Diet for fatty liver disease 

Diet for fatty liver disease 

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Diet for fatty liver disease 

Fatty Liver Disease

The Liver is a large organ in the abdomen. It performs the major function of blood filtering. Liver is also considered a gland as it secrets the chemicals required for the body. Lifestyle changes can damage the liver’s health, causing fatty liver disease.

Here are certain ways to prevent fatty liver disease.

Diet for Fatty Liver Disease


Consuming food that helps fight cell damage will reduce inflammation, and help the liver function in its normal state. However, everyone’s body is unique in responding to food. It is highly recommended to consult your doctor and follow an eating plan that suits you.

Here are a few dietary tips for preventing fatty liver disease.  

Balance your diet  

It is mandatory for every human being to balance their diet. This diet also suits a healthy person. Regular consumption of food highly focused on taste will cause health issues. So, eating healthy food is necessary for living a healthy life.

Balancing your diet signifies eating the correct amount of nutrients that a human body requires. Carbohydrates, lipids, vitamins, minerals, proteins, fibre and water are all essential components of a balanced diet. These components aid in reducing body weight, lowering the risk of disease and enhancing general health.

A person with fatty liver disease can add the list into their diet.

  • Fruits and vegetables  
  • High-fibre plants like legumes and whole grains
  • Unrefined carbohydrates
  • Legumes
  • Olive oil
  • Nuts
  • Fish and seafood

Eating a balanced diet with limited calories will induce weight loss and reduce inflammation, which results in the recovery of fatty liver conditions.

Here are tips for cutting down your calories.

Cut calories

Cutting down calories does not imply you must stop eating and begin fasting, which means eating excess food just for taste.

As per a study conducted by the Eating Recovery Center, it is estimated that more than 30% of overweight patients attempting to lose weight meet diagnostic criteria for Binge Eating Disorder (BED). If a person is suffering from BED, they will be prone to fatty liver disease.   

Replacing carbohydrates with fibre-rich foods, eating healthy snacks like fruit salad or vegetable salad without salt or sugar, and swapping poultry or meat with seafood will provide the required nutrients to the human body.

According to American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), a person with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) must eat about 1200-1500 calories daily. This calorie calculation depends on one’s BMI.

So, eating an adequate food to satisfy your hunger is more sufficient than eating excess.    

Focus on fibre   

It is advisable to eat fibrous food to lead a healthy life. According to a research article on Nutrition and Obesity in NAFLD Pathogenesis in the World Journal of Gastroenterology, the estimate suggests that 20-30% of adults in developed countries, 50% among people with Diabetes, and 80% in the obese have excess fat accumulation in the liver.

Due to that reason, almost all doctors ask their patients to eat high-fibrous food rather than carbohydrate-rich foods.

Some fibre-rich foods are listed here

Limit certain foods   

Avoiding food rich in saturated fats leads to more fat deposits in your liver. Some foods that are to be restricted by a person suffering from fatty liver disease are listed below

  • Poultry
  • Full-fat cheese
  • Yoghurt (except low-fat)
  • Red meat
  • Baked products and fried foods made with palm and coconut oils
  • Soft drinks and beverages, and other foods with added sugars  

Avoid alcohol    

Drinking excessive alcohol, even for a few days, can cause fatty liver disease, which is called alcoholic fatty liver disease (ARLD). Alcohol consists mainly of ethanol and water.

A limited amount of ethanol consumption reduces stress. But heavy consumption of ethanol leads to addiction and fatty liver disease.

In India, the overall prevalence of NAFLD in the general population is close to 40% and may still be higher in some states. Avoiding alcohol consumption is advisable for a peaceful and healthy life.    

Drink water  

Water plays a prime role in the process of metabolism. It controls the onset of fatty liver. Water is needed for the proper function of the liver.

When your body gets dehydrated, a distortion in the metabolism process occurs and results in the breakdown of fat for cell functioning rather than storing it in your liver. Drinking 2.5 litres of water per day is the ideal recommendation prescribed by doctors.

