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foods for winter season

Take Advantage of Best Foods to consume In Winter

The Winter season comes as a great relief after the scorching summer heat. However, winter cold also poses certain health risks. Our body is more susceptible to diseases during winter. It is important to incorporate foods that will strengthen your immunity. Here are some winter super-foods that would ensure we are naturally fortified with essential …

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One Human Family : An Insight to Cope up With a Global Pandemic

After 2020 and the experience of Covid-19, we are coming to terms with this collective experience worldwide.   Here, RUBY CARMEN shares some insights, inspirations, and suggestions for coping well in this extraordinary time. DEVELOP STRUCTURE AND ROUTINE In a lockdown, many of us have been given the gift of time. In a recent article …

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Positive effects of exercise & sports

Disclaimer: A medical clearance from a qualified doctor is mandatory before beginning an exercise program. Although exercise has health benefits, it also increases the risk of sudden cardiac death in individuals who have been diagnosed or undiagnosed medical conditions. ” Lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being,while movement and methodical physical exercise …

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How the younger generation benefits from health insurance?

Being healthy is nothing but being at your best, both physically and mentally. And being healthy leads the way to wellness and happiness. Right from the time we are young, good health and wellness should be among our top priorities. The millennials of today are well-informed and innovative. But are they conscious enough to understand …

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The 4 types of wellness for children

Wellness is an intervention that promotes a healthy lifestyle and prevents diseases. As you know, physical and mental well-being in children comes from healthy practices like physical activity, vaccination against diseases, proper nutrition, and a healthy social environment. The following areas are a great start for teaching children about wellness: Intellectual Wellness The best way …

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