Eating Brinjal during Pregnancy

Eating Brinjal during Pregnancy

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Eating Brinjal during Pregnancy


A pregnant women must take the necessary steps to ensure to take a balanced diet. The health of the mother and child is strongly correlated. Therefore, additional care on foods to consume and avoid is to be noted. Let us focus on one particular food that pregnant women should be cautious about—eggplant.

Although research indicates that eggplants are a rich source of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients, Ayurveda believes that eating eggplant is harmful to human health.

Eggplant can be cooked, baked, fried or even made into chips. In addition to being delicious, it has health advantages like enhancing immunity and controlling cholesterol levels.

Aubergine or brinjal is a more common name for eggplant. An eggplant has an egg-like shape, has a glossy appearance and is purple in colour. Eggplants are loved by people all over the world for their many healthy advantages. They are high in carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins and minerals. But why is it considered harmful for pregnant women? 

Can you eat eggplant while pregnant? 

Due to its numerous health advantages, pregnant women are advised to consume it. Brinjal offers vitamin A and E, which aid in the growth of the foetus. Moreover, folic acid in brinjal, helps the growing foetus’ red blood cell production.

Eggplant or brinjal has heat-producing properties, which might cause abortion when taken in excess quantities and has side effects. During pregnancy, it is advised to consume eggplant in moderate amount for better results.

Benefits of Eggplant during pregnancy 

Enhances immunity

Vitamin C is found in abundance in brinjal and is known to boost the body’s resistance to numerous diseases. Brinjal is, therefore, beneficial for pregnant women as it protects them against health issues, ensuring the safety of both the mother and the unborn child.

Decreases risk of hypertension

Since pregnant woman is more prone to hypertension and blood pressure issues, eggplant is a suggested food to include in their diet. Thiamin, bioflavonoids and riboflavin present in eggplant help control hypertension. 

Brinjal protects pregnant woman from various health issues by maintaining and controlling heart rate and blood pressure levels.

Promotes fetus development

Pregnant women can consume eggplant to support the foetus’s development as they contain essential nutrients for foetal growth, including niacin and vitamins A, B, and E.

In addition, eggplant has minerals like copper, iron, potassium and manganese which support the maintenance of electrolytes and improve blood flow and haemoglobin.

Prevents birth defects

The folic acid found in eggplant is important for the foetus’s cognitive development and brain growth. Moderate consumption of eggplants will lower the risk of developing neural tube defects and other disorders.

Helps regulate cholesterol levels

Eggplant increases good cholesterol levels, known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL) and lower bad cholesterol levels, known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL). Eggplants improve a pregnant woman’s cardiovascular health and aid in reducing heart-related problems by managing cholesterol levels.

Helps regulate electrolyte balance

Minerals like magnesium, iron, potassium, copper, calcium, phosphorus, zinc and manganese are abundant in eggplant. Together, these minerals support the mother’s and the foetus’s blood supply regulation as well as the body’s electrolyte balance.

Helps treat digestive issues

Brinjal is high in dietary fibre, which facilitates the breakdown of food and waste in the intestines and reduces digestive problems in a pregnant woman.

Brinjal also promotes regular bowel movements, and treats constipation.

Helps keep a check on gestational diabetes

Pregnant women are more likely to develop gestational diabetes. Under such circumstances, it becomes difficult to control blood sugar levels. Eggplant manages blood sugar fluctuations by regulating blood sugar levels.

Blood pressure control

Women during their gestational period can include eggplant in their diet if they experience high blood pressure. In addition to lowering blood pressure and promoting heart health, bioflavonoids found in eggplant also reduce the incidence of pregnancy-related problems, including pre-eclampsia.

Increases RBC (red blood cell) count

Red blood cells are essential for foetal development due to their role in the growth of the baby’s muscles, brain cells and nerves, as well as their ability to provide adequate iron levels in both the mother and the child.

Folic acid, which is produced by the folate in brinjal, is required for pregnant women since folic acid is a necessary building block for the production of red blood cells.

Why should a pregnant woman avoid eggplant consumption? 

