Can Hypothyroidism be cured permanently?

Can Hypothyroidism be cured permanently?

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Can Hypothyroidism be cured permanently?


The thyroid gland is present above the collarbones and in the front of the neck. This gland produces and releases T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine) hormones into the blood stream.

When the thyroid gland releases insufficient thyroid hormones into the bloodstream, Hypothyroidism is formed. Hypothyroidism is also called underactive thyroid. This condition slows down your body’s metabolism, makes you feel tired, gain weight and become intolerant to cold temperatures.

In other words, Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the thyroid gland, a butterfly-shaped organ located in the neck, does not produce enough thyroid hormones. These hormones play a crucial role in regulating the body's metabolism and energy levels.

Hypothyroidism in infants 

Hypothyroidism in infants is called neonatal Hypothyroidism or congenital Hypothyroidism. In this condition, low or no thyroid hormone is produced in infants. This condition is caused due to various reasons. Among them, a few common reasons are listed below.

  • Poor development of the thyroid gland
  • Pituitary gland fails to stimulate the thyroid gland

Hypothyroidism in teens 

The most common cause of Hypothyroidism in teenagers, especially in teen girls, is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis or autoimmune thyroiditis.

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system mistakes thyroid hormones as invaders and attacks them. This attack may cause inflammation of the thyroid and reduce the release of thyroid hormones into the bloodstream.

Once the thyroid hormone level drops to below normal level (Hypothyroidism), the pituitary gland produces more Thyroid Stimulating Hormones (TSH) to make the thyroid gland create and release more thyroid hormones. If the thyroid gland fails to respond to the TSH, the Hypothyroidism condition may lead to severe health complications.

Cause of Hypothyroidism 

Hypothyroidism due to Hypothalamic Damage 

Hypothyroidism caused due to hypothalamic damage and it is called central Hypothyroidism. The pituitary gland in the brain decides how much thyroid hormone to be released into the bloodstream. If this pituitary gland, hypothalamus or hypothalamic-pituitary portal circulation is damaged or fails to produce enough thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), it results in Hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism due to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis 

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder. In the case of autoimmune disorder, the immune system confuses normal healthy hormones with the invading pathogens.

During such rare cases, the immune system attacks the healthy tissues and causes severe health issues.

One such health issue is Hypothyroidism. This condition is more common in women than in men and children. It is also a hereditary condition which runs in families and increases the risk of Hypothyroidism in a family member.

Hypothyroidism due to thyroid 

The thyroid gland may be removed to treat thyroid nodules, grave’s disease or thyroid cancer. Removing the thyroid produces no thyroid hormones in the body resulting in Hypothyroidism. Without the regular intake of thyroid hormone replacements, the underactive thyroid may worsen the normal health condition.

Hypothyroidism due to nutrients deficiency 

Iodine deficiency inhibits the production of thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) and induces autoantibodies against the thyroid gland, which results in goitre.

Severe iodine deficiency causes Hypothyroidism resulting in impaired somatic growth in children. Most developed countries have minimised this deficiency by adding iodine to salt (iodised salt) and other foods.

How to cure Hypothyroidism? 

You can cure Hypothyroidism by the following ways.

Nutritious diet  

Iodine is necessary to produce thyroid hormones T3 and T4 . Selenium is also an essential mineral to maintain thyroid health. This mineral protects your thyroid gland from oxidative stress. Selenium rich foods include Brazil nuts, tuna, eggs and legumes.

Zinc is required for thyroid function and thyroid hormone production. The supplements for iodine, selenium and zinc are advised to take after your doctor’s consent.

Other than these minerals and vitamins, some other nutrients like vitamins C and A, proteins and calcium are important for those with Hypothyroidism.

People with Hypothyroidism must include foods like starchy and non-starchy vegetables, fruits, fish, eggs, poultry, meat, healthy fats, beverages and dairy substitutes in their daily diet. These foods are listed in detail as follows.

