Verified By Star Health Doctors

How the younger generation benefits from health insurance?

Being healthy is nothing but being at your best, both physically and mentally. And being healthy leads the way to wellness and happiness. Right from the time we are young, good health and wellness should be among our top priorities. The millennials of today are well-informed and innovative. But are they conscious enough to understand …

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The 4 types of wellness for children

Wellness is an intervention that promotes a healthy lifestyle and prevents diseases. As you know, physical and mental well-being in children comes from healthy practices like physical activity, vaccination against diseases, proper nutrition, and a healthy social environment. The following areas are a great start for teaching children about wellness: Intellectual Wellness The best way …

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Metamorphosis – A Doctor’s Journey Through Cancer

Fighting and being a survivor of 4th stage epithelial ovarian cancer, this is the story of the journey of my recovery from the disease. Cancer changes your life forever. My doctors weren’t very positive about my prognosis and the news weren’t encouraging. One doctor even told me I’d be in treatment forever – to live my …

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From the Diaries of a Doctor During the COVID Pandemic

While the flow of information and medical journal publications (be it from China, Italy or WHO) could not have been any better starting from the backend of 2019, nothing could have prepared us for what hit us in late March 2020. My hospital serves an inner city, a diverse population with high levels of social deprivation. In a matter of days, our hospital’s acute portal was overwhelmed by both the number and severity of the COVID cases. The …

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Coping with the Hazards of Gadget Addiction

Innovations and technological advancements have definitely established an easy access to things and information in our lives. The challenge is: Have we become over-dependent on gadgets that unknowingly we are addicted to them? Addiction is not just limited to a substance. The digital world of gadgets, like smartphones and computers, can be so intriguing that …

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