Health & Wellness

Onion juice benefits for hair

6 Impressive Onion Juice Benefits for Hair

Introduction  Hair problems are universal. Everyone naturally wants healthy, beautiful hair, which is considered the crowning glory. However, balding, hair thinning and dandruff are frequent issues that people have to deal with for several reasons, including pollution, lifestyle choices, and age. All the hair issues result in unhealthy, short hair. Dodge the worries as we …

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Glycolic Acid

Glycolic Acid for Skin: Benefits and How to Use It?

Introduction  Glycolic acid is a well-known component in skin care products and chemical peels. But not everyone is aware of its potential benefits when used as part of a skincare routine. Glycolic acid is our skin’s best friend when used correctly.  What is glycolic acid?  Alpha hydroxy acids, or AHAs, are a class of naturally …

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Cytokines – Types and functions

What are cytokines? Cytokines are small-membrane-bound protein-based cell signalling molecules that function as chemical messengers. They aid cell-to-cell communication in immune responses and stimulate the movement of cells towards the site of infection and inflammation. Cytokines transmit signals for cell survival, differentiation, proliferation and functional activity. They boost anti-cancer activity by sending signals to kill …

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Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels – Types, Risks and Recovery

Overview   The skin plays a significant role in how the body normally functions and greatly affects the look of a person. Ageing and excessive sun exposure contribute to wrinkles, scars, pigmentation and uneven skin tones. Who wouldn’t prefer clear and flawless skin? Although being confident in one’s own skin is important, there are options …

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Bulimia Nervosa - Tamil

Bulimia Nervosa – Symptoms, Causes & Treatment

What is bulimia nervosa? Bulimia nervosa is a common eating disorder, and it is linked to mental health conditions that can be life-threatening. In most cases, people with eating disorders will be obsessed with the foods they eat. This can harm their health and lead to unwanted complications. People tend to consume large amounts of …

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