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Health insurance - Mental health coverage

Mental Health Coverage – Things to know

Until recently, people have been negligent about psychological and mental disorders. And for decades, people with mental illnesses have been stigmatised and victimised because of their condition. The passage of the Mental Health care Act of 2017 by the Indian government intends to protect the rights of those with mental health problems and provide them …

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Diet & immunity booster

Healthy diet during Covid-19 : How to Boost Your Immunity?

With COVID-19 persisting all over the world, having a strong immune system is more important than ever. That’s because your immune system defends against harmful pathogens such as bacteria and viruses that cause cold and flu.   However, unfortunately, no special diet or other lifestyle modification other than social distancing and proper hygiene practices can prevent …

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foods for winter season

Take Advantage of Best Foods to consume In Winter

The Winter season comes as a great relief after the scorching summer heat. However, winter cold also poses certain health risks. Our body is more susceptible to diseases during winter. It is important to incorporate foods that will strengthen your immunity. Here are some winter super-foods that would ensure we are naturally fortified with essential …

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One Human Family : An Insight to Cope up With a Global Pandemic

After 2020 and the experience of Covid-19, we are coming to terms with this collective experience worldwide.   Here, RUBY CARMEN shares some insights, inspirations, and suggestions for coping well in this extraordinary time. DEVELOP STRUCTURE AND ROUTINE In a lockdown, many of us have been given the gift of time. In a recent article …

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