Fasting Benefits and Its Risks

Fasting Benefits and Its Risks

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Fasting Benefits and Its Risks


In the simplest terms, fasting refers to a period of time during which you totally or completely refrain from eating. At the same time, most fasts endure between 12 and 24 hours, and some last for several days at a time. In rare situations, during the fasting period, you may be permitted to drink water, tea, coffee or even consume a tiny bit of food.

Almost all major religions, including Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism, practise fasting. Hippocrates, who lived in ancient Greece, thought it promoted self-healing of the body. Many Muslims fast every day from sunrise to sunset for the whole month of Ramadan. This has given scientists a lot of knowledge about fasting, and the results are generally positive. Let's discuss advantages of fasting. We shall see fasting benefits for body. 

Fasting: What you should know 

What is fasting? What are the fasting benefits for health? Fasting has been practised for many years and is an important part of many cultures and religions, despite its current spike in popularity.

There are many ways to fast, defined as refraining from all or some foods or beverages for a predetermined length of time. The majority of fasts, in general, last between 24 and 72 hours.

Contrarily, fasting involves changes between times of eating and fasting for anywhere from a few hours and a few days at a time.

Fasting has demonstrated numerous health advantages, including faster weight loss and improved cognitive performance.

Types of fasting 

Fasting is not appropriate for everyone, including those suffering from or recovering from eating disorders, children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, persons with high energy needs (such as sports) and those suffering from certain medical ailments.

It's essential to choose a fasting method that fits your lifestyle if you want to give it a try.

5:2 fasting

You consume 500–600 calories daily on two of the seven days you fast while eating normally (but healthily) on the other five days. It can vary whether you should fast for two straight days or space them out and how these calories should be divided (for example, into two or three meals).

Alternate days

In this diet, one day would be spent eating regularly, followed by one day of fasting, and so on. Although strategies differ, some advise consuming about 500 calories on fasting days.

Whole day

The fast lasts for 24 hours. You only eat one meal a day, perhaps dinner. The Eat-Stop-Eat strategy, which promotes whole-day fasting once or twice a week, is one popular variation.


You only eat during a specific time each day, then fast for the rest of the day. For instance, on the 16:8 diet, you only eat for eight hours at a time and fast for 16 hours once or twice a week.


As the name suggests, this diet entails refraining from food for 12 hours at night while fasting primarily during sleep.

6 Health benefits of fasting 

Is fasting good for health? Let's discuss fasting benefits. Fasting is praised for its numerous health advantages and for its potential to aid certain individuals in controlling their weight. Take a look at these amazing six health benefits of fasting.

Blood Sugar Control 

According to several studies, fasting may help people effectively control their blood sugar, which may be specifically beneficial for people at risk for diabetes.

Your body's sensitivity to insulin can rise with decreased insulin resistance, enabling your body to get glucose from the bloodstream to your cells more quickly.

Fasting when combined with its potential blood- sugar lowering benefits also helps in reducing spikes and crashes in your blood sugar levels.


Most likely, you are aware of the link between chronic inflammation and an increased risk of developing chronic conditions, including diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.

You might be surprised to learn that one month of 12-hour fasts every day could be sufficient to reduce the levels of inflammatory markers in your body which  helps maintain the overall health of your body. Reduced inflammation falls under the dry fasting benefits. 

Heart health 

By lowering cholesterol, triglycerides and blood pressure, fasting may improve heart health. Heart disease is one of the leading causes of death worldwide, accounting for an estimated 31.5% of all deaths. One of the best ways to lower your risk of heart disease is to change your food and lifestyle.

Fasting may be advantageous for your heart health if you incorporate it into your regimen. Blood pressure, blood triglyceride, total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels were all significantly reduced by alternate-day fasting.

Growth hormone 

Increases the secretion of growth hormone, which is essential for development, metabolism, weight loss and muscle strength. A class of protein hormones known as human growth hormone (HGH) is essential to many aspects of your health. In fact, a vital hormone plays a major role in metabolism, fat reduction and muscular development. HGH levels could rise naturally while fasting.

HGH levels can be significantly raised after 24-hour of fasting. HGH production was five times more effective after a 2-day fast. Additionally, some studies have revealed that insulin can affect the release of HGH. Thus, fasting may assist in maintaining consistent blood sugar and insulin levels throughout the day, which further optimises the levels of HGH.

Weight loss 

Fasting helps people lose weight by cutting back on calories and increasing their metabolism. Many people who are dieting try fasting in an effort to lose weight.

Theoretically, limiting your intake of all or particular foods and drinks should lower your overall caloric intake, which can accelerate your weight loss over time. By raising norepinephrine levels, short-term fasting may increase metabolism, improving weight loss.

Over the course of 12 to 24 weeks, whole-day fasting can drastically lower body fat and reduce body weight by up to 9%. What 12 hours fasting benefits? Fasting is more successful than ongoing calorie restriction at causing weight loss.

In addition, compared to ongoing calorie restriction, fasting might result in higher decreases in body fat and belly fat. Weight loss comes under the benefits of intermittent fasting water and fasting benefits.

Brain function 

Fasting may improve mental health and ward against neurodegenerative diseases. It may have a significant impact on brain health. It may safeguard the brain's health and boost the production of new nerve cells to improve cognitive performance. It helps prevent neurological diseases because it also reduces inflammation.

Fasting may offer defence against and benefit from treatment for ailments including Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. However, more research is required to determine how fasting affects human brain function. Improvement in brain function is one of the benefits of fasting once a week. 

Risks of Fasting 

Dehydration is a typical side effect of fasting, partly because the body is not receiving any fluids from eating. Other people who are on a fasting diet should make sure they stay hydrated while fasting.

Fasting times can be challenging if you are used to eating breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. So, fasting may worsen stress levels and interfere with sleep. Headaches can also result from dehydration, hunger or a lack of sleep during a fasting period.

Heartburn can also result from fasting because it reduces stomach acid, which breaks down food and kills microorganisms. However, during periods of fasting, even thinking about food can cause the brain to signal the stomach to generate extra acid, which results in heartburn.


Fasting isn't all bells and whistles. It is understandable why many of us are setting aside our love of food to give fasting a try, given the possible health benefits that are generally acknowledged throughout the world. Improved sleep falls under 12 hours fasting benefits. Improved heart health comes under the benefits of fasting for a day. 

In short, there are many good reasons to try it. Just talk with your doctor first. Fasting can take different forms and can sometimes have negative side effects, so it's worth figuring out what type of fasting plan will work best for you and how to avoid or minimise any possible downsides.


How long should you fast? 

When you first begin fasting, it is best to stick to shorter periods, up to 24 hours. You should seek medical guidance if you want to extend your fasting time past 72 hours.

What is the best way to fast? 

Studies indicate that intermittent fasting is just as successful as typical calorie restriction techniques when it comes to losing weight and body fat. Compared to more conventional weight loss strategies like calorie restriction, it is also simpler to maintain.

What should you not do while fasting? 

Do not forget to drink water, exercise rigorously ,eat too much when you break your fast ,and fast without considering your medication.


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