Colles Fracture Types, Symptoms, and Treatments

Colles Fracture Types, Symptoms, and Treatments

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Colles Fracture Types, Symptoms, and Treatments

Colles Fracture Definition

Colles fracture is a fracture that occurs in your wrist. Colles fracture can be painful and caused due to severe injury. Colles fracture can occur when a person falls with an outstretched hand.

During a fall, when a person tries to catch their balance, they can end up falling on their hand. The fall can lead to damage to the small bones in the wrist.

There are two small bones called lunate and scaphoid in the wrist. The lunate bone is one of the eight carpal bones which is located in the wrist. These eight bones are arranged in two rows.

The scaphoid bone is one of the carpal bones that make up the thumb side of the wrist. These bones play an important role in the motion and stability of the wrist. Any damage to these bones can lead to wrist fracture or Colles fracture.

Types of Colles Fracture

The types of Colles fracture depend on the breakage of the bone. The categories of Colles fractures are listed below.

Open fracture

Open Colles fracture occurs when the breakage of bone is seen through the skin. The bone protrudes out of the skin. An open fracture is also called a compound fracture.

An open fracture has the risk of infection as the skin is open. Bacteria and other microorganisms can infect the site of the wound, which can lead to further complications. So specialised treatment will be required to treat such fractures.

Comminuted fracture

A comminuted fracture is categorised when the breakage of bone occurs in two places. This type of fracture can occur when a big trauma, like a car accident or a major fall, occurs. This type of fracture will require surgery to fix it.

In a few cases, when the fracture occurs to small bones, it can heal without surgery. However, this will be decided by your doctor. Do not self-diagnose your condition. When there is severe pain in your wrist, consult your doctor immediately.

Intra-articular fracture

An intra-articular fracture occurs when broken bones cross the joint surface, and also cartilage damage occurs. Intra-articulate fractures have many complications as many bones are damaged at a time.

Broken bone fragments can interfere with the process, which delays the healing process. This can cause damage to the ligament and can cause a ligament tear.

Extra-articular fracture

The extra-articulate fracture occurs just above the wrist joint. This type of fracture does not extend more than the joint. When an intra-articulate fracture occurs, it affects the wrist joint—the distal radius will be fractured.

Colles Fracture Symptoms

Having a fracture in your wrist can cause great pain. Some of the common symptoms are listed below.


Pain is inevitable in fractures. When there is breakage of bones in the wrist, it can cause severe pain, especially when small bones break, it can be more painful. These small bones that break inside the wrist can delay the healing process.


Swelling will be assisted with pain when a fracture occurs. When you touch the swollen area, it can cause extreme pain. This pain can indicate that you have a wrist fracture.

Bruising and tenderness

Bruising can be caused when broken bones damage the veins. You might feel difficulty moving your hand. The bruising can lead to tenderness of the fractured skin. The tenderness will further aggravate the pain.

The wrist hanging in a deformed way

The wrist can be seen hanging as a colles fracture deformity when there are multiple breakages of bones. A comminuted fracture can cause the wrist to hang in a deformed way.

Colles Fracture Causes

Colles fracture can occur due to various reasons like during a big trauma like a car accident or during a major fall. Some of the common causes are discussed below.


Colles fracture can occur when there is decreased bone density. The early signs and symptoms of osteoporosis may be the breakage of small bones.

When you have tender bones or the density of bones decrease, it is important to consult your healthcare provider. Distal radius fracture can also indicate that you are prone to Colles fracture.

Elderly prone to Colles fracture

Elderly people have weakened and softened bones. So, they are prone to Colles fracture. These fractures can occur when there is a replacement of bone in the wrist due to osteoporosis. However, these types of fractures will not lead to any type of functional impairments.

Have low muscle mass or poor muscle strength

Muscle weakness can lead to Colles fracture. Further muscle weakness can increase the risk of fractures and low bone mineral density.

According to data published in the Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, it states that muscle weakness is associated with premature mortality in the general population. However, people with comorbidity are more susceptible to such type of mortality.

Colles Fracture Treatment

When you have a Colles fracture, the doctor will confirm the fracture with certain diagnostic methods. The treatment for Colles' fracture will depend on the type of fracture.


A surgical procedure will be recommended by your doctor when the bones are broken and moved out of place. The doctor will try to realign and immobilise the bone.

When this does not work out, then colles fracture surgery will be recommended to place the bones back in their place.  There will be the use of a cast, colles fracture splint, or brace to put them make in place.

Sometimes, metal plates, metal pins, screws and an external object will be used to fix the broken bones and set them back in their original position.


Non-surgical methods like lightweight cast can be used to treat the Colles fracture when the injury is less or when surgery is not required to fix the bones back in their place.

Sometimes, the doctor might straighten the bone if the bone has been displaced due to a fracture. This type of procedure is called reduction, and then there will be the placement of the cast.

Colles Fracture Management and Care

Colles fracture cannot be treated at home, and it will require hospitalisation. Do not try to treat the fracture at home. It can aggravate the pain and lead to further colles fracture complications.

Pain and management care will be provided by the health care team. Painkillers may also be provided by your doctor to mitigate the fracture pain.

Prevention of Colles Fracture

Sometimes a fracture cannot be prevented, but taking certain precautions can prevent you from getting hurt with a fracture.


Nutrition is important to avoid bones getting thin, which can lead to breakage even when light pressure is applied.

Consumption of foods rich in calcium can prevent your bones from getting fractured. Some of the foods that are rich in calcium are milk, cheese, green leafy vegetables, soya beans, nuts, fish, broccoli and cabbage can benefit and strengthen your bones.


Regular exercise and flexibility can prevent your bones from breaking. Exercise can also bring balance to your body which can save you from a great fall.

Wrist guard

A wrist guard can help prevent fractures. The wrist guard will increase the threshold and prevent Colles fracture. The wrist guard will save your wrist from a bad fall.

When to see a doctor?

When you have a wrist fracture, you might experience great pain and discomfort. Consult your doctor when you experience such type of symptoms.

  • Swelling, bruising and tender skin near the fractured area.
  • Severe pain after a fall.
  • Hanging of wrist due to fracture.

Do not try to treat Colles’ fracture at home. It can cause further complications. If your wrist is fractured, consult your doctor immediately.


Colles fracture can occur to anyone if there is reduced muscle mass and weakened bones. It can also occur due to big trauma like car accidents.

Colles fractures cannot be treated at home, and healing will depend on the type of fracture. When small bones break, this can delay the healing process. Fractures heal better when proper medical treatment is provided.


Can you move your wrist with a Colles fracture?

When your wrist is broken and supported with a cast, you cannot move your hand. There will be pain throughout the healing process, and when the fracture has healed completely, you will be able to move your hand.

What is affected in Colles fracture?

Colles fracture is a wrist fracture, and it affects your wrist.

What can I expect after Colles’ fracture surgery?

After the surgery, you might require a cast to fix the bones back in their place.

Which tendon gets involved in Colles fracture?

Extensor pollicis longus tendon is involved in Colles fracture.


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