
Top up health insurance

What is a Top-up health insurance plan?

A Top-up health insurance plan is an add-on cover to increase the health insurance cover to the policyholder. Medical bills may exceed the health insurance coverage and pay by out-of-pocket expenses, and our financial stability is at stake. Top-up plans offered by insurance companies are a boon in such scenarios. Who can avail the top-up health insurance plan? …

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Menorrhagia – causes, symptoms and treatment

The hardest part of women’s life is menstrual-related problems. There are several complications, diseases and disorders related to the menstrual cycle. One such problem is Menorrhagia, which is a medical term used to refer to abnormally heavy or long menstrual bleeding. Heavy or normal blood loss is common for every woman at the time of …

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Is Dental Treatment Covered By Your Health Insurance?

It is a well-known fact that oral health is important for our overall health, well-being and quality of life. Dental hygiene is directly associated with the health of other body organs and also directly linked to diseases like diabetes, stomach ulcers etc. Hence, it’s important to visit the dentist to ensure that you are in …

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What is Preventive Health Care Insurance?

Just like the popular saying “Prevention is better than cure”, it is always better to have prevention against diseases rather than approaching a doctor during the condition. Technology and science have advanced; however, modern man faces a constant threat in rising numbers of deadly diseases and conditions. This is due to changing weather conditions, pollution, …

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Difference Between a Cashless and Reimbursement Claim in Health Insurance

In Life, Health acts like a roller-coaster that takes us through ups and downs where one may not know when they would face an unexpected situation. To tackle such unexpected situations, health insurance would be good life support. Today, many insurance companies have come forward to introduce various policies that would suit the up-to-date financial …

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Health insurance - Mental health coverage

Mental Health Coverage – Things to know

Until recently, people have been negligent about psychological and mental disorders. And for decades, people with mental illnesses have been stigmatised and victimised because of their condition. The passage of the Mental Health care Act of 2017 by the Indian government intends to protect the rights of those with mental health problems and provide them …

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