  • Fruits - Berries, apples, grapes, citrus fruits and bananas.
  • Non-starchy vegetables - Greens, zucchini, carrots, spinach and mushrooms.
  • Starchy vegetables - sweet potatoes, potatoes, and peas.
  • Healthy fats - Coconut oil, avocados, olive oil and full-fat yoghurt.
  • Dairy and non-dairy substitutes - Coconut milk, cashew milk, coconut yoghurt, unsweetened yoghurt and cheese.
  • Beverages - Water, unsweetened tea and coffee.
  • Meat, poultry, fish and eggs - Fish and shellfish, eggs, chicken and meat.  


Exercising will reduce the sluggishness in the body. Exercising at regular intervals is essential to reduce the risk of increased oxidative stress.


Supplements are used to balance the diet with all nutrients. The most common supplements are listed as follows.

Vitamin D is often neglected in the daily diet, so a vitamin D supplement can help produce thyroid hormones and improve thyroid function.

Vitamin B12 deficiency is related to an increased risk of stroke and Hypothyroidism. This vitamin is present in meat and animal products. People with digestive problems may opt for the supplement as their intestines may not absorb this vitamin from their food.

Supplements for iodine, zinc, and selenium are also prescribed by doctors as they play a significant role in thyroid function.

Reduce your stress 

Hypothyroidism is caused due to increased state of oxidative stress. This stress is an imbalance between the antioxidant defence systems and the production rate of reactive oxygen species. Hence, reducing the stress level is one of the good options to consider in preventing Hypothyroidism.

Limit blue light exposure 

Exposure to blue light (high-energy visible light) at night may cause thyroid problems, Diabetes, heart disease and obesity. Many research studies have proven that direct exposure to blue light will affect the conversion of T4 to T3.

This may lead to cause the symptoms of Hypothyroidism. It is crucial to know that excessive blue light exposure may reduce the T4 to T3 conversion even though the TSH levels are normal. Try to reduce your exposure to blue light to prevent Hypothyroidism.  


Hypothyroidism can be cured or treated with hormone replacement tablets called levothyroxine. This replacement acts as thyroxine hormone, which the thyroid gland failed to produce sufficient levels.

Can Hypothyroidism be cured permanently? 

Hypothyroidism may be cured permanently, but it depends on its actual cause. If Hypothyroidism is caused due to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, it can be treated with a synthetic hormone (levothyroxine).

The most common treatment for treating Hypothyroidism is thyroid hormone replacement therapy. Many Hypothyroidism cases may not require this treatment as it can go away on its own over time. This therapy also used to control the goitre (enlarged thyroid gland).

When to see a doctor?

Follow-up appointments with your doctor are required when you experience the symptoms of Hypothyroidism, including constipation, fatigue, intolerance to cold temperatures and depression. It is important to ensure the right dosage of the medication prescribed by your doctor because the dosage may change over time.


In conclusion, hypothyroidism is a common endocrine disorder that occurs when the thyroid gland is unable to produce sufficient amounts of thyroid hormones. Treatment for hypothyroidism typically involves using a synthetic thyroid hormone replacement medication, which is taken daily to replace the hormones that the thyroid gland cannot produce. With proper diagnosis and treatment, most individuals with hypothyroidism are able to lead normal, healthy lives.


Is Hypothyroidism a lifelong disease? 

Hypothyroidism can be reversed to a normal condition by following the doctor’s prescribed medication and certain lifestyle changes. Because most Hypothyroidism conditions are caused due to Hashimoto’s thyroiditis.

Can Hypothyroidism go back to normal? 

Yes, Hypothyroidism can go back to normal. In some Hypothyroidism cases, it can be resolved without treatment, and the symptoms may go away over time.

Is Hypothyroidism curable totally? 

Hypothyroidism is curable with medications and regular appointments with your physical practitioner.

What foods fix Hypothyroidism? 

Following foods may fix Hypothyroidism.
1. Fruits - Berries, apples, grapes, citrus fruits and bananas.
2. Non-starchy vegetables - Greens, zucchini, carrots, spinach and mushrooms.
3. Starchy vegetables - sweet potatoes, potatoes, and peas.
4. Healthy fats - Avocados, coconut oil, olive oil and full-fat yoghurt.


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