However, it is recommended to consume water according to your BMI. Knowing how to prevent oneself from getting affected by fatty liver disease is very important.

Prevention of Fatty Liver Disease

prevention is better than cure 

To prevent yourself from getting affected by fatty liver disease, here are certain steps to follow strictly in your lifestyle for a peaceful and healthy life.

Limit or avoid alcohol  

If you are a person consuming excess alcohol, then you are requested to avoid it for a stress-free life. Consuming alcohol in a limited amount will reduce stress, but regular consumption leads to addiction and fatty liver disease. It is better to avoid alcohol rather than harming yourself.

Manage your weight  

Managing your weight is crucial in preventing you from being prone to various diseases, including fatty liver disease.

A research article titled, ‘Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and the metabolic syndrome: Effects of weight loss of, World Journal of Gastroenterology’ states that obesity is the most commonly associated condition with NAFLD, and weight loss is the common intervention that all medical practitioners advise.

Reducing 5-10% of body weight is recommended by decreasing visceral obesity without reducing muscle mass. Regular exercise will enhance muscle insulin sensitivity though there is no reduction in weight loss. Managing your weight will make you feel good both inside and outside.     

Eat a nutrient-rich diet

Eating a nutritious diet will induce weight loss and helps in reducing inflammation in the fatty liver. Consume nutrient-rich foods like:

  • Broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts
  • Greens like spinach and kale
  • Squash, carrots, sweet potatoes, turnips and pumpkin
  • Snap peas, green beans, bell peppers and asparagus.

Take steps to manage your blood sugar  

Reducing body weight without losing muscle mass is a matter of consideration. Track your blood sugar levels to know what food you consume makes it fluctuate.

  • It is advisable not to skip meals. Even during fasting hours, it is to recommended to consume fruits and milk and not starve.
  • Selecting foods lower in calories, saturated fat, trans fat, etc., for an active day and active lifestyle is recommended.
  • Opting for water rather than drinking soft drinks and beverages with added sugar.  

Follow your doctor’s recommended treatment   

As mentioned above, every human body is unique. A doctor’s recommendation on your eating plan is advisable before you follow it, as you may not know what nutrients your body lacks. So, opting for the doctor consultation is a good decision rather than self-selected options.   

Aim for at least 30 minutes of exercise    

Thirty minutes of regular exercise will control your weight and prevent weight gain. It boosts energy and combats health conditions and diseases. Doing exercise every day will boost your mood and keep you energetic throughout the day.

Exercising will improve your metabolic process and keeps the internal organs safe and healthy. It also burns excess body fat so fatty liver disease can be prevented or controlled.

When to see a doctor?  

It is better to see the doctor in the initial stage of fatty liver disease. Most people opt for self-care, but consultation and checkups with the doctor are better options.   


Fatty liver disease can easily be cured with a nutritious diet and regular exercise prescribed by a doctor. Getting diagnosed and treated in the initial stage will reduce the severity of the disease.


What should not be done when you have a fatty liver?

Avoid alcohol as much as possible. Consumption of excessive alcohol can result in fatty liver or other disease conditions. Stay away from added sugar foods like candy, cookies, sodas, juices, soft drinks, etc.  

What is the fastest way to cure a fatty liver?

Regular exercise, following a healthy diet, focusing on fibrous foods, taking omega-3 fatty acids, drinking coffee and green tea, etc., is the fastest way to cure a fatty liver.

What foods detoxify the liver?

Eating leafy greens, fatty fish, garlic, nuts, fibrous foods, cruciferous vegetables, etc., will detoxify the liver and prevent it from getting affected by any other diseases.

What foods to avoid if you have liver problems?

Alcohol, red meat, added sugar, white bread, added salt, fried foods, refined food items, etc., are the foods to avoid if you have liver problems.

What can I drink to cleanse my liver?

Ginger and lemon drinks, coffee, green tea, turmeric drink and grapefruit drink without sugar or salt are the detox drinks that will cleanse your liver.


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