Health & Wellness


Vitamin E for Skin – Benefits, Ways to use, Side effects and more

It is known that vitamins are good for the body and the skin. But how much do we really know about vitamin E? We’ve probably noticed it in advertisements and skincare products, but we don’t realise how beneficial this antioxidant is to the epidermis. It is super good for most skin types. What is vitamin …

Vitamin E for Skin – Benefits, Ways to use, Side effects and more Read More »


Irregular Sleep-Wake Rhythm Disorder

Sleep is one of the most basic human requirements. Proper sleep is very much essential for many aspects of an individual’s health, including mood maintenance, hormone levels and weight management. Not everyone gets adequate sleep every day. Getting enough sleep regularly is a blessing. Sleep patterns have become erratic since the invention of electricity and …

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Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome

Obesity hypo-ventilation syndrome also known as Pickwickian syndrome, is a combination of disorders caused due to obesity. The syndrome increases the carbon dioxide levels in your blood and the oxygen levels become low in obese people. The excess fat deposited presses against the lungs, as a result you have difficulty in breathing. Not all obese people are affected by obesity hypoventilation syndrome. The syndrome affects the quality of life


12 Antioxidant-rich foods

Antioxidants are natural compounds found in some foods that help our bodies scavenge free radicals. Free radicals damage the cells in the body. Some antioxidant-rich foods include amla, beetroot, blueberries, spinach, broccoli, red cabbage, dark chocolate, strawberries, kale, beans and prunes.


Hyperpigmentation – Types, Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and more

Are you facing dark spot issues on your skin? Then, delve right into the article. When a certain part of the skin is darker than the other region, it is known as hyperpigmentation. Several factors can cause hyperpigmentation. Excessive sun exposure, melasma and inflammation of the skin are some of the common causes. What is hyperpigmentation? …

Hyperpigmentation – Types, Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and more Read More »

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