9 Easy ways to get rid of bad breath

9 Easy ways to get rid of bad breath

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9 Easy ways to get rid of bad breath


One in every four people worldwide is said to have bad breath. Some people believe they have bad breath even when their breath is entirely neutral. Others might have bad breath but might be unaware of it. It can be challenging even to detect your own breath, much less evaluate it. Ask someone you can trust for their honest opinion.

Origin of bad breath

Bacteria is always present in the mouth, where bad breath often starts. When you eat food, fragments become stuck in your teeth. Bacteria develop and release sulphur compounds that have an unpleasant smell on these food scraps.

Improper dental hygiene is the major cause of bad breath. Plaque, a thin layer of germs, accumulates on the teeth if you don't brush and floss frequently, and the bacteria in your mouth keep growing. If the plaque isn't removed by brushing at least twice a day, it might lead to tooth decay, which is also an unpleasant condition.

What can cause bad breath?

Among the factors contributing to foul breath are particular foods, medical conditions and behaviours. With continuous, good oral hygiene, you can often reduce bad breath. Visit your dentist or doctor if self-care methods are unsuccessful in curing your bad breath so you can be sure it isn't the result of a more severe condition.

Oral hygiene is the most frequent cause of bad breath, but there are other potential causes too.

Rarer factors for poor breath consist of


When a diabetic person's insulin levels are extremely low, their bodies can no longer utilise sugar and start turning to their fat reserves. Ketones are created during the breakdown of fat and accumulate. When present in significant quantities, ketones have the potential to be dangerous and give off a distinct, disagreeable breath odour. Ketoacidosis is a complicated illness that could be fatal.

Bowel obstruction

If there has been a lot of vomiting, especially if there is a bowel obstruction, the breath may smell like faeces.


 This chronic condition causes the airways to open wider than they should, enabling mucus to accumulate and cause bad breath.

Aspiration pneumonia

A swelling or infection in the airways or lungs brought on by breathing in liquids, food, saliva or vomit.

Home remedies for bad breath

A few easiest home remedies that could help with bad breath are 


Yoghurt reduces the bacteria that cause poor or offensive breath. Yoghurt may lessen harmful bacteria and bad breath in individuals. Consequently, you can consume yoghurt to combat bad breath.


Oranges not only help create a nutritious dessert but also helps maintain oral health. Many people struggle with bad breath because they don't produce enough saliva to wash away the bacteria that create bad breath. Saliva production is reported to be increased by vitamin C, which can help reduce bad breath. These vitamins are abundant in oranges.


Clove (Lavang) lowers bad breath when chewed. It aids in the fight against bad breath by preventing the growth of the germs that cause it. Chewing cloves will get rid of bad breath.

Pineapple juice

The benefits of Pineapple juice is frequently regarded as the easiest and most efficient way to treat bad breath. Chew a piece of pineapple for one to two minutes to prevent bad breath.

Nine ways to get rid of bad breath

Improving your breath and keeping gums healthy simultaneously is easy. Try getting rid of bad breaths through these nine easy methods. 

Rinse your mouth out

A mouthwash not only makes your breath smell better but also provides additional security by removing bacteria. A flavour like fresh mint may lift your spirits. But make sure the mouthwash you select eradicates the bacteria responsible for bad breath. Don't merely mask the odour. Use a decent mouthwash to rinse daily to eliminate bad breath at the source. The best time to do this is before bed.

Brush and floss more often

Bacteria that cause bad breath collect in plaque, the sticky accumulation on your teeth. Food that has been trapped makes things worse.

At least twice a day, brush your teeth and floss once a day. Do both more frequently if you're worried about your breath. Don't overdo it, though.

Avoid foods that sour your breath

Onions and garlic are particularly bad for your breath. However, brushing your teeth afterwards is ineffective. Your bloodstream carries the compounds that give them off-putting odours to your lungs, where you exhale them. Avoid eating foods that contain onions, garlic and coffee them before going to work or visiting friends if you want to avoid having foul breath.

Scrape your tongue

Bacteria that produce foul odour can live in the layer that typically forms on your tongue. Brush your tongue carefully with your toothbrush to get rid of them. Use a scraper if your brush is too big to reach the back of your tongue. They are made precisely to push evenly across the tongue area's surface. It removes bacteria, food particles, and dead cells that brushing by itself can't handle.

Kick the tobacco away

Smoking can harm your gums, discolour your teeth, and give you foul breath, in addition to causing cancer. The urge can be controlled with over-the-counter nicotine patches. Schedule a consultation with your doctor to talk about prescription medications.

Keep your gums healthy

Bad breath results from gum disease. An odour is produced when bacteria collect in pockets at the base of teeth. A periodontist, who specialises in treating gum disease, may be recommended by your dentist if you have the condition.

Skip after-dinner mints

The bacteria in your mouth convert sugar to acid. It damages your teeth and leads to poor breath. Instead, chew sugarless gum. Saliva is the mouth's natural defence against plaque acids, which causes tooth decay and bad breath, and gum stimulates saliva.

Moisten your mouth

If you don't have enough saliva, you could get tooth decay and poor breath. You should drink a lot of water throughout the day if your mouth feels dry. Chew on sugar-free candies or sugar-free gum. A humidifier can also be used at night to provide moisture to the air in your home.

Drink plenty of water

Drink lots of water and swish cool water in your mouth. It is especially helpful to freshen "morning breath."

Consult a doctor

Make a dentist visit if you maintain good hygiene but still have bad breath. Plaque might accumulate more quickly in certain individuals than in others, requiring regular cleanings. To find out if gum disease is the source of your bad breath, make an appointment with a periodontist (gum disease specialist).


Bad breath is a prevalent condition that can lead to embarrassment or low self-esteem. However, having bad breath is nothing to be embarrassed about. It's usually just your body's way of telling you that something isn't right. The good news is that treating the underlying medical condition usually helps you get rid of bad breath.


How can you tell if your breath stinks?

By cupping your hands over your mouth and nose or by licking the inside of your wrist, and smelling it. Poor oral hygiene is a common cause of bad breath.

How to prevent bad breath?

Good oral hygiene is the simplest way to maintain clean, fresh breath. Brush for at least two minutes twice a day, and floss at least once daily. Remember to use a tongue scraper or brush to clean your tongue.


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