Benefits of Adding Coconut Sprouts to Your Diet

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What is Coconut Sprouts?

When coconuts are harvested at six to seven months (tender coconut), they are used for coconut water. when they are harvested at twelve months, it is for their meat, and when they are harvested a few months later, the sprouting process takes place. After the outer layer becomes dry and the coconut falls to the ground naturally, the seed fills up the coconut, absorbing all the water and meat. So when the shell is opened, we see a light yellow edible ball of spongy solid mass that is called the coconut ‘apple’. The texture of the interior portion of the sprout is spongy but doesn’t melt when you put it in your mouth. It is very soft and a little chewy. The yellow tint on the surface tastes earthy and slightly bitter, and the white foam inside tastes subtly sweet. 

Benefits of Coconut Sprouts

When one has bleeding disorders like heavy bleeding during periods or nasal bleeding, having coconut sprouts can be beneficial. They help in balancing hormones as the fatty acids present in them create, process and eliminate progesterone and estrogen. 

They act as an immunity booster as they are a great source of vitamin C and are rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

It reduces the effect of diabetes by promoting and improving insulin secretion.

It aids in dissolving kidney stones as coconut sprouts are rich in minerals. Hence, they can be added to the diet of people suffering from urinary tract problems.  

Coconut sprouts are rich in fibre, which is great for gut health, digestion and regular bowel movement. It cleans the digestive tract overall. 

Coconut embryos are filled with enough nutrients. Hence, it resolves hunger and keeps the stomach full. It helps promote weight loss and boosts the metabolic rate. 

Coconut embryos prevent dehydration and help the body cool down during summer. It is also a great food to have when one has dysentery or diarrhoea with blood in the stool, which is generally caused by heat. 

It lowers cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of heart attack by reducing the chances of blood clots

Coconut embryo has anti-ageing properties, hence preventing symptoms of pre-ageing, such as fine lines, wrinkles, drooping skin, and age spots.

They are abundant in minerals and vitamins like vitamin C, vitamin B1, B3, B6, B5, potassium, iron, calcium, phosphorous and many more.

Due to the presence of phytonutrients and antioxidants, coconut embryos might possess anti-inflammatory properties. Reducing chronic inflammation might have long-term benefits as they are associated with various health issues. 

Coconut sprouts are filled with minerals, which include potassium. Potassium helps maintain healthy blood pressure levels. Hence, this might reduce hypertension and support cardiovascular health. 

Electrolytes are known to prevent dehydration and maintain the body’s fluid balance, and coconut sprouts naturally contain an abundance of electrolytes like potassium. This makes them a good option to stay hydrated


Coconuts have always been seen as a culinary ingredient, apart from this tender coconuts have been an obvious drink to stay hydrated in the summer. The lesser identified and known part of the tree is sprouted coconut. They are rich in nutrients and encompass the same hydrating properties as the tender coconut. They are soft, chewy and are subtly sweet. 


1. What is the difference between coconut and sprouted coconut?

Regular coconuts have firm flesh inside, they are fibrous, and have less sweet water inside, but have a strong flavour. On the other hand, sprouted coconuts are soft on the inside; their water tastes sweeter, has a nutty undertone, and the flesh tastes mild. 

2. When to eat sprouted coconut?

Coconut sprouts are mostly eaten when they are small and fresh. This is because the older the sprouts get, the more rancid and soapy they taste. 

3. How long does a coconut sprout?

It might take up to four months before the shoot can be seen. A single cotyledon grows inside the cavity during germination. It first forms the root on the underside and later forms the shoot above after two weeks. 


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