We all want to reduce weight, and we tend to follow a strict diet and a workout plan. Some could see the result in a month, whereas for others, the visible results can be seen only after three months. This is because the fat-burning rate and metabolism can be different for every person.
To be precise, a person who could see visible results in one month could have a high fat-burning capacity when compared to the person who saw their results in three months. Both their efforts were the same, but only the time differs. So, if we understand the process of fat loss, our weight loss journey is smooth, and we tend to do things which can fasten the weight loss process. However, remember that weight loss and fitness are a lifestyle, not a single process.
The skinny on body fat
Before getting to know about the science of weight loss, let us first understand how we gain weight in the first place. What our body does with the gained fat? We also need fat for our bodies to function properly. However, too much fat can lead to chronic diseases like diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.
So, it is always crucial to maintain healthy body fat. Fat storage can occur if we consume more fat than the body's requirement.
When we consume food, our bodies release a hormone called insulin. The hormone will help the body’s cells absorb glucose and fatty acids from the food and be used as energy.
The extra fat that the body does not need will be stored as fat cells and will be used later by the body. According to scientists, the fat storage mechanism is an evolutionary process and has helped our ancestors survive in times of famine. When food is unavailable, the body can stay fuelled by burning the stored fats.
The body fat burns up, and we lose weight when we use more energy than we consume. So, when we work out or have fewer calories, the body’s hormones will signal the body to release the stored fat and weight loss occurs.
The human body contains enzymes that help break down the stored fat into fatty acids and other components, which the body can use. The broken-down fat cells will then be used by the cells for energy.
Burning fat and fatty acids can result in the production of water and carbon dioxide. The excess water will be eliminated from our bodies through urine and sweat. Over time, as the body uses all the stored fat, the pounds will be lost, and weight loss will occur.
Losing weight vs Losing fat – Explained
Fat loss and weight loss are two different processes. Weight loss is the reduction or loss in the overall body weight like fat, muscle and water. However, fat loss is the reduction or loss of subcutaneous loss. The subcutaneous fat includes the fat present below the skin and the visceral fat in the abdomen and near the organs.
The body is made of many components like water, muscles, fat cells, bones and blood. The fat cells are squishy cells that sit beneath the surface of the skin and around the organs.
The cells that are present around the organs and skin can make your jeans or the dress you wear feel tight. Additionally, excess fat deposition can lead to health issues like heart disease and diabetes. The risk increases if fat deposition occurs around the internal organs.
It is up to an individual whether to lose fat or lose weight. There are ways to lose weight without losing fat. For example, if a person sweats a lot, they might lose water weight, and weight loss occurs.
The actual fat loss did not occur, and only water loss has occurred, which will impact weight loss. However, if you consume the lost fluid, the weight will bounce back, and the usual weight will be reflected in numbers. So, if a person aims to get leaner and improve their health, it is important to lose body fat.
How much body fat is healthy?
The body type of each individual is different, and genetics play an important role in deciding the fat percentage of a person. In some cases, men have less fat than women, and athletes have less body fat than non-athletic people.
According to American Council on Exercise lists, the following are the healthy body fat percentage.
Body fat norms for women
Fit - 21-24%
Acceptable - 25-31%
Essential - 10-13%
Athletes - 14-20%
Body fat norms for men
Fit - 14-17%
Acceptable - 18-24%
Essential - 2-5%
Athletes - 6-13%
How to lose body fat?
Fat is fuel for the body, and another function of body fat is to protect the internal organs from external damage. However, if excess fat is stored in the body, it can lead to major health issues. In such cases, fat loss is necessary.
Cutting down on calories can help with fat loss. Experts recommend that consuming less than 1000 calories can fasten the fat loss process and burn the stored fat.
Trying intermittent fasting
In a 24-hour time span, consuming meals and fasting for the rest of the day is called intermittent fasting. For example, you can eat for eight hours and fast for the rest 16 hours. There are other ways to do intermittent fasting— consuming food for 12 hours and fasting the rest 12 hours, consuming meals normally for 5 days a week and then restricting calories the other days.
According to data published in the journal “American Journal of Clinical Nutrition”, a 50-week study was conducted with a group of women who were obese and overweight. When they were fasting, the body did not release the hormone insulin, which helps in fat storage. When the body does not produce insulin, it will break the stored fat and result in weight loss.
Tracking your diet and exercise
Diet does not mean you have to reduce the food you eat. It means having a balanced diet. You can eat your favourite food with portion control even if you are on a diet. If you tend to cut down on the foods you love or crave, the weight loss journey can become hard and backfire on you.