Premature delivery 

Toxoplasmosis, a substance that is absorbed in eggplants and, when taken by expectant mothers, is absorbed by the infant and raises the risk of premature birth. This component is usually present in the soil where eggplants are cultivated.


After eating eggplant, people frequently complain of skin allergies. Pregnant women are advised to avoid consumption of eggplant as it results in itching in the arms, legs and other parts of the body.

While consuming excessive amounts of brinjal, pregnant women may develop allergies. Brinjal may produce moderate irritation or rashes even if there isn’t a history of sensitivities to it. It is recommended not to eat brinjal if the mother has a vegetable allergy.


Brinjal also lead to acidity issues. Brinjal also causes acidity issues in pregnant women, which make them feel uneasy and restless. It is recommended to limit the brinjal intake during pregnancy.

How to include it in the diet? 

  • Before processing, wash eggplants under running water, remove the skins and soak them in warm salt water. Only eggplants with a smooth, firm-feeling outer layer should be purchased. 
  • Avoid eating raw eggplant and overcooking it.
  • Avoid purchasing vegetable that has wrinkly skin, waterlogging, odd colour. 

To ensure that brinjal offers more advantages than drawbacks, one should keep in mind the following recommendations.

  • Going out of your way to preparing a spectacular dish using brinjal is unnecessary. Our standard bharta or sabzi with roti or rice will do.
  • One can sauté thin slices of the vegetable in some olive oil to experiment or consume brinjal in a different method. Include additional vegetables with it. Add some herbs, salt and pepper.

Eggplant is a vegetable that is rich in nutrients that are healthy for the body and beneficial during pregnancy. Yet, eating too much might result in diseases like indigestion and raise the chance of premature birth. Therefore, pregnant women should include eggplant in their diet in moderation. 

Other foods to avoid during pregnancy 

Fish and seafood

One should avoid eating fish that contain high levels of mercury. The mercury may harm the brain and neurological system. Stay away from fish like marlin, shark, swordfish, walleye and tuna. Fish should never be eaten uncooked or undercooked.


Consuming unripe papaya during pregnancy can result in abortion and be very harmful. Papaya, which is still raw and unripe, contains latex, which can cause uterine contractions.


Foods prepared by adding ajinomoto or MSG (Monosodium glutamate) like fast foods should be avoided. It may have negative impact on foetus’ brain development.


Bromelain, a substance found in pineapple, can cause the cervix to soften, which may result in a failed labour or even a miscarriage.

Fenugreek Seeds

The seeds are known for being unsafe to expectant mothers since they can cause miscarriages. They possess characteristics that might trigger increased contractions. It could result in early births or even pregnancy termination.

Caffeinated drinks

Miscarriages and excessive coffee consumption have been connected. According to studies, 200 mg of caffeine per day is the recommended dose for pregnant women. Anything above that can be harmful, especially in the first trimester.


A pregnant woman should have a healthy diet that promotes optimal growth patterns. Moderation is the key, and prevention is always preferable to treatment. Therefore, limiting brinjal consumption is good for the health but not avoid it completely from the diet. 

According to Ayurveda, it is harmful to eat brinjal while pregnant since the vegetable’s phytohormones may induce menstruation and cause acidity. Consult with the doctor and consume eggplant. Also, limiting the quantity provides the required nutrients without causing any harm.


Is it safe to eat eggplant during pregnancy? 

The folic acid found in eggplant is important for the foetus’s cognitive development and brain growth. Moderate consumption of eggplants will lower the risk of developing neural tube defects and other disorders.

Why is brinjal not allowed during pregnancy? 

Toxoplasmosis and eggplant contribute to early labour and premature birth when consumed excessively. While pregnant, eggplant consumption can cause stomach distress and acid reflux.

Is brinjal good post-pregnancy? 

Brinjal and other nightshade vegetables are known to affect breast milk as well as cause digestion issues in the baby. Therefore, limiting consumption is helpful.

What are the side effects of brinjal? 

The most usual adverse effects of brinjal include throat irritation, body rashes, pain, and hoarseness. Speaking with a doctor is necessary when adverse reactions occur.


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