Animal vs. Plant Protein: Balancing Benefits and Considerations for Optimal Health

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Animal proteins are complete proteins and plant proteins are incomplete sources of protein. To elaborate, animal proteins has all the the essential amino acids that are required in your diet however plant proteins are often, yet not always, incomplete sources of protein. 

There are both advantages and concerns with both types of protein. Nevertheless, diets which rely mostly on plants for protein have been assciated to a lower risk of heart disease, and early death.

Animal Protein Sources

  •   Eggs
  • Poultry
  •   Fish and seafood
  •   Lean meat
  •   Wild game
  •   Dairy products such as milk, yoghurt, and cheese

Typically, animal protein sources also provide other critical nutrients, such as vitamin B12 and a type of iron known as heme iron. Heme iron is more quickly absorbed than the iron present in plant foods, which is called non-heme iron.

Remember that some animal proteins are less nutritious than others. For instance, ultra-processed animal products like hot dogs & chicken nuggets are steeped in unhealthy fats and sodium and are not suitable for overall health.

Rather, choose nutritious sources of animal-based protein like whole eggs, salmon, turkey, chicken, and shellfish.

Plant Protein Sources

There are multiple sources of plant proteins; they are:

  •   Nuts
  •   Beans
  •   Legumes
  •   Quinoa
  •   Wheat
  •   Wild Rice
  •   Soybean Products Like Tofu, Tempeh, And Edamame
  •   Buckwheat
  •   Ezekiel Bread
  •   Nutritional Yeast
  •   Chia Seeds
  •   Hemp Seeds
  •   Spirulina

Ezekiel bread, quinoa, Spirulina, soybeans, Buckwheat,  nutritional yeast, chia seeds, and hemp seeds possess the complete amino acids, which makes them full protein sources. 

Other plant protein sources, like beans, legumes, wheat, nuts,  and wild rice, are too less in or missing one or more essential amino acids.

Nevertheless, because plant foods contain different amounts of varying amino acids, obtaining all the essential amino acids only through a plant-based diet is still achievable — it may require a little more effort.

Consuming a varied diet and combining plant proteins will ensure you receive all the necessary amino acids in your diet.

Some examples of complete protein combinations are hummus and pita bread, pasta salad with kidney beans and rice and beans.

Benefits of Plant Protein

The type of protein you consume may be more significant than the amount. Plant-based protein offers plenty of nutrients, antioxidants and fibre that can elevate your overall health. The benefits of a plant-based diet are:

Protect From Cancer:

Consuming a diet rich in plant foods lowers the cancer risk. Phytochemicals are substances present in plants that may help prevent cancer. A diet high in fibre may also assist you in controlling your weight and protecting your gut health. Obesity is a main risk factor for many diseases.

Protect From Heart Disease: 

A study highlights that people who followed a vegetarian or vegan diet were thirty per cent less likely to die from ischemic heart disease compared to people who consumed meat. Plant-based diets are less in iron, saturated fats and hormones.

Protect From Type 2 Diabetes: 

People who follow plant-based diets have lesser levels of type 2 diabetes compared to people who eat animal protein. People on plant based diets are also less likely to be overweight. However the lower risk of type 2 diabetes is prevalent among people of the same weight.

Protect From Stroke

A healthy plant-based diet may lower your risk of having a stroke by ten per cent. A health diet includes lots of leafy greens, whole grains, beans, a few refined grains and added sugars.

Particular Concerns About a Plant-Based Diet

It is essential to eat a wide variety of health plant foods to get the benefits of a plant-based diet. A plant-based diet that consists of a lot of processed foods and added sugars won’t give sufficient nutrition. On the plant-based diet, you need to make sure you get adequate vitamin B12, zinc, protein, vitamin D and calcium.

Benefits Of Animal Protein

Animal protein contains some health benefits. People who consumed low-fat sources of animal protein such as fish and Poultry instead of red meat had a:

  •   Less risk of heart disease
  •   Less risk of type 2 disease
  •   Less risk of stomach, pancreatic, colorectal, and pancreatic cancer
  •   Better weight management

Downsides Of Animal Protein

A study highlighted that people eating unprocessed and processed red meat has been associated with a shorter lifespan. Eating one extra serving of unprocessed red meat each day elevates your risk of death by 13%. Eating an additional serving of processed red meat increases your risk of death by 20%.


Plant- and animal-based proteins are nutritious and complementary. They can be part of a well-balanced diet. Even though there are some differences, the better choice for you relies on your dietary goals. Opting from a variety of options from either or both sources will guarantee you get all the nutrients you require, including protein.


1. Can you build muscle on plant protein?

Plant protein can help you to build muscle. In addition to building muscle, plant-based foods can help decrease the risk of heart disease, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Improve immune function, sleep and digestive health.


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