So, portion control is the key to successful fat loss and weight loss. Physical activity and exercise can make the body use the stored energy. So, you will become calorie-deficient, which helps in weight loss.
Eating protein
Consuming protein can help with weight loss. It is good for weight loss and keeps you full for a longer time, which can prevent you from consuming extra calories.
During the weight loss journey, you tend to lose water weight and other essential nutrients. To replace the lost nutrient, proteins can help with repair and maintenance. Additionally, consuming protein-rich food can increase the metabolic rate, which aids in weight loss.
Eating plenty of fibre
Fibre is a plant-based carbohydrate found in foods like fruits and vegetables like apples, avocados, carrots and broccoli. Fibre keeps a person full without adding any extra calories. So, you can cut down on those extra calories and overeating.
Sip on green tea
Green tea is good for weight loss as it contains zero calories and also boosts metabolism. Green tea contains a flavonoid called catechins which helps to boost metabolism and results in fat loss.
Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) present in green tea contains anti-obesity properties. Additionally, regular consumption of green tea keeps fat-burning hormones like norepinephrine at healthy levels. These hormones will help to break down the fat cells and release these cells into the bloodstream, which can be used as energy.
Cut down on sugar
Cutting down on sugar can help with fat loss. Additionally, a diet with no sugar can fasten the process of weight loss. You can also take up the sugar challenge for thirty days and could see visible results.
Instead, try to consume whole foods that do not contain any added sugars. Fruits contain natural sugars, which can benefit our health. The main aim of the challenge is to cut down on sugary foods like fortified breakfast cereals, ice cream, cookies, soda, candy and sweetened coffee beverages.
Fat loss for men vs Women
Men and women tend to lose fat in the same, but the timeline differs due to hormones. For example, men contain high levels of testosterone hormone, which promotes the growth of lean muscles and helps shed fat cells quicker.
A paper published in the journal “Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism” conducted a study in 2018 with male and female subjects. They were given the same low-calorie diet for eight weeks. Male subjects lost about 26 pounds, whereas females lost 22 pounds.
Additionally, sex determines where your fat gets stored. For males, the fat gets stored in the stomach, and for women, the fat deposition occurs in the breasts, thighs and butt. This does not mean that women cannot lose weight, but they must work harder to lose weight.
Measuring fat loss
Measuring fat loss can help with your goals. The weighing scale will not be able to accurately give the body fat percentage. To measure fat loss, fat callipers are required. The device can be hand-held and measures the thickness of the skin at the triceps, biceps, hip and lower shoulder blade.
Fat measurement at home can be difficult, so a personal trainer or a healthcare professional can help with the measurement. Callipers are considered as the simplest and least expensive tool, they are fairly accurate, but they are not foolproof.
If you want to get an accurate measurement of fat cells DEXA (dual X-ray absorptiometry) scan can help. The scan sends electrical signals throughout the body, which gives an accurate analysis of a person’s body weight, body fat, water and muscle mass.
The human body stores fat when more energy is consumed than we need. So to lose the stored fat, it is important to use or burn the fat stored fat.
Fat burn or loss occurs when more calories are used than what we consume. This will force the body to burn the stored fat and use it as energy.
A low-calorie diet can help with fat loss. Additionally, a combination of diet and exercise can fasten the process of fat loss and keeps you healthy.
Regular exercise can boost the metabolism, and strength training will improve lean muscle mass and burn fat. The process of fat loss can be hastened by adequate sleep and good nutrition.
What is the scientific way to lose fat?
The scientific approach to losing fat is
1. Intermittent fasting
2. Tracking diet and exercise
3. Consuming fibre-rich foods
4. Drink adequate water
5. Adequate sleep
6. Protein-rich foods
7. Balance in good-bacteria
Which hormone burns fat?
Insulin hormone helps in the regulation of carbohydrates and the metabolism of fat. There are also other hormones that regulate the fat-burning mechanism of the body. The hormones are thyroid hormones, glucagon, adiponectin, DHEA and testosterone.
How do I activate my fat-burning gene?
These simple activities can mediate fat burning.
1. Diet rich in fibre and protein can help with weight loss.
2. Avoid foods rich in trans fat and sugar.
3. Exercise regularly, at least for 45 minutes.
4. Consume a balanced diet and cut on fatty foods.
5. Get adequate sleep and drink plenty of water.