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Types of nasal surgery

Types of nasal surgery

Undergoing nasal surgery not only depends on the nose’s appearance but also to cure a medical condition that has prevailed for too long. This blog will provide fundamental insights into the different types of nasal surgery available that are less invasive and aid in speedy recovery.

Signs of Fibre Deficiency 

Signs of Fibre Deficiency 

Everybody knows that it is essential to have a balanced diet. A balanced diet comprises all the nutrients the body needs to function appropriately without diseases. These components are proteins, minerals, water, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and fibres. When even one element is missing, it creates a building block of events inside the body. Fibre is an essential part of the food that is often ignored, leading to fibre deficiency. Many foods are rich in fibre, which can increase the fibre content in the body.

Sore Throat vs. Strep Throat: How to Tell the Difference 

Sore Throat vs. Strep Throat: How to Tell the Difference 

When faced with a sore and scratchy throat, deciding whether or not to visit a doctor is a common dilemma. If the cause of your discomfort is strep throat, it is advised to seek medical attention, as a doctor can prescribe antibiotics to alleviate your symptoms. However, if your sore throat is caused by a viral infection such as a cold, it is more likely that self-care remedies will effectively provide relief.  

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