC medications available that may eventually cure itchy, flaky and dry skin. These include:

  • Dandruff shampoo for scalp
  • Moisturisers
  • Prescription medications, especially vitamin A
  • Cortisone cream

Supposedly, if the Guttate Psoriasis is severe, then you may need oral medications for the recovery, which include medications like:

  • Corticosteroids
  • Apremilast
  • Methotrexate

Phototherapy treatment

This is the vital treatment given for Guttate Psoriasis. This therapy is also known to be light therapy. During phototherapy, Ultraviolet rays are flashed into your skin to determine your skin reaction to light.  

Other medications

Other common medications that can be used for the treatment of Guttate Psoriasis need a proper doctor’s prescription before having it:


This medication is used only under severe conditions. Unnecessary usage of this medicine leads to deterioration of the immune system.


This medication is considered for mild and moderate Psoriasis. It is also known to be an Immunosuppressant drug.


This medication increases the risk to the immune system and may also lead to several biological disorders. These medications can also be utilized for the treatment of Plaque Psoriasis. Currently, this therapy is given to nearly 40% of Guttate Psoriasis patients.

Natural Treatments for Guttate Psoriasis

Some of the Prominent natural and home remedies for Guttate Psoriasis include:


Exposing your skin to sunlight diminishes the risk of getting affected by Guttate Psoriasis.

Coconut oil 

Coconut oil softens skin lesions and can be used as the best topical medication for the treatment of any psoriasis.  

Bath salts 

Soaking in a bath with Epsom salts is also the best home treatment for Guttate Psoriasis.  

Avoid soaps or any skin lotions that cause discomfort and itchiness on your skin.  

Nutritious Diet

Taking food with high nutrient content mitigates the risk of getting affected by Guttate Psoriasis. Consult medical experts before taking any strenuous diet plans.  

Daily Exercise

Regular Exercise sometimes becomes a vital condition for the prevention of Psoriasis. Therefore, make a proper exercise plan and follow it consistently without any gap in between.

Meditation or Yoga 

Yoga may decrease or prevent the symptoms incurred towards Guttate Psoriasis. Yoga would be a befitting treatment, especially when your Psoriasis is caused due to the triggering of stress.

How to live with Guttate Psoriasis?

Research has been very evident that Psoriasis arouses a sense of humiliation and anxiety in affected patients. They feel insecure about themselves; therefore, to get rid of the anxiety they should consult proper psychiatrists to relieve themselves from the phobia of Psoriasis. If you are affected by guttate Psoriasis, you should first deeply understand that it is a disease and regular treatments help them to successfully come out of the disease. Staying positive can help you not to think about this condition.

Complications of Guttate Psoriasis

Some of the well-known complications of guttate Psoriasis include:

  • Hypertension
  • Depression
  • Hyperlipidemia
  • Metabolic syndrome
  • Psoriasis arthritis
  • Type 2 Diabetes
  • Liver disease
  • Gastrointestinal disease
  • Crohn’s disease
  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • High blood disease

Summing Up

To be precise, there is no proper cure for Guttate Psoriasis. However, most symptoms related to Psoriasis.

The other unknown fact about Guttate Psoriasis is that it can transform into Plaque Psoriasis. A dermatologist will help and guide you through the proper treatment to help you get rid of Psoriasis.  

Remember, the human body is a malleable object and can be easily affected by any infections if you fail to take care of your body. It is not only about Psoriasis; you need to impose care and caution on your body to stay free from diseases.



1.How long does guttate Psoriasis last?

In most cases, treatment for Guttate Psoriasis lasts 2-3 weeks. However, it is vital to identify the disease and get treatment immediately for recovery.

2.Guttate Psoriasis most often occurs in what age group?

Guttate Psoriasis can be seen in common among individuals below the age of 30 years, and mostly, children are prone to this disease. Guttate Psoriasis occurs suddenly after the infection, and it is not contagious.

3.Can Guttate Psoriasis be caused by stress?

Stress is said to be the common cause of Psoriasis. Guttate Psoriasis can sometimes be genetic and mostly caused due to bacterial infections like Strep throat.

4.How to stop guttate psoriasis spreading?

You can stop the spread of Guttate Psoriasis in the following ways:
1. Eat high nutrient foods
2· Take care of your skin
3· Decrease stress
4· Sleep well
5· Use lotion and skin moisturizer  
6· Keep your stress under control

5.What organs can be affected by Psoriasis?

Psoriasis can affect vital organs like skin, lungs and other internal organs based on psoriasis severity.

6.Does Psoriasis spread if you scratch it?

Scratching the Psoriasis does not spread the infection to other areas of the body, but it decelerates the guttate psoriasis healing process of the skin.



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