Adolescent Development- Physical and Mental Changes

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What is adolescence?

Adolescence is an important stage of life. It is a transition between childhood and adulthood. During the transition, there will be rapid development in the brain and the body.

The development of each individual will take place at a different pace. It is usually a healthy exploration; in some cases, teens may find it difficult or challenging due to these rapid changes.

Teenagers experience psychological, physical, intellectual, and social changes when they develop. It is important that every adult go through puberty and undergo certain changes in life. Additionally, the child becomes independent, and they begin to explore their identity.

Physical and mental changes during adolescence

Physical changes are the first thing to expect during adolescence. After puberty, the secondary sexual organs develop. Apart from secondary sexual organ development, the height and weight of an individual also grow.

Some individuals may mature early, whereas others may take a longer time. When the development is at a peak stage, it can be distressing, and some may end up in depression.

When an individual hits puberty, their brain will release certain hormones, which help in the development of secondary sexual organs. They will experience a growth spurt, leading to rapid weight and height development.

Usually, girls and adolescents assigned female at birth (AFAB) experience an earlier growth spurt compared to boys and adolescents assigned male at birth (AMAB).

Generally, girls and adolescents assigned female at birth will experience a growth spurt between 10-14. Boys and adolescents assigned male at birth will experience a growth spurt between the ages of 14-17.

Adolescents and AFAB as early as 10 will tend to develop breasts. The first menstruation for girls will occur two years after breast and pubic hair development, i.e., when they become noticeable.

On the other hand, boys and AMAB will experience testicles and penis growth. They will experience ejaculations and erections for the first time. These are the common physical changes an adolescent may experience. However, the order and age may vary.

If puberty hits early or late for boys and girls, it is advised to consult your doctor, as it will impact bone growth and development. Physical development will also have an impact on emotions.

Emotional changes

When a child goes through the adolescent stage, emotions can affect the child’s self-esteem. Teens who attain adolescence early or late become more conscious about their bodies and try hard to fit in with their peers. In this process, their self-esteem may get affected.

During these stages, it is important for a parent to support their kids. Avoid helicopter parenting or a snow plough parent, who tends to move away the obstacle from their child’s path.

Support your kid in such a way that they are able to face their own fears. It is also important not to let them lose. Check on them at regular intervals. This type of parenting will help the kids enhance their decision-making skills, and they will learn and evolve as good human beings.

The most challenging part of adolescence is that to learn to accept who they are. An adolescent will develop self-esteem by the following list.

  • Learning from their mistakes
  • Making mistakes and
  • Accounting responsible for their mistakes.

Identity development

Identity is important for all, and during the adolescent stage, every individual will discover their personality and build a connection with others. We can say a teen is on their positive self-identity by their life perspective and how their life gets shaped.

By reinforcing these points, you can encourage your kid to develop a positive identity.

  • Praising their good choices.
  • Inspire perseverance.
  • Encourage their efforts.

Can ADHD develop in adolescence?

Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) can be diagnosed early in childhood. However, in some cases, the diagnoses will not occur till adolescence or adulthood.

When teens are left undiagnosed with ADHD, they may struggle with the symptoms when they enter adulthood. Other problems include unrecognised learning disorders or different ways to process certain things. Falling in their education can also be a symptom of ADHD.

How can parents support healthy adolescent development?

Adolescence is hard for children and can be a testing period for parents. However, if both parents and children make certain efforts, then the adolescent development period will be easy for both children and parents. Some of the below-listed points may help.

  • When children want to talk, give them undivided interaction. Refrain from getting distracted or doing any other work when they intend to talk.
  • Listen to your children calmly and what they are going through. Try to understand their point of view and reflect.
  • Talk to your child pleasantly. Your tone of voice will be important as it establishes the mood of the conversation.
  • When your child is sharing their personal feeling, try to judge them. Try to be an approachable or open parent.
  • When they ask silly questions, do not laugh and humiliate them. Instead, make them understand the situation.
  • Do not try to judge their opinion and ideas. Instead, encourage them to test their new ideas.
  • If your child lacks self-confidence, help them regain it. Encourage participation in your child’s interest.
  • Make efforts to comment on your child’s actions. Focus on good things and appreciate them for doing the good thing.
  • Make your child as part of decision-making. This makes them feel they are being included and not secluded.

What can adolescents do during this time?

As mentioned earlier efforts should be from both sides.

  • Try not to look at your parents as enemies.
  • Understand that your parents are also human beings with their insecurities.
  • Listen to your parents and try to understand the situation from their point of view.
  • Be transparent with your parents and share everything with them. This will help them understand you better.
  • Be responsible at home and school. And talk to your parents courteously and considerate like you talk to your friends.

Nutrition and Physical Fitness

When children grow and develop, they will require proper nutrition and energy. Consuming foods rich in nutrients is essential for growth. Skipping meals or consuming food lesser than required for the body can cause stunted growth.

During adolescence, teens will have extreme nutritional issues like eating disorders or obesity. Both these eating disorders will have an impact on the body.

Research states that children and adolescents should have 60 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous activity. Lack of exercise can lead to obesity and other health issues.

Apart from physical activity, food also plays an important role in adolescent development. Consuming foods rich in high fats and calories can also lead to obesity.

The most common eating disorders are anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. Anorexia is characterised by consuming food very little and exercising excessively, whereas bulimia nervosa is characterised by binge eating. Research states that girls are twice as likely to get affected by eating disorders compared to boys.


Adequate sleep is important for healthy adolescent development. Adolescents should get about nine hours of sleep for optimal physical and cognitive development.

Their internal clock will also shift according to their body, making them go to bed late and sleep till morning. During this stage, their academic and social demands may also be a reason to go to bed late.

These things can lead to sleep deprivation, which can cause depression and mood regulations, when teens tend to drive cars or bikes, depriving them of sleep. It can lead to significant accidents.   

Psychosocial Development

When teens attain adolescence, they tend to take decisions of their own. This can give an intention that they are moving out of the family. These actions can be challenging for the adolescent’s family and for the adolescent to maintain a relationship with others.

This development will help them identify who they are. Additionally, they will also have complex thinking abilities, tend to see things differently, and have different opinions.

Problems related to self-esteem and self-worth are common at this stage as they also experience physical changes and development. Thus this time can help them establish their autonomy and to figure out their identity. It can be a perfect time to think about and plan for their future.


Adolescence is a complex stage of life, and teens tend to identify themself during this process. They will undergo physical, mental and emotional changes, which can sometimes be difficult for their family members to handle.

It is a crucial stage as teens will be in their transition from childhood to adulthood. As parents, it is important to concentrate more on teens and help them discover themselves.


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