Most Common Dental Procedures

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The most beautiful smile comes from a hygienic and healthy mouth. This means that to have a beautiful smile, one need not have a beautiful tooth structure or mouth. Rather, their smile will be beautiful if they have good and clean oral health. But it is to be noted that you smile only at the right times. Now, to have good oral health, you must be able to treat your oral issues at the right time. Here, let’s have a look at the most common dental procedures.

Most common dental procedures

There are many dental procedures that are needed to maintain oral health at the right time. Here are some of the most common dental procedures :

1) Teeth Cleaning

Teeth cleaning is a procedure in which plaque and tartar are removed from the teeth. This most common dentistry procedure is done by a dentist or dental hygienist.

Plaque refers to an adhesive layer of food debris, saliva, and bacteria. Tartar is a tough layer that gets accumulated on the teeth when the plaque is not cleared off at the right time.

Types of Teeth Cleaning

Here are the different types of tooth cleaning procedures:

i) Prophylaxis Dental Cleaning

This method uses a dental scaler or water stream to clean healthy teeth. It clears off the plaque and tartar from the front, back, and sides of teeth to prevent them from getting destroyed by tooth decay or gum disease.

ii) Scaling and Root Planing Cleaning

Scaling helps to clear off the plaque and tartar in the gum pockets under the gum line that develop due to the gum disease. It also removes plaque and tartar from the tooth’s surface and helps reduce gum inflammation. In root planing, the tooth roots are smoothed, thus helping the gums reattach to the teeth and remove the gum pockets.

iii) Periodontal Maintenance Cleaning

Periodontal Maintenance Cleaning is used mostly during the treatment of gum disease. This method helps remove the plaque and tartar from the tooth surface and gum pockets. It also smooths the roots when needed.

iv) Gross Debridement Cleaning

In the gross debridement cleanings, an electrical tool is used to loosen tartar, as they are harder. This heavy-duty teeth cleaning is followed by a prophylaxis cleaning to clean the teeth further.

2) X-Rays

Similar to the x-rays of the other body parts, dental x-rays help analyse the health issue, but in the mouth and teeth. They serve as an important tool in detecting problems like gum disease, tooth decay, and infections. Dental x-rays are usually performed with the help of a digital x-ray machine, which emits less radiation than the old model film x-ray machines.

Types of Dental X-rays

Here are the types of dental X-rays:

1) Intraoral X-rays

Intraoral X-rays uses the sensor for inside your mouth.

i) Bitewing X-rays

What does it show? The upper and lower teeth lie in one area of your mouth. 

Uses: These help detect changes that occur just below your gum line or decay between your teeth.

But it doesn’t show the roots of your teeth.

ii) Periapical X-rays

What does it show? Entire tooth till the root tip.

Uses: It helps detect decay, bone loss, gum disease, and any other issues with your tooth or surrounding bone.

iii) Occlusal X-rays

What does it show? The roof or floor of your mouth.

Uses: It helps evaluate the roots of your front teeth, evaluate developing teeth, and diagnose fractured or impacted teeth. They also identify cysts, abscesses, and jaw fractures.

2) Extraoral X-rays

Extraoral X-rays use the sensor outside your mouth.

i) Panoramic X-rays: They provide a summary of existing oral health issues. It shows jaw joints, nerves, upper and lower teeth, sinuses, and supporting bone.

ii) Cephalometric X-rays: Cephalometric X-rays show the location of your teeth in relation to your jaw. Mostly, dentists use cephalometric X-rays to plan treatment.

iii) Cone beam CT scan: Dentists use computed tomography (CT) scans to capture 3D dental X-rays of your teeth, jaws, joints, nerves, and sinuses. CT scans help find out the height, width, and location of your jawbone prior to dental implant placement. It also helps diagnose tumours or facial fractures.

3) Sealants and Fluoride Treatments

Sealants are used to protect teeth from decay and are usually applied to the back molars. The sealant is a clear and white plastic material that can last for several years but needs regular dental checkups. It gradually hardens and forms a barrier between the tooth and food items.

Fluoride treatments make the teeth resistant to acid attacks, preventing cavities. Fluoride is used in forms like foams, gels, varnishes, and rinses. But you must use the fluoride products only as per your dentist’s or dental hygienist’s recommendations.

4) Tooth Fillings

In this Tooth Fillings method, teeth damaged by decay or injury could be restored. This method uses a composite resin, a mixture of glass and plastic. Composite resin usually matches the colour of your natural teeth. Tooth fillings are mostly amalgam or gold fillings, probably because of the cosmetics. In case of most of the cavities, a tooth filling is recommended. Tooth fillings procedure is a quick process, which may take an hour or more than a hour. A simple filling might be completed within 20 minutes.

Gold fillings: Gold fillings might have a life for 10 to 15 years, and they give an appealing appearance.

Silver amalgam fillings: Silver amalgam fillings might have a life of around 15 years or longer. They are suitable for the unusual spots and bind tightly to the tooth.

5) Dental Bonding

Dental bonding uses a tooth-coloured resin to enhance the look of your teeth. This common procedure helps to repair chips, cracks, and gaps in your teeth. It can also be This quick and easy dental procedure is used to alter the shape of your teeth or give them a long-lasting appearance.  To say abruptly, they fix the damaged or broken teeth.

Types of dental bonding

i) Direct dental bonding

In direct dental bonding, an etching solution is used to roughen the exteriors in order to achieve strong adhesion with the composite. Before using an etching solution, a dentist cleans the patient’s teeth in this procedure. A composite is applied to the patient’s tooth in layers, moulded appropriately, and hardened using a curing light. This treatment ends with the polishing of the tooth. 

ii) Indirect composite bonding

Indirect composite bonding is suitable for moderate to severe damage to the teeth that cannot be fixed with direct bonding. In this procedure, the dentist takes an impression of the patient’s tooth and sends it to the lab technicians. The lab reports will be sent back to the dentist. The patient’s restoration is cemented to their tooth at the time of the second visit. 

iii) Composite Veneers

Composite veneers are the most affordable type of veneer. A tooth-shaped shell composite veneer is fixed to the front part of a tooth. It helps cover up the flaws on the tooth’s front, such as the stains and discoloration.

These most affordable types of veneers are made in a dental lab from an impression of the patient’s teeth. Then the restorations are cemented to the patient’s teeth for the completion of the treatment.

Composite veneers could be recommended by your dentist if you have crooked or discoloured teeth.

iv) Root Canal Therapy

In root canal therapy, the infected tissue is cleared off and the interior of the tooth is cleaned, after which it is sealed. This method is used to treat infections at the root of a tooth when the tooth cannot be saved with a filling.

When is root canal therapy needed?

  • Sensitivity to cold or hot temperatures
  • Continuous tooth pain
  • Swelling or tenderness in the gums around the tooth
  • Tooth discoloration

6) Dental Crowns and Bridges

If your cavity is big and cannot be filled, or else the top of your tooth is decayed, then a crown or a bridge will be the right solution. Dental crowns help restore its shape, strength, size, or appearance. A tooth-shaped “cap,” called a dental crown, is placed over a tooth, which covers the whole visible part of the tooth above the gum line. The mould of your tooth will be taken to a lab, where a properly fitted crown will be created for you to cover the decayed area. Then, your doctor’s second visit will involve the fixing of the crown, which is usually painless.

Bridges are used when there is a need to replace one or more missing teeth. Two or more crowns form a bridge for the teeth on either side of the gap, but each has a false tooth (or pontic) in between.

7) Invisalign braces and orthodontic treatment

Invisalign braces are a clear and virtually invisible option for patients who don’t want to use metal braces. They are plastic aligners that are custom-made for each patient.

Orthodontic treatment is one of the dental procedures that helps to straighten the teeth and enhance the bite. Orthodontic treatment could be made with metal braces, Invisalign, or clear braces.

The goal of the Invisalign braces is to straighten and correct the crooked teeth. This is because straight teeth are healthier and easier to take care of. The process of putting braces on might cause a little soreness and a metallic taste, but they are not extreme. But they are highly durable and provide excellent control.

8) Gum reshaping or recontouring

In gum reshaping or recontouring, excessive gum tissue is removed using a laser to even out the gum line. This procedure can be done for cosmetic reasons to give you a more symmetrical smile. It also helps prepare your teeth for further dental work, like veneers. This procedure, used to reduce the bleeding and discomfort, might show some pressure.

9) Implants

Implants made of titanium are used to replace one or more missing teeth. Titanium is a biocompatible material that integrates with the bones in the jaw. Implants are placed into the jawbone, and a dental prosthetic (usually a tooth) is connected to the implant.

10) Extraction

Extractions help remove damaged or decayed teeth when the teeth are damaged beyond repair. The extraction procedure is scary and painful, but your dentist will try to help you feel better. This procedure will be needed for a number of reasons.

At the time of the tooth extraction, a patient will either be unconscious or completely numb. After the completion of the extraction procedure, you might feel pain. But the extraction will prevent further pain.

In extraction, the tooth is cleared off from the socket in the jawbone, and then that area is cleaned and sealed. Depending on the tooth location and tooth condition, this procedure might be simple or complicated. 

11) Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening is a relatively simpler process when compared to the other complicated methods. However, a few people are sensitive to the whitening agents that are used in this method. The home-made teeth-whitening kits consume more time and effort. In this method, the dentists use a unique hydrogen peroxide gel and a special light source for fast whitening.

12) Dentures

Dentures help replace teeth in a natural way, but they are generally removable. Though dentures are associated with ageing, some people might need them earlier. Some time might be spent fitting the dentures.

13) Surgery

Not all dental and oral issues need surgery, but rare cases like oral cancer might require surgery. It is the first treatment for oral (mouth) and oropharyngeal (throat) cancers. Depending on the location and stage of the cancer, many types of surgeries could be performed to treat oral cavity and oropharyngeal cancers.

Surgery is commonly used for small and early-stage cancers that haven’t spread. Once the cancerous cells are removed, performing reconstructive surgery might help restore the appearance and functioning of the areas that were previously affected by the cancer or cancer treatment.

14) Radiation therapy

Radiation therapy uses ionising radiation to either kill or control the growth of malignant cells. This method might be used to destroy the cancerous cells in the mouth in the early stages of cancer or after it has started to spread.

Brachytherapy is a therapy that allows the radiation to be highly concentrated in the tumour while surrounding the healthy tissue. In this method, the radioactive materials are placed directly into the oral cavity.

15) Chemotherapy

In the chemotherapy method, anti-cancer drugs like cytotoxic drugs are used to destroy the oral cancer cells. Common chemotherapy drugs used in the treatment of mouth and oropharyngeal cancers are cisplatin and fluorouracil (5FU).

Advantages of Dental Procedures

The most common dental procedures aim for the oral hygiene, by treating all types of oral or mouth issues. Here are the advantages in using dental procedures:

  • Boosting oral hygiene
  • Tooth decay treatment
  • Oral treatment coordination
  • Gum disease treatment
  • Reducing the discomforts of oral or mouth problems
  • Treatment for tooth yellowing
  • Oral cancer treatment
  • Improving your smile quality
  • Prevention of oral diseases

Common Dental Problems

Here are some of the common dental problems :

  • Tooth Decay
  • Gum Disease
  • Sensitive Teeth
  • Bad Breath
  • Teeth Grinding
  • Cracked or Broken Teeth
  • Receding Gums
  • Root Infection
  • Enamel Erosion
  • Dry Mouth


The dental problems might have slowly developed or might have occurred accidentally. There are many things that cause different dental issues. The same type of dental procedure might not be applied to all the dental issues. The dental procedure used for dental issues will differ based on their cause and severity. However, some procedures, like teeth cleaning, teeth whitening, etc., are the most common dental procedures.


1) What are the best ways to protect your oral health?

– Brushing your teeth twice daily for two minutes will help your oral health. It is better to use soft brushes.
– Use fluoride toothpaste because fluoride prevents cavities and helps in the battle against tooth decay.
– While brushing, make sure that you clean all parts of the teeth (back, front, sides, and top). – – Make sure that your toothbrush faces your gums at about 45 degrees.
– Avoid smoking, which causes many health problems.
– Do not chew or eat tobacco; that is unhealthy for your mouth.
– Avoid drinking alcohol to protect your throat, which is nearer to your mouth.
– Avoid or limit drinking acidic drinks. You can use a straw or swish water in your mouth afterward to remove the acids.
– Take some time to floss your teeth at least once a day so that you get rid of plaque.
– Chew your food using your teeth; don’t use them for biting a packet.
– Try to protect your teeth from injury if you are an athlete or a sportsperson.
– Limit eating the sugary food, which may cause tooth decay. If you wish to eat a sweet, have it alongside lunch or dinner.
– Remember to scrape your tongue with the help of a tongue scraper.
– You could have regular dental check-ups every six months to maintain better oral health.

2) What are the best foods and drinks needed for healthy teeth, gums, and the whole body?

Cheese and Milk
Celery, Carrots, and Other Crunchy Veggies
Leafy Greens (Spinach, Lettuce, Kale)
Apples and Pears
Meats and Fatty Fish
Tea and Coffee (with limited sugar or no sugar)
Cranberries and Raisins (fresh or sugar free)
Strawberries and Other Vitamin C Rich Berries
Sweet Potatoes
Garlic and Onions
Whole Grains
Shiitake Mushrooms


The Information including but not limited to text, graphics, images and other material contained on this blog are intended for education and awareness only. No material on this blog is intended to be a substitute for professional medical help including diagnosis or treatment. It is always advisable to consult medical professional before relying on the content. Neither the Author nor Star Health and Allied Insurance Co. Ltd accepts any responsibility for any potential risk to any visitor/reader